No question, Key West has its share of characters. Generally locals.
The description character not meant to be disparaging. It merely reflects the unique nature of Key West society.
Don’s Place is a venue where the conversation merits recognition. Perceptive, interesting, amusing, etc.
Ten years ago, I told don we should put together a show. One originating from Don’s Place. I suggested a corner of the outside bar. Light it up. Place several customers at the corner. Have them talk for two hours. Nothing special. whatever they chat about normally. Film it all.
The two hour film would be edited to a half hour. Then we would try to get it aired on TV.
A guaranteed winner!
Don said no. I could not convince him.
Someone has finally decided to try it. Take advantage of the unique snappy dialogue that can be found among Key West locals.
The Dive Shop on Northern Boulevard is behind the move. The creators Tom Jackson, a 30 year Key West resident and Rich Vaughan, a former Key West resident now living in New York City.
The stars Key West stereotypes. Played by locals and New York actors. The title Lost Reef Adventures.
Shooting begins July 27.
Good luck, guys!
My day yesterday began with an early afternoon manicure with Tammy. Fortunate I had an appointment. Standing room only Saturday afternoons for nails.
Then to Urgent Care to have my back x-rayed. I still have pain in the ball on my left foot. Beginning to bother my left calf because I favor my left foot. The pain is less every day, however.
Diana Millikan back in town!
We had dinner together last night at the Waterfront Brewery.
Diana has leased a small condo on Northern Boulevard for a year. She will be playing a snowbird. Back and forth. Present trip till late this month.
Good conversation. Diana is a devoted Trump supporter. One of the blind. She refuses to see. The man is crazy.
Why England three times with the terrorists in three months? Strange. Whatever, I hope the terrorists remain on the European side of the Atlantic.
The pending English elections might be the reason. Next thursday. Could it be the terrorists are trying to show that Theresa May is not doing a good job in protecting the English people?
If so, they have failed. She and her team have come up a winner each time following an attack.
The 19th Amendment was passed this day around 1918. Gave women the right to vote.
I am a student of history. I find it amazing that men have always tried to keep women down. Treat them as second class citizens.
Women have had to fight every step of the way. They still are fighting men who oppose their right to control their own bodies.
The wives of such political leaders should deny their husbands marital rights for a period each time they do some asinine anti-female thing.
George Washington was not always a winner.
Young George was 22 and a Lieutenant Colonel in 1754. Helped build Fort Necessity in the Ohio Valley. A shack more than a fort.
The concern was for the French Canadians coming down and trying to take over what was then a British Ohio Valley.
Washington was unable to defend the makeshift Fort Necessity. He surrendered to the French and their Indian friends.
The defeat blossomed into the Seven Years War which began two years later.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Lou, regarding the recent London attack, you said: “I hope the terrorists remain on the European side of the Atlantic.”
Your hope will not be realized if the black-robed majorities of the Fourth and Ninth Circuit Courts of Appeal have their way.
Tom, your comment shows a poor understanding of these issues and of reality. Judicial decisions of poor blanket immigration rules are NOT what will keep terrorists from this side of the Atlantic. Due diligence and GOOD leadership regarding both immigrants and home grown terrorists are what will reduce any increased risk. Stop the Fox News scare tactics and get real.
Michael, if by “due diligence” you mean proper and effective vetting of prospective immigrants, then we are in agreement. That’s the only thing that will keep the terrorists, to use Lou’s phrase, “on the European side of the Atlantic.”
Not sure what you meant by “poor understanding.” I have read the Fourth Circuit decision (all opinions including those of the Chief Judge, the concurring judges, and the opinion of the three dissenters). Have you? If not, you can read it all here:
Also not sure what you meant by the “Fox News” reference. I don’t watch it.
“Washington was unable to defend the makeshift Fort Necessity. He surrendered to the French and their Indian friends.”
I have visited Fort Necessity and even today it is in a very remote and wild place. Back when Washington was there with the militia and British regulars, I can easily see how they were overwhelmed. Honestly, if the French had not been there a bloodbath of scalping would have occurred no doubt if you read the accounts. As it was they were humiliated and lost almost all their equipment upon their retreat following surrender.
Louis, tell us more about you invented the concept of reality TV. Was the Key West installment of MTV’s Real World also one of your ideas?
Reality TV? Not me. MTV house across the water from me. 300 feet. Not my idea. Andrew Lippe, who now lives in Switzerland, owns the house. He leased it to MTV for 3 months so they could do the show.
Oops, misunderstood your inquiry. I understand what you mean by reality TV. The reason I suggested the show is the crazy dialogue that went on all the time at Don’s Place. Pure entertainment!
So you’ve also mastered sarcasm?
Not intended as sarcasm. Check out my blog page. Designed with “author’s” name first in big bold caps: KEY WEST LOU. Below in smaller caps, title of the blog: My Life In Key West.
I just decided to catch up. It was probably a mistake and going to be more of what Diana would call my lies and bad judgement, but, I have to chuckle. just who really is it that refuses to see.
Glad to have you back, Patrick. I was beginning to worry about you. Thought illness might have overcome you. I stand ready to receive your barbs!
Well, I’m fine and on the mend. So, the barbs may start flying once again.