The humidity envelops. Swallows a person. Thank God for air conditioning.
Yesterday was Sunday.
I started with an early morning breakfast at Pepe’s. Never ate breakfast there before. Dinner, yes.
Ham and eggs. Delicious. Especially the ham. A ham steak. About a quarter of an inch thick and huge.
It is claimed that Pepe’s is the oldest restaurant in Key West. Key West was the home port of pirates back around the 1700s. The story is that the pirates would meet at Pepe’s to plan their raids.
Then home to work with Sloan. There are too many pictures of my trip. Six hunded. Trying to narrow the number and organize them by location and event is a task. A tedious process. It is taking a lot of time. I want it correct, however.
Spent some time by the pool in the sun. Actually in the pool. The humidity was overbearing. I probably stayed out all of a half hour. I could not take it.
Lisa came over. To escape the humidity. To swim. She chatted a while in the shade of the tiki hut with Donna and Terri.
Last night was barbecuse night at the Yacht Club. Donna, Terri, and me.
We had a couple of drinks at the bar first. Kate Miano came in. Love her! She is the proprietor of the successful Gardens Hotel. Always has a hug and kiss for me. For every one actually. I like to think it is for me only.
Tosh was at the bar. At least two years since I had seen him. He has been away.
Tosh is short for Jon McIntosh. He is an artist of significant stature.
The barbecue was excellent. Especially the beef brisket.
I returned home after dinner. The girls went out. They were heading for the Monkey Bar first. Wherever they were, they must have had a great time. I woke when they came in at four this morning. Theatre people have strange hours.
Enjoy your day!