If the quality of the debate was the deciding factor between the Republicans and Democrats, the Democrats would win going away.
Last night was a for real political debate. Not dominated by showman Donald Trump. Issues actually discussed. Everyone at ease and kumbaya.
Hillary was great! I was impressed! She handled the debate well. Sounded and appeared Presidential.
Bernie Sanders likewise impressive. Bernie has a problem, however. Revolution. He speaks of it too much. Actual and political become mixed. His thoughts generally appealing. However, he is not Presidential timber from my perspective. Not even Vice-Presidential. His place is in the Senate where he would be capable of carrying on the fight.
Friend Howard Livingston and his Mile Marker 24 band out with a new CD. Sell Your Stuff Keep The Dog Live On An Island. I look forward to listening to it. Howard is the greatest! Personally and professionally.
Spent a bit of time yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Confusion and chaos my opening theme. Confusion and chaos in the Republican Party and at the Synod in Rome.
Did some reading. Re the Catholic Church Bishops Synod and the issues and pressures involved. Interesting. Pope Francis has his hands full with the dogmatic old timers.
Per my usual tuesday custom, dinner at Roostica. Olga waited on me. Lovely. From one of the former Soviet Union countries.
Everyone going south! Not just people. Hawks and Monarch butterflies. In recent days, both have been seen over Key West in large numbers. The hawks going south, the butterflies to Mexico.
Beer is big money! Anheuser Busch and Miller #s 1 and 2 in beer sales. Two giants. They merged in effect. A friendly takeover. Anheuser Busch bought Miller for $106 billion.
Enjoy your day!
I wonder how many noticed how differently the 2 debates were run. But, what else can be expected from CNN.
hillary did carry the night, which is pathetic. sanders and his ‘free’ $18 trillion entitlement programs are beyond absurd. Just my opinion.
But, this country is currently in a socialist mode. I guess most don’t pay attention to what has happened to such countries.