The Olympics are divided into two groups. The Ancient Olympics which began in 776 B.C. and ended in 393 A.D. The Modern Olympics began in 1896. It is the Modern Olympics that we know today. The most recent will be the Paris Olympics which begin July 26th.

Some surprising facts regarding the Ancient Olympics.

All athletes competed naked. Many covered their bodies in oil.

Corporal punishment awaited those guilty of a false start on a track.

Boxers were to avoid attacking the on-display male genitals. Boxing did not have weight classifications nor time limits.

Athletes in combat sports could indicate their surrender by raising their index finger. Some failed to do so and died as a result.

The games a bit different back then. I am not sure why they became unpopular and ceased.

July 16 an historical fact day.

Anti-Semitism disgustingly old. For example, in 1099, the “good” Crusaders drove the Jews of Jerusalem into a synagogue and set it afire.

Pandemics cause procedures to be implemented that hopefully will stop them. Governments initiate means to bring epidemics to an end. In 1439, England banned kissing to stop the spread of the Black Death.

John Adams, second U.S. President and a Founding Father of the U.S., was a Harvard graduate. He graduated in 1755.

One for baseball fans. John McGraw officially became manager of the New York Giants major league  baseball team in 1902. His tenure lasted 30 years till 1932.

On this day in 1940, Adolph Hitler ordered preparations for the invasion of Britain. Known as Operation Sea Lion. As we all know, it failed.

The first test of the detonation of an atomic bomb took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico, as part of the U.S. Manhattan Project. The explosion took place on July 16, 1945.

All good things must come to an end. Like the last Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus under a covered tent. Such occurred this day in 1956.

On this day in 1965, the Mont Blanc Road Tunnel between France and Italy opened. I drove the tunnel many times. It took “forever” and had an intimidating feeling.

One of the U.S.’ greatest Presidents, Ronald Reagan, was nominated for Presidnet by the Republican Party in Detroit this day in 1980.

The Three Tenors, Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti, performed in Los Angeles this day in 1994. An estimated 1.3 billion viewers watched worldwide.

On this day in 2018, Donald Trump accepted the word of Russian President Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence services about Russia meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, in an interview after the two leaders’ Helsinki Summit. This is an example of things that bother me about Trump. He is to easy to rely on dictators. Seems free to accept their representations to him.

The Trump assassination attempt occurred July 13, 2024.

On July 15, 2024, the Republican Convention sitting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, nominated Donald Trump for President and J.D. Vance for Vice President.

A local item of interest.

A shark bite in Key West waters.

A spear fisherman on a nearby reef was trying to get his catch back to his boat when a bull shark bit him two times in the leg yesterday around 1:40 pm. He was brought to Stock Island from which he was airlifted to a Miami Hospital.

The victim was alert and responsive during the airlift. Nothing further is known, including his identity.

Enjoy your day!


The assassination attempt last night was inevitable. Only surprised me in one fashion. I have been waiting for a MAGA crazy to attempt killing Biden.

Whoever really immaterial. Toxicity has no place in American politics. We have reached a dangerous place in American politics. One we should not want.

I now will be waiting for the next bullet to be shot. This one at Biden. Some whacked out Republican believing he has to get even for the shots fired at Trump.

I blame Trump for the shooting. He has riled up voters in this country to expect the worst and perpetrate the worst. January 6 being a worst example. His strategy backfired this time. A crazy Democrat believed it necessary to take things into his own hands.

The shooting does not change things. Keep in mind a Trump victory will mean a different country. Violence will be common place and accepted. Turmoil will rule the day. Trump has already told us the many changes he will make. Hitlerism will be a part of our daily lives. Why can’t everyone understand that?

Ruth Wertheimer died at 96. A well known sex therapist known to millions as “Dr. Ruth.”

Frank in her responses. She was a fireball. Did not beat around the bush. Interesting coming from a woman only 4 feet 7 inches tall.

A Holocaust survivor, she became the prominent sex therapist in the U.S. in the 1980’s and continued to be such for the next 30 years.

Another old timer has passed on. Richard Simmons. Only 76.

He ignited the fitness revolution in the 1980’s. He did a TV show. Viewers exercised with him. I did it for a couple of years.

He helped many with his program.

So much for Sunday. Enjoy your day!


Joe Biden is being kicked around mercilessly. Very few are speaking in support of him. His “loyal supporters” are deserting him.

Let this little guy in Key West tell you what he thinks. Things he believes many ordinary Americans believe.

Henry David Thoreau wrote Walden. Something we all know. He wrote a phrase therein to the effect that men build great buildings, but forget to put in the floors. I tried to find the actual quote. Could not. The thrust remains in my mind from my college English literature days however. His passage has been modernized over the years. Today recalled as…..Men build great buildings, but forget to put noble men in them.

From Washington, D.C. to Italian communities to legislative halls across America the modernized version applies. The “nobles” are not within the great structures erected. The “nobles” being those who are abandoning Joe Biden. Cowards one and all.

Winston Churchill was in a similar position as Biden when Hitler began bombing London. English political leaders wanted a peace arrangement entered into with Germany. They feared the destruction being heaped upon them and could not forget how many of their young men were lost in World War I. 

Churchill stood tough and refused to capitulate. England won their end of the war.

Goodness is a feature lacking in many of our leaders today. They are whores. Many corrupt on both sides of the aisle. Many lacking in basic values. Such is not Joe Biden. A good man! Honest and forthright. Which brings me to another Thoreau quote. One I came across while searching for the one I did not find: “Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”

We want as our next President a person embellished with goodness. Biden is such a person. He has exhibited such throughout his political career. Can you say, even slightly intimate, that Trump is good?

There are 264 Democrats and those voting Democrat in the House. Thus far 22 have opted to dump Biden. I would not want these 22 following me up a hill in a battle. Thirty others are expressing doubts as to Biden’s electability. I would not want them behind me in battle either. The numbers leave about 140 circumspect.

Biden spoke yesterday before a crowd in Detroit. His talk was interrupted many times with “Don’t You Quit!”

These are the people who will decide the election. Not puffed up politicos. Let the people speak! At the election in November.

Biden is another Churchill in many respects. You don’t throw the towel in. You fight the fight.

There are two things I believe should be done and done now.

The first involves newspapers, periodicals and the media in general. They should endorse their candidate of choice. No pussy footing around till the last minute. Cease the nit picking of Biden. Let everyone know whether they stand with Biden or Trump. We know the few who will stand with Trump. I cannot believe the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, and CBS would. Americans should be made aware that their reporter nit picking is not how they feel. Waiting to the last minute to endorse Biden helps Trump. Those who ultimately will support Biden should put their money where their mouths are now!

The second involves how the media has been treating Trump since the debate. He is getting a pass. Can you believe? The most corrupt individual to ever run for President is getting a free ride. Only Biden being discussed and killed in the process. The bad guy is Trump. Media attention should be directed at him also.

Trump’s “debate victory” should not mean Trump’s fitness for the office of Presidnet is not an issue. The media should examine his capabilities, etc. as they are Biden’s. It’s called “fair.”

There is a bottom line the media and many Americans are forgetting and/or avoiding discussing. Biden stands for strong American leadership, Trump appeasement. Biden for democracy, Trump dictatorship.

Why is the preceding so hard to understand?

Enjoy your day!


I watched the Biden interview last night. I was impressed with the way Biden handled it.  Detailed responses. The first time many Americans may have been made aware of the day to day routine of being President. The work that goes into it. Biden was at the top of his game.

Yes, he made 2 or 3 faux pas along the way. Minor ones. No one is perfect. Not even a President. Nothing significant, however.

Biden also made it clear he did not intend to “surrender.” He is in the race!

I was anxious to hear the news persons following the show. I assumed they would be laudatory of Biden. Since I watched the interview on NBC, I stayed with NBC and its top reporters.


NBC’s best were two bit hacks. They nit picked everything Biden said. I could not believe it. They were making something out of nothing. A mountain out of a mole hill.

As great as Biden’s performance was, theirs was poor.

Roughly 12-16 Democratic leaders say Biden should withdraw. Cowards all. You support your leader in his time of stress. Not add to it.

There are another group of Democrats who are saying privately that they do not view Trump as an “existential threat to democracy.” They are fooling themselves. Trump is “obvious.” He is Hitler reincarnated. If Trump is elected, where will they and the rest of the nation be one year later? Trump will have gone for the jugular. He will not have hesitated. Then, what?

Joe Scarborough says Barack Obama is working “behind the scenes” to “orchestrate” calls for Biden to step down. 

Why Barack, if true? Sad, if true!

It is being reported Obama knew of George Clooney’s statement before it went public and did nothing to stop it. Real shit politics!

Biden is a class act. Such chicanery will only stiffen his backbone, as it should.

The Democratic Party has to get back together. Swiftly. Time is running. Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Nor can a political party.

Trump is also having problems within his party. A Republican governor came out against him. Utah’s Spencer Cox said he won’t vote for Donald Trump and will instead “write somebody in.” Cox made the statement yesterday.

Cox said he was especially disturbed by January 6. He also said he wanted a Republican to win, but not Trump.

A visit with Dr. Norris yesterday. A three month checkup. 

At my age, I have had many doctors who have treated me. Also big city hospitals to small town ones. Norris the best primary care physician to have taken responsibility for my well being. Key West is fortunate to have a physician of his quality available to care for them.

Fred Klein’s friday blog shared an amazing remedy for brown spots. Raw potatoes.

Try it! Fred guarantees you’ll like it. If there is a run on potatoes, blame him.

The World Atlas named downtown Key West one of two best downtowns in Florida. Our Duval Street!

The other named was Palm Beach.

The World Atlas described each as a “great vacation and getaway experience.”

Key West is without a City Manager at the moment because of wayward actions by 4 Commissioners. Since the City Manager’s discharge, an interim City Manager was appointed.

He is presently on vacation. He claimed he was “ready to serve” when appointed.

The City Manager debacle is a disgrace and overall makes Key West government appear a joke.

Hurricane Beryl did a hell of a job! A destructive one. Covered a 6,000 mile path beginning in Africa and running to Vermont.

Now we are warned La Nina impacts may be imminent. La Nina fuels Atlantic tropical storm activity.

Enjoy your day!


I open with a comment by a J. M. Peterson to yesterday’s blog. His simple statement says it all: “Biden is running ON his record…..Trump is running FROM his record.”

Moving on to the Democratic leaders who are running scared. Better described as selfish scared chickenshits. They forget loyalty. They forget you go home with the one who brought you to the dance.

They should be ashamed.

Biden is their leader. He has performed well in the past 4 years. You don’t jump on “your leader” and beat him up. He is a good man who should be supported by his own, not denounced. And if the worst is a reality, you go down with him out of respect.

If propriety was in play, it is Republicans who should be heaping on Trump. An evil man who will destroy our country.

The polls do not support the position being claimed by dissident Democratic leaders. Ergo, their position does not make sense to me.

A recent Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos Poll indicated only party elites are fearful and want Biden out. The Poll found Biden and Trump in a dead heat for the popular vote. Each candidate received 46 percent support among registered voters. The numbers nearly identical to an ABC-Ipsos Poll in April.

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” Famous words by John Keats who died in 1821 at the young age of 25 in Rome from tuberculosis. His romantic poetry lives on.

Some 40 years ago, I was in Rome. Deserted by my wife and daughters who went on a shopping spree, I was wandering around. Found myself at the Spanish Steps. Noticed a small 3 story building on one side of the Steps. Not dramatic appearing. A small bronze plaque next to the front door reading JOHN KEATS.

Took me back to my English literature college days.

I entered and wandered around. The building a modest remembrance to John Keats. It was where he spent his last days before he died.

One of his writings was pencil written on a brown piece of wrinkled paper. The beginning words “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” Brought tears to me eyes as it does this moment as I recall it again. Reminded me then and reminds me know of the story some historians tell of Abraham Lincoln and the writing of the Gettysburg Address. On a brown paper bag by pencil written as he rode the train to Gettysburg.

Another recollection. It was on this day in 1906 that factory worker Grace Brown was murdered by her boy friend Chester Gillette at Big Moose Lake, New York The case later inspired Theodore Dreiser’s novel “An American Tragedy.”

A film resulted. Starred Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor and Shelley Winters. The movie titled “A Place in the Sun.”

Gillette’s trial took place in the main court room in the Herkimer County Courthouse in Herkimer, New York. The movie depicted scenes from the trial and they were filmed in the same courtroom.

The courtroom a special place for me when the story and movie is recalled. I tried a number of cases in that same courtroom over the years. Herkimer County adjoined my home county of Oneida. I had many clients whose problems took me to the Herkimer County Courtroom to resolve. 

On this day in 1533, Pope Clement VII excommunicated England’s King Henry VIII. 

No wonder! Taking into account all of Henry’s wives and the starting of the Church of England.

Henry was successful in a number of ways. One, he had all the wives he wanted. Secondly, the Chuch he began remains to this day.

A number of historians claim Henry remained a Catholic. Screwed everyone up religiously otherwise. A hypocrite. Henry got what he wanted, but covered his ass with God. Sort of reminds one of Donald Trump. Screws everyone and everything up, but watches out for himself.

Another significant person and much respected is Albert Einstein. His questionable activities most of which people are unaware or out of respect otherwise for him fail to discuss.

Einstein was a bit of a horndog. Perhaps a large one.

Married twice, once to a cousin. He cheated on both his wives with about 10 different women.

In his defense, he presented his first wife with a list of rules, one of which was “expect neither intimacy nor fidelity.”

Too many accidents in the Keys on water recently. More may occur this week. July 14 to be specific. Governor DeSantis in his absurd divine wisdom designated an extra day of lobster mini-season and designated July 14 as such. For residents only.

A day neither needed nor demanded by the people.

Let’s hope we get through the day safely.

A freak accident that should not have occurred. Elizabeth Tuckus leaned on a light pole at Rowell’s Park in Key Largo monday night at about 7:30. She and her husband were waking their dog. Elizabeth placed her hand on the light pole and it “stuck to the pole.” She was electrocuted.

A volt meter registered 120 volts of electricity coming out of the pole.

The shock entered through her hand and exited through her knee.

Elizabeth was rushed to intensive care. Out of intensive care, but still remains hospitalized. She has nerve damage and an exit wound at her knee. Plus, a lot of pain.

The pole was fixed the next day. All poles in the Park were tested. No problems with any others.

Today a bit busy. A haircut, manicure and visit with Dr. Norris.

Enjoy your day!


You probably thought Puritans were prudish about sex. No way. The label “Puritan” is misleading. Roughly one third of Puritan women were pregnant at the time of their weddings.

Their enthusiasm for sex carried over into marriage. Sexual satisfaction was considered a religious duty, and if a man was unable to “please his wife in the bedroom, it was grounds for divorce.”

Trump makes me sick! One lie after another!

One of the more recent has to do with abortion. He was able to kill Roe v. Wade with his Supreme Court appointments.  He said he was going to do it and did it. He said he would get rid of Roe v. Wade and did so.

Trump now sees a large number of Americans oppose the Dobbs decision which killed Roe v. Wade. So he backtracks. He now pretends he is a moderate on abortion.


Beware my friends, his position has not changed. If he wins, Trump will further decimate reproductive rights.

Ladies, he does not care about you one iota, except perhaps for sex.

Local Key Wester Rich Boettger wrote an excellent article on the firing of the City Manager. His article is titled “The Bubba Coup, Explained.” It appears in the July 6 edition of KONK Life.

A set of  Napoleon’s elaborately decorated pistols recently sold for $1.8 million at auction.

Dolley Madison.

Note I spell Dolley with an e. First time. All the times I have written about her, it was always Dolly. No e. I had to be 89 years old to know I was doing wrong.

Dolley Madison was “a special first lady.” It has been said she set the standard for first ladies to follow.

Her husband was James Madison, fourth Presidnet of the U.S. Dolley was first lady from 1809 to 1817. She is especially known for her bravery during the War of 1812. As the British were were preparing to burn the White House, she remained to save a portrait of George Washington from falling into British hands. A few minutes more, she and Washington’s portrait would both have been in British hands.

Dolley died in 1841 at the age of 81. Three years earlier at 78, she posed for a portrait. The photo was auctioned last week at Sotheby’s.

The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery paid $456,000. It is the “earliest known photograph of an American first lady.” It will reside in the museum permanently along side the “first known photograph” of a U.S. Presidnet. An 1843 portrait of John Quincy Adams.

Stopped yesterday at Date & Thyme for a Monkey Smoothie for lunch. Suddenly, “Poppa!” It was Ally. She was meeting friends for lunch.

Love the girl! She and Robert are two great people. I’m lucky to have them as grandchildren.

Live and learn…..A hippopotamus can become airborne for a substantial period of time latest research has revealed. The mammal which can weigh up to 8,000 pounds leaves the ground when moving fast. Something animals like rhinos and elephants cannot do.

Based on research done by the Royal Veterinary College, hippos can be up in the air as long as 0.3 seconds when moving fast. The reason being hippos trot whereas elephants, rhinos and horses do not.

Blog late today. My apologies. A very busy day compounded by the heat. This exceptional heat kills me. I began the day at 7 with physiotherapy. Opened Date & Thyme just after 8 for a Smoothie. Then spent the day with a doctor visit and hospital test. Plus several other things that had to be done. Made it home by 2. Threw myself into bed and slept till now.

Enjoy your evening! It’s that time already!


My day yesterday began and ended early.

Physiotherapy at 7. Woke at 4 and could not get back to sleep. Physio unusually hard. Left me tired.

Hurried to Date & Thyme for a Monkey Smoothie. Enjoyed! 

Then home. It was only 8:30. I laid down and fell asleep till near noon.  Spent the rest of the day reading and writing. A movie on TV here and there.

Not complaining. The day just bit different.

An annual Key West event is the Key Lime Pie Drop. It was held saturday at its usual place, the Key West Lighthouse. A 5 inch diameter pie is dropped from the top of the Lighthouse. It must end on the ground without exploding.

No easy task.

Winners of the Most Entertaining Entry were 12 year old Emma Bradshaw and 13 year old Cielo Hackler. Their entry exhibited ingenuity. They used a large stuffed bear, chicken wire, bubble wrap and zip ties. And the pie, of course!

True Lies was a very funny 1994 movie. Technically described as an action comedy. Starred Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis and Tim Arnold.

I have seen the film several times and found it hilarious each time. If you have not, search for it and watch it!

It was previewed this day in 1994 in Key West at the Cobb Theaters in the Searstown Shopping Center. Although the movie was filmed in several different locations, a portion was filmed in the Keys. The best part including the Seven Mile Bridge.

The film had a “first.” It was the first movie that cost over $100 million to produce. A winner, however. Brought in over $300 million at the box office.

This day in 1943 a significant one in World War II history. The Allies launched Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily.

Today the birthday of two great actors. Tom Hanks is 68. Kelly McGillis 67.

Kelly McGillis was and still is well connected to Key West. Lived in Key West many years while making films. She and her husband Fred Tillman were neighbors. Lived in Key Haven as I did. Kelly and Fred also owned several restaurants. The famous Kelly’s and The Grand which I tend to favor these days.

Two of Kelly’s biggest film hits were Top Gun and The Witness.

Even though Kelly is now a Pennsylvania resident, her ties to Key West continue with the International Women’s Flag Football Association and Womenfest. 

Hurricane Beryl still making history.

Beryl hit Texas. Reduced from a Category 5 to a Category 1. Nevertheless, still powerful and damaging. Texas has already experienced several dead and 2.7 million customers  were without power in the Houston area.

Beryl’s projected path has it bending northeast and reaching Lake Erie in the northeastern U.S.

Enjoy your day!


Marital sex has been declining. According to studies, married couples in the U.S. are having less sex than they did a decade ago. 

Another decline involves single people living together. Such has diminished also, as well as the number of times those living together have sex.

COVID contributed to the decline. World instability overall another. Financial and climate change the main reasons.

Though sex diminishes for most as a marriage moves on, studies suggest the amount of sex in a marriage is up to the two persons involved. There is no one-sex-fits all answer.

There is no Biblical passage forbidding a husband and wife from having sex for pleasure when not trying to conceive children. The line constantly touted that sex is solely for procreation and not fun is bullshit.

Paul wrote husbands and wives should never withhold sexual affection due each other – refraining only during times set aside for prayer and fasting. 1 Corinthians 7:3-5.

Sexual laws in Key West in 1829 and 1830. 

Bathing was a problem. People were openly and publicly bathing. A law was passed prohibiting such.

Prostitution another issue. A law was passed to “punish lewd persons,” defined as “any female supporting and maintaining herself by the unlawful profit of prostitution.” The fine $25. A tremendous sum back then.

There was an add-on to the law I find difficult to understand: Again “to punish lewd persons.” A $500 bond was required also. Apparently a guarantee to keep women from practicing their profession.

I find these 1829 and 1830 prostitution laws humorous. There were only 500 people living in Key West in those days. How bad could  prostitution have been. Sounds like a bunch of wives became furious and imposed on their wayward husbands to pass these laws.

Moving from sex to other things.

Some Key West matters.

John M. Spottswood was a brilliant leader of Key West during his time. He was a Sheriff, State Senator and astute businessman.

In 1953, the City Commission passed an ordinance granting a franchise for TV cable operations to him. An example of Spottswood being up front and on top of things.

Today’s Citizens’ Voice asks an interesting question: “Has anyone ever actually bothered to trace back our beach water pollution to the source? There must be a way to do that this day and age.”

I have been here 30 years. Fecal matter in our swimming water almost a constant. Something should be done!

A quiet birthday yesterday. All birthdays at my age are quiet.

I began with a Monkey Smoothie at Date & Thyme. Met a lovely lady. Erin. We chatted briefly. She has been in Key West 20 years off and on. Interestingly, we agreed on everything. Especially the difference in people now settling in Key West as compared to 20 years ago.

Hope we meet again. Enjoyed her charm and company.

Then to fill the gas tank. Nearly empty.

Such was my morning, my day. Spent the rest of the day doing what I usually do. Reading, writing and watching TV. Such is life when one reaches the late 80’s.

I thank those who wrote and called. Heard by phone from my dear friend Theos in Greece, Bob on Cape Cod, some old friends in Utica, many from Key West and also those who I never have met, but read my blog. 

Thank you all!

Other interesting items.

Something very few people are aware of. Twenty five years after she was burned at the stake, Joan of Arc was retried in 1456 and acquitted. A lot of good it did her! Her judges should have been tried and sentenced to be burned at the stake. Payment for the wrong they did her 25 years earlier.

Genius physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton received his Masters Degree this day in 1868 from Trinity College in Cambridge.

Something most of us have enjoyed at some point in our lives. Generally, the very early part. Comic books!

On this day in 1802, the first comic book “The Wasp” was published in Hudson, N.Y.

There was more than one or two persons involved in the conspiracy to kill Abraham Lincoln. On this day in 1865, Mary Surratt, Lewis Ravell, David Herold and George Atzerodt were hung in execution for their roll in the conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln.

Sliced bread! On this day in 1828, sliced bread was sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking Co. using a machine invented by Otto Frederich Rottwedder. Described as the greatest step forward in the baking industry since bread was wrapped.

The best of the best! I loved these three, performing alone or together. The first Three Tenor’s concert featuring Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti became the world’s best selling classical record.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Happy birthday, Louis! Eighty nine years old. Born July 6, 1935.

It has been a trip! Can’t complain. Just hope it continues and in relatively good health.

This past year was not the best, however. A heart attack, 5 1/2 weeks at Mount Sinai Hospital in Miami, three heart surgeries. I am recovered/recovering. Never sure. Doctors keep testing me.

About two weeks ago, I learned from two of my local physicians who are my primary care givers that they thought I was not going to make it. Glad I surprised them. In the lengthy period I was at Mount Sinai, I did on two occasions think I was going to die. Briefly, a few hours at a time. I knew I was hospitalized too long and there always seemed to be something else, of a minor nature fortunately, that popped up. 

Whatever, I am still here and hope to be here for many years to come.

Let’s get back to July 6, 1935 and my mother.

She told me several times she labored 26 hours. No air conditioning in those days. The humidity was horrendous. I took my time to arrive to her distress.

When one gets to my age and has recently gone through a possible death situation, you think of many things. 

One involves my mother. What I am about to share I always knew. I have thought about her more these past months. My mother was my best friend. Without question.

She was the last of 8 children born to her parents. The first 7 were boys. Finally, they had a girl! They named my mother Fortunata. Italian for Fortune. Understandable. My mother was born in Foggia, Italy.

She came to the United States at an early age. The family settled in New York City. Typical Italian immigrants at the time. No money. My mother only went through the third grade. At the age of 8, she was forced to quit and went to work full time in a shoe factory. The end of formal education for her.

Let’s move ahead. She and her family at some point moved to Utica. Her father became somewhat successful. At one point, he owned a whole block of commercial real estate on James Street. Success did not last long. The Depression came and a stroke for my grandfather with it. The end of economic success.

At some point, my mother and father met and married. From everything I have gathered, my arrival made both of them happy. My mother recovered rapidly from the birth hospital. My father reportedly ran up and down Jay Street where we lived initially, shouting to everyone that he had a son.

I was not that fond of my mother while in grammar school and high school. She always thought I was doing something wrong. Punishment a daily occurrence. Many the spaghetti bowl and large wooden forks and spoons that were broken over my head.  There were days I did not think I would survive. It was a daily race around the dining room table. She only a few feet behind me.

I used to tell this story in later years around the dinner table on occasion during a holiday. My mother would adamantly deny abusing me thusly. I soon learned to be quiet about it. As an adult I thought the beatings were funny, she did not.

Many of my contemporary friends were Italian males my age. Occasionally one of us would bring up the topic of mother beatings in our earlier days. Most, if not all, experienced it. Probably all. I cannot recall clearly at the moment. The beatings obviously an Italian thing.

I was in college and going out regularly with Mary Lourdes. We wanted to get married. Neither us nor our parents had any money. Not only did we want to get married, our game plan was I would go on to law school immediately following marriage.

We were not too bright.

My mother was a wise woman. Innate. She had to have been born with the intelligence she possessed. She told me not to marry Mary Lourdes. I did. She reminded me a few times in later years the mistake I had made. Nevertheless, the two got along very well all the time. Looked out for each other. I doubt my wife was ever aware of the negative feelings my mother had for her.

My mother and I developed a unique relationship. Several evenings a week, I would stop of at her house on my way home from the office. We only lived two mils apart. She was always waiting for me. Seated at the kitchen table. A bottle of Beefeaters and a glass of ice on the table. One glass only. My mother did not drink.

We would sit and chat. I would share my work and personal problems with her. She was intuitive and smart. Her advice sage.

These on the way home from work kitchen table meetings memorable events.

My mother passed on many years ago. She was a diabetic who did not take care of herself.

She had been in the hospital 2 days undergoing all kinds of tests after passing out at home. Lisa and I drove to the hospital together the morning of the second day. I had been to the hospital the evening before. My mother was seated on the side of her bed shaking her legs. She was alive and vibrant. No concern at that time she might die.

I wanted to stop for breakfast first. Lisa wanted to go directly to the hospital. We stopped for breakfast.

Her doctor came out of her room as we were walking towards it. He told Lisa and I she had just died.

I believe Lisa has never forgotten I denied her grandmother her presence at the moment of her death. She forgets I inadvertently denied myself also.

Whatever, the story of the woman who gave birth to me and me. Our relationship. I think about it often.

Hope I can write again when I am 90 next year at this time. Better stated, I hope I am alive and 90 next year at this time.

Enjoy my birthday! Have a drink to Louis and his mother!


Cool quote by actor Mark Hamill re Supreme Court and Donald Trump: “After vastly expanding Presidential power, Supreme Court now considers moving Independence Day to January 6th.”

Louis says, “We are fighting to save the life and history of our country! Let’s not fail!”

Key West occurrences.

Fireworks last night. I forgot it was the 4th. I was researching for a book I am writing. Forgot even to turn on TV to Washington D.C. to listen to the patriotic singing.

Suddenly began hearing “rumbling.” Sounded like consistent banging. Thought it was my next door neighbor. He got lucky and his bedpost was banging against the wall.

Took 15 minutes before it occurred to me that it was neither luck nor the bedpost. It was Key West fireworks!

Key West’s World Famous Lime Pie Eating Contest was won yesterday by a 19 year old Honduran student. Hester Rodriguez. He devoured a whipped cream topped 9 inch Key Lime pie in 1 minute 50.52 seconds. Beat 24 others in so doing.

Face only. No fork, spoon or hands. A messy success!

By 1934, Key West was Depression ravished. Bankrupt. As was Monroe County.

Control of Key West and Monroe County was transferred to the Federal Emergency Relief Agency’s Southeast Regional Administration. Julius Stone was in charge.

Stone was successful in the next few years in restoring Key West and Monroe County to prosperity.

An apt reference in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice: “Three lame ducks…..spend a lifetime gaining a ‘reputation’ and five minutes losing it.”

The matter is not over. I believe the 3 Commissioners plus one more violated the Sunshine Law. Floridians in the past have shown extreme seriousness when the Law was violated.

Tomorrow a big day! I will be 89 years old! Wow!

Enjoy your day!