I’m a good boy. I always play by the rules. I can especially understand why I will be alone this holiday. Would not make sense for a guy who has self-quarantined for 296 days to not.
I love holidays! Love family and friends getting together. Miss it. Not just this day. All the holidays. Divorce changes things like family gatherings.
Lisa is making me a dish and having it delivered. I am looking forward to it.
I will not be alone. Cathy of Cocktails at 7 will be with me via Syype. She is alone. We will suffer through a portion of the day together.
I’m even going to shave and dress a bit for the occasion.
The details of the first Thanksgiving not as most think. No turkey. Deer instead.
The Wampanoag Indians 90 strong and their Chief Massaoit brought the meat. Deer.
Turkeys were indigenous to the area. However for whatever reason were not on the menu.
The Pilgrims provided local sea food consisting of mussels, lobster and bass. Also fruit, including pumpkin. Whether in pie form, I could not ascertain.
No potatoes. In a sense, they did not exist yet. At the time, potatoes were just being shipped from South America to Europe.
My Buffalo friends Fran and Tom Dixon are enjoying the holiday in Paris. I envy them! I am confident they are having one terrific time.
Interestingly in spite of my travels, I never made it to Paris. There is still time.
As many now do, Fran is now making face masks. I received several from her before they left for Paris. Well done. Comfortable. All kinds of designs.
The Keys face a definite problem re rising sea levels. No question, upward bound. Twenty five yeas from now, things will be out of control if we do not start dealing with the problem in the reasonable future.
It has been determined that half of Monroe County roads will be covered. Discussions and studies already underway.
The main problem will be money. Estimated in the billions.
I think Everest is back.
May in her diary entry for this day 1896, mentions “Ev.” several times. I sense the romance: “Ev. and I had the parlor to ourselves until 6:30.”
The politicization of the Supreme Court is obvious from a decision rendered last night. Why last night, I am not sure. Strange in itself. However has nothing to do with the politicization of the Court.
The decision a 5-4 one. Involved limiting gatherings in churches and synagogues. New York’s Governor Cuomo had been limiting because of coronavirus.
The Court decided Cuomo’s limitation violated the freedom of religion clause of the Constitution. The majority decision read in part: The restriction was “far more severe than has been shown to prevent the spread of the virus.”
New Justice Barrett voted with the conservative side. Chief Justice Roberts with the liberals.
I believe the decision a political one because it is one that without question would please the evangelicals who support religions generally. A Catholic group and a Jewish group were the parties who brought the lawsuit and whom the majority decision supported.
There is something wrong today when a particular group refuses to see the harm large groups of people bring. Coronavirus spreads easily under such conditions.
Further, the majority has to be blind if it does not see nor take into account that 62,000 Americans have died from the virus in less than one year.
Michael Flynn and Donald Trump are birds of a feather. Bad guys.
Trump yesterday pardoned Flynn. Very strange to me. Flynn twice in open court plead guilty to the charge against him.
Flynn’s strangeness in his thought process first came to my attention at Trump’s inauguration. It had been announced Flynn was to be Trump’s National Security Adviser.
Flynn was seated only a few feet away as Trump was being sworn in. He was texting at the moment. Texting a former business partner. They were discussing a nuclear power project that would require lifting sanctions on Russia. Flynn said, it was “good to go.” Flynn further said he could see sanctions on Moscow “ripped up.”
I wonder who will pardon Trump. I do not believe he can pardon himself. Even if through some devious plan he gets himself pardoned, it will do him no good against State charges. New York is ready to go after him once he is out of office.
Disney is hurting because of the virus. Disney announced it will be laying off 32,000 employees from the theme parks in Orlando. The lay offs will begin in the first half of 2021.
Florida’s Governor DeSantis is lacking in mental acumen. His intelligence resides in the seat of his pants.
DeSantis announced yesterday that he was doubling down on two virus problems. Not the correct way, however.
He decided that local governments cannot fine people who do not mask-up. He also prohibited local governments from ordering restaurants to close without public health or economic data to justify the move.
DeSantis supporting the economy rather than the health of Florida’s citizens.
At least he’s consistent. He is Trump’s lap dog. Does everything as Trump suggests. That is why Trump on more than one occasion has said, “DeSantis is America’s best Governor.”
Keep in mind that thus far Florida has had 962,000 confirmed cases. Included are 18,253 who died.
Enjoy the holiday best you can!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lou. Our thoughts are with you and countless others who will spend this day aline or without family and friends. God bless you.
It looks like many have surrendered to the virus, believing that catching it a certainty, no matter what. It looks like almost half the people will not even bother with the vaccine.
Yes, that is possible. Another thought is that with a vaccine just months away, people think they don’t have to be so careful anymore. Maybe they think if they get the virus, the vaccine will cure it. It won’t. Many deaths still to come
Well, they’re called Republicans, nothing anyone can do about them. The good part is they won’t be clogging up the line trying to get the vaccine.
Yeah, please don’t tell them about that part.
A small correction please, Lou. Florida has had 962 thousand positive cases. Your figure of 9.6 million would be nearly half of the state population. Thank you
Thanks. A slip of the mind. It happens. Funny part is I proof read 3 times after spell checking and correcting grammar.
Emphatically insisting something is true is not the same as having proof, Mr. Trump.
How true, that’s called patronizing!
Trump should look at his election loss as just another bankruptcy and move on.
But that wouldn’t be Trump. would it. And that IS the problem with Trump. EVERYONE else ends up having to pay for his shortcomings.