How fortunate Steve Thompson is around to recall the Key West of earlier times. He shared a bit of Mel Fisher’s early days on the island.
Mel and Deo were always smiling. They were Chart Room regulars since arriving.
Mel was a real go-getter. Always working. He spent his whole life treasure searching. His office, a Spanish galleon, moored right off Front Street. If he could keep it afloat, it was really neat.
If you were a diver in the 70’s, likely you worked for Mel’s crew. If you weren’t, he would show you just what to do.
He was tall, had a low voice, and everyone loved him. He liked to talk, a natural born salesman.
It was another 10 years till they found the Atocha. I think everyone who knew him, could hear him say, “I told ya.”
Affordable housing an ongoing problem. Not just in Key West. All over the country. Greed the primary cause. Story for another day.
Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava has come up with what she believes is a solution. I do not agree with her. Government/taxes cannot support everything.
Her solution wants to provide $10 million in an effort to lower rents. She would subsidize landlords. If a rent was $3,000 per month, the City would pay a $2,000 a year subsidy to the landlord. Breaks down to $167 per month.
The proposal should be killed now, in its initial steps. It short due course, it will not really be a help to tenants. It would serve as a rip off benefitting landlords.
Key West has been home to many successful businesses over the years. They came, grew, succeeded and then for business reasons moved elsewhere. Cigar manufacturing an example. In 1906, there were 40 cigar factories staffed by 2,000 plus employees.
It’s Syracuse/Connecticut saturday. Kick off 4 pm at Connecticut.
Syracuse a 22.5 point favorite. Wow!
Putin does not care. He’ll inflict danger, pain and suffering everywhere and anywhere to achieve his goals.
He has renewed Russian bombing near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. The plant’s neighboring community is Enerhordor. It serves the nuclear plant. Already the communty is suffering from new fires and has lost its entire electrical supply.
Enjoy your day!
Why can’t those stupid Ukranians have easier to pronounce city names. If they wand our sympathies and our dollars they should make things easier for us in the rest of the world to understand.