My friday morning yesterday was the internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour went well. I was bombarded after the show by people commenting on the puppy mill topic. Most were shocked by what was revealed.

Hurried home after the show to write my column for next week’s KONK Life. I did a bit on the hookers displaced by the London Olympics. The article covers prostitution in general in England, also. Interesting.

Last night turned out to be one of the most enjoyable I have spent in Key West. Good people and good conversation throughout the evening.

The night started at Don’s Place. I was to meet David. We planned on dinner together.

Besides David, Erika, Herschel and Jimmy were at Don’s. Herschel was giving away his cigarettes. Today he is being hypnotized to help him stop smoking. I wish him good luck.

David and I decided to eat at the Big Ten Sports Bar. John Lukas’ place.

It was packed! The most people I have ever seen there. A fundraiser was going on. For four year old Kylee Farrow. A cancer victim. She begins extensive therapy today.

Kylee’s mother and grandmother were there. It is a hard situation. I felt for them. I remembered Robert eight years ago.

David and I met David at the bar. The additional David instantly became a new friend. He is from England, retired and spending some time in Key West. A real nice guy. As we were chatting, the Olympics was on every screen.

Nate was bartending. I had not seen him in a while. One of the nicest guys in Key West. He was earning his pay last night. Busy, busy.

My former bocce team mate Lori came in. She looked terrific! It was friday night in Key West!

David and I stopped back at Don’s Place for a night cap. Kurt was bartending. I like Kurt. Kurt has had a beard for years. He was making suggestions as to how I should trim mine. So had David during the evening. David looks like Santas Claus.

I have to baby sit at 9. Taking Robert and Ally to breakfast. Probably Harpoon Harry’s.

I was totlaly impressed by the Olympic opening show. Top shelf theater. I trust Romney will find nothing negative about it. The show was perfection.

Enjoy your saturday!

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