Political activity has been moving at a rapid pace this year. Keeping up, difficult. Yesterday’s truth is today’s falsity.
Yesterday, I wrote of Sidney Powell. She appeared to be Trump’s new lawyer in the next Georgia election ballot case. I was uncertain whether she had been selected by Trump specifically for the task, whether Giuliani was still on board, etc.
Powell was strong with the Georgia lawsuit she intended to bring this week. Referred to it as one of “Biblical proportions,” similar to previous Giuliani comments her words reflected sound and fury, further similar to Giuliani she claimed she had tons of evidence.
Quite frankly, Trump and his legal team look like the gang that could not shoot straight.
They have only won one minor lawsuit. Lost somewhere in the area of 30. Giuliani has been looking more and more like the worst attorney and personal attorney to a President in history.
Early last week, a picture of the Trump election ballot legal team appeared. Giuliani and the rest of the group. At one end was Sidney Powell. Trump announced his personal legal team and Powell was one of those named.
Early this weekend, the bomb fell! Powell went rogue. Though no one was sure at the time. She announced she was handling the Georgia election suit which involved Hugo Chavez, Germany, and a multitude of other falsities.
Yesterday, Giuliani and another Trump attorney Jenna Ellis issued a statement totally contradicting Powell. The statement clearly cut any ties the legal team and purportedly Trump has with Powell.
The Associate Press printed the statement yesterday and ran an article with it. The statement: “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.” Strange since as part of his statement earlier in the week, Trump had heralded Powell as part of his team.
Powell responded to Giuliani’s statement. She said she agreed with it. However she intended to still bring the lawsuit despite her separation from the Trump team: “I agree with the statement today. I will represent #wethepeople and seek the truth.”
She went on to say “she intended to oppose all the fraud and let the chips fall where they may.” She said, “She would not allow foundations of this great Republic to be destroyed by abject fraud or our votes for President Trump and other Republicans to be stolen by foreign interests or anyone else.”
Wow! The “lady” on the white charger! She is going to save Trump, the American people, and the American way of life.
Something does not make sense here.
She is not needed. The U.S. needs no more radical thinking zealots. She and Giuliani should join in wedlock. They make a perfect pair!
By the way, Trump still has not been heard concerning this situation. He could easily come out siding with one side or the other. Or, appointing a new attorney to represent him. Things are moving swiftly and in a violent fashion these days.
Concluding, who will Powell be representing? Who is #wethe people? More importantly, who is paying Powell’s bill. Lawyers do not handle these cases for nothing.
Enjoy your day!
I saw someplace where Sidney Powell was quoted as ‘Lasting only half a Scaramucci, but twice as bad.’
There was a follow up on that on twitter. It said that she refuses to concede, comment, or transition out.
Being too crazy for the Trump team is really saying something.
Does this mean that without Sidney Powell Trump’s enemies are not going to have to run away to Siberia? So, we are safe now?
Let us pray that we have had our last brush with fascism for a while.