It rained during the night again. Big time, again! Noise and lightning! Wake you up rain!
This morning eveything is lovely. As usual. Sun climbing over the horizon. Colors waking up. The only difference between yesterday and today at this time is the breeze. There is a bit of wind this morning. The palm tree branches are moving. As is the water.
I walked yesterday morning. I need to get back into the habit of doing it daily.
I walked at Home Depot. The humidity was too heavy to walk outside. A lot of people at Home Depot. The most crowded I have seen it. People must have decided to do some home repairs this Labor Day.
I had a late breakfast/lunch afterwards. Cuban toast at Lucky Day.
Lucky Day was also crowded. More people than I have ever seen there. Jana, one of the owners, was impressed and happy with the crowd. Jana is a Czech. She has been here in the United States 8 years. Busting her butt to make the American dream work for her. She will.
Then I was off to the Coffee House to read the New York papers. The Coffee House was strangely quiet. Ok by me. I prefer quiet when I am reading.
I finally had some company. Marty. He was out and about and figured he would find me there. We chatted a few minutes and decided to meet at Louie’s Backyard at 7 to start our evening.
When I finished the papers, it was after 1 in the afternoon. I telephoned Corey to tell him I was coming by to pick up the grandkids. I wanted to take them to play real golf at the golf course.
No way. Corey told me they were at the beach with him at Bahia Honda. A lovely beach. A State park. About 40 miles north of Key West.
So much for golf with the grandkids yesterday afternoon.
I met Marty at the outside bar at Louie’s at 7 as planned. Absolutely beautiful! Sits on the Atlantic. A specatcular view!
Valerie was there. She had just finished bartending the day shift at Louie’s. Soon her husband Clayton showed up. They had a party to attend. Clayton had spent the day painting at the new wine bar they are opening on Duval. The opening is anticipated in about 3 weeks.
Clayton and Valerie are good people. I wish them well in their new endeavor. If friends can help, the wine bar should be a great success. Every one loves and likes the both of them.
Dinner was at the bar at Michael’s.
Michael’s is one of Key West’s finest restaurants. Thought by any to be the best steak house in Key West. Michael and Melanie are the working owners. Two great people. Rlatively young. Somewhere in their 30s. They have a couple of young children. Who by the way attend Montessori with my grandkids.
Quiet last night at Michael’s. September is the worst month for business in Key West. Tourists stay away because of the start of school and the humidity.
Emmett was bartending. A nice guy. Terrific sense of humor. Dry. I would describe him as witty. Occasionally and too infrequnetly, we play golf together.
Owner Melanie was sitting at the bar. She was conducting a hands on inventory of the liquor supply. I asked why she did not rely on the computer. She says you still have to follow up with an actual count.
Two bottles of white wine appeared to be missing. It took a few minutes to locate them. They were in a cooler in the back.
Bart was at the bar also. Bart is good friends with Michael and Melanie. He may also be helping them out at the restaurant. Bart used to be one of the owners of Alice’s for many years. A jovial guy. A good guy.
I enjoyed Melanie’s commnets. Last night everything was either before BC or after BC. Before or after children.
How we measure our lives!
Marty and Emmett were engaged in a night long discourse. They were throwing barbs at each other non stop. If one did not know they enjoy these exchanges, you would think they were enemies about to engage in fistcuffs.
Womenfest Key West starts today. It will run through Sunday the 12th. Lesbians and their friends from all over the world will gather here in Key West to meet and party. The event is more than 20 years old. The town will be crowded with lovely ladies every day and every night for almost a week.
Haircut time again! I see Lori at 10.
Enjoy your day!
Living the dream! Thanks for sharing.