I open with a comment by a J. M. Peterson to yesterday’s blog. His simple statement says it all: “Biden is running ON his record…..Trump is running FROM his record.”

Moving on to the Democratic leaders who are running scared. Better described as selfish scared chickenshits. They forget loyalty. They forget you go home with the one who brought you to the dance.

They should be ashamed.

Biden is their leader. He has performed well in the past 4 years. You don’t jump on “your leader” and beat him up. He is a good man who should be supported by his own, not denounced. And if the worst is a reality, you go down with him out of respect.

If propriety was in play, it is Republicans who should be heaping on Trump. An evil man who will destroy our country.

The polls do not support the position being claimed by dissident Democratic leaders. Ergo, their position does not make sense to me.

A recent Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos Poll indicated only party elites are fearful and want Biden out. The Poll found Biden and Trump in a dead heat for the popular vote. Each candidate received 46 percent support among registered voters. The numbers nearly identical to an ABC-Ipsos Poll in April.

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” Famous words by John Keats who died in 1821 at the young age of 25 in Rome from tuberculosis. His romantic poetry lives on.

Some 40 years ago, I was in Rome. Deserted by my wife and daughters who went on a shopping spree, I was wandering around. Found myself at the Spanish Steps. Noticed a small 3 story building on one side of the Steps. Not dramatic appearing. A small bronze plaque next to the front door reading JOHN KEATS.

Took me back to my English literature college days.

I entered and wandered around. The building a modest remembrance to John Keats. It was where he spent his last days before he died.

One of his writings was pencil written on a brown piece of wrinkled paper. The beginning words “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” Brought tears to me eyes as it does this moment as I recall it again. Reminded me then and reminds me know of the story some historians tell of Abraham Lincoln and the writing of the Gettysburg Address. On a brown paper bag by pencil written as he rode the train to Gettysburg.

Another recollection. It was on this day in 1906 that factory worker Grace Brown was murdered by her boy friend Chester Gillette at Big Moose Lake, New York The case later inspired Theodore Dreiser’s novel “An American Tragedy.”

A film resulted. Starred Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor and Shelley Winters. The movie titled “A Place in the Sun.”

Gillette’s trial took place in the main court room in the Herkimer County Courthouse in Herkimer, New York. The movie depicted scenes from the trial and they were filmed in the same courtroom.

The courtroom a special place for me when the story and movie is recalled. I tried a number of cases in that same courtroom over the years. Herkimer County adjoined my home county of Oneida. I had many clients whose problems took me to the Herkimer County Courtroom to resolve. 

On this day in 1533, Pope Clement VII excommunicated England’s King Henry VIII. 

No wonder! Taking into account all of Henry’s wives and the starting of the Church of England.

Henry was successful in a number of ways. One, he had all the wives he wanted. Secondly, the Chuch he began remains to this day.

A number of historians claim Henry remained a Catholic. Screwed everyone up religiously otherwise. A hypocrite. Henry got what he wanted, but covered his ass with God. Sort of reminds one of Donald Trump. Screws everyone and everything up, but watches out for himself.

Another significant person and much respected is Albert Einstein. His questionable activities most of which people are unaware or out of respect otherwise for him fail to discuss.

Einstein was a bit of a horndog. Perhaps a large one.

Married twice, once to a cousin. He cheated on both his wives with about 10 different women.

In his defense, he presented his first wife with a list of rules, one of which was “expect neither intimacy nor fidelity.”

Too many accidents in the Keys on water recently. More may occur this week. July 14 to be specific. Governor DeSantis in his absurd divine wisdom designated an extra day of lobster mini-season and designated July 14 as such. For residents only.

A day neither needed nor demanded by the people.

Let’s hope we get through the day safely.

A freak accident that should not have occurred. Elizabeth Tuckus leaned on a light pole at Rowell’s Park in Key Largo monday night at about 7:30. She and her husband were waking their dog. Elizabeth placed her hand on the light pole and it “stuck to the pole.” She was electrocuted.

A volt meter registered 120 volts of electricity coming out of the pole.

The shock entered through her hand and exited through her knee.

Elizabeth was rushed to intensive care. Out of intensive care, but still remains hospitalized. She has nerve damage and an exit wound at her knee. Plus, a lot of pain.

The pole was fixed the next day. All poles in the Park were tested. No problems with any others.

Today a bit busy. A haircut, manicure and visit with Dr. Norris.

Enjoy your day!


  1. I remember back during the 2016 campaign when the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton had a bout of pneumonia that nobody would even have noticed except that it caused her to stumble and she hit her head and the press immediately decided that this was it, she was definitely or at least probably or at least maybe going to die and the Democratic Party was said to be be scrambling to find a replacement before her corpse went cold. It was a game of telephone, by the press, each using each other’s speculation to ratchet up the drama and get the front pages to the place they always want to go, in every election: What if things got exciting? What if we had a “brokered convention”?

    Sound familiar? Yes! Widely believed to have been fueled by Russian bots and the right wing press. Thing is she got over 3 million votes more than Trump, just not enough to overcome him with the electoral college.

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