After doing yesterday’s bog, things changed. Sick Robert did not mind it Ally and I went to the Nutcracker. Ally wanted to go. I wanted to take her. We went!
Ally was excited. This was her second visit to the Tennessee Williams Theater. Her school attended the Symphony there a couple of weeks ago. She thought the Symphony was in her words…..Awesome!
The Nutcracker was better! Had to be. All the lights, color and dancing. Ally thoroughly enjoyed herself. She sat on the edge of her seat taking in every movement on stage.
Ally is 7, however. At intermission, she thought the show was over. She was ready to go home, she told me. She was tired. The look on her face was priceless when I told her we were only at the half way point. She hung in there without complaint. The ballet second act blew her out.
I have seen many Nutcrackers over the years. This was the best! The show was reworked to give it a Key West flavor. Things like chickens, fish and the Atocha replaced the mice, etc. of the original show.
Joyce Stahl is responsible for Key West’s Nutcracker. A Key West icon, she is a former ballet artist herself. She has dedicated many years to the Key West production.
The show was first class. Perfection. Not one item or move out of place. No small town production. I was very impressed!
Key West should be proud!
I returned Ally home after the show. Visited with sick Robert. Though he was energetic while I was there. Read the Sunday newspapers.
During the Nutcracker, I was looking at the children participating. I could not get Ally and Robert out of my thoughts. The Newtown tragedy is with me. Ally is 7 and Robert 8. There but for the grace of God…..
Tomorrow the day! The morning the time! Seven to be precise. The first ever talk radio show by me. The Key West Lou Blog Talk Radio Show. Shortened, the Key West Lou Talk Show.
I am excited!
I appreciate 7 am is early. However, many are up at that time .Please join me. Call in and participate. We will talk about anything and everything.
The show can be found at
Not that simple, however. You cannot just click on the site and be there. More is required.
I spelled out in yesterday’s blog (12/16/12) the instructions as to how to get to the Show to (1) listen and (2) participate/call in. You must follow the instructions. Otherwise, you will never find me. Return to yesterday’s blog (12/16/12) and follow the 10 step program to arrive at the show.
Grab a cup of coffee and listen. Call in, if you like. Only one half hour. It will be fast moving and interesting. I hope!
My next blog will be after the talk show tomorrow morning.
Enjoy your day!
Glad to hear you and Ally lmade it to the Nutcracker after all