Washington weather has been limiting thus far. Big time rain. The result of tropical storm Andrea, although it was reported that Andrea itself missed Washington.
Whatever, the only tourist thing I did was the Holocaust Museum. A four hour exploration.
Eerie best describes what I experienced.
I did the three floors of the permanent exhibition. It starts with Hitler’s rise to power. It ends with a post World War II film of some who survived. In between, sick living hell.
Part of the exhibit included a railroad car used to transport Jews to Auschwitz. You are required to walk through it. The most eerie of the eerie. I felt like I was a part of what occurred in that railroad car. I had to get out!
Yesterday was the day I normally write next week’s KONK Life column. I did it after visiting the Holocaust Museum. The title: Dark Moments In Human History. Inspired by the Museum trip.
The thrust was man did not learn from the Holocaust that genocide is a no no. There have been many genocides since. Some ongoing at the present time. The killing never ends. It is inherent in man’s nature to kill.
Still limited by the weather, I enjoyed a late lunch in the hotel. A grilled cheese sandwich. Tasted like the ones my mother used to make for me.
The weather dictated my choice of a restaurant last night. I had not been in Washington long enough to know where to go. I opted to do Morton’s Steakhouse. The last time I was in one was 15 years ago in Cleveland. It was good then and I hoped still good today. It was also near the hotel.
I was not disappointed. Fifteen years later and the same quality and ambiance. It was a filet mignon with hash browns and creamed spinach. To die for!
It was still early when I finished. I stopped in the Marriott’s bar. Glad I did. A terrific place. A big long bar. Full of happy tourists and conventioneers. I had a couple of drinks and enjoyed the company of those around me.
Today the Smithsonian.
I looked out the window. I am in heaven. The fifteenth floor. The bad weather seems to have passed. The sun is breaking through.
I note this morning another shooting. In Santa Monica, California. Five killed and more wounded. When will enough be enough? When will we learn?
Enjoy your Saturday!