Marjorie Monique Acevedo was sentenced to 8 years in jail, 22 years probation and full restitution.
She was taken immediately from the courtroom to jail.
Crime and punishment. One finishes and the other begins. The story will never end.
Marjorie will suffer while incarcerated. And perhaps thereafter. Her family pained. Her husband fallen from grace and now alone. Her children bearing the scars of their mother.
As I said yesterday, an American tragedy.
Several have commented regarding Mrs. Acevedo’s first name. It is Marjorie. Not Monique. Monique is her middle name. Apparently she went by Monique and was referred to in the newspapers as Monique. However, her legal first name is Marjorie.
Moving on…..
Key West was quiet yesterday. It is that time of year. The town will fill up however over the Labor Day weekend. Many will drive down from parts of south Florida. Most things are half price. So it makes for a relatively cheap holiday.
I had lunch yesterday with Guy deBoer. Guy owns KONK 1500 radio. The station where I do my radio show. Guy is doing a terrific job in establishing this new radio station which just celebrated its first anniversary.
We lunched at Mattheson’s. A couple of doors down from the radio station on White Street. Ice cream and quick food. Terrific ice cream! I had eaten there before with Lisa and the family. A colorful place. Decorated in the American spirit. Red, white and blue.
Last night I ate at the Sports Page Bar. First time this month! I have been anxious to get over, but for some reason never made it.
August is special. Everything is half price. Food and drink. The place is cheap to begin with. So with this special going, I felt like I was eating for nothing last night!
Patrick is one of the owners. A smart business man. He reduced everything 50 per cent in August. A slow month in Key West. It brings the locals out. Plus last night there were people in from two cruise ships that were staying overnight to avoid the approaching hurricane.
There had to be at least 60 people at the Sports Page Bar. Like the World Series was playing! Chris and Robert were working their butts off.
Speaking of the hurricane, I have been concerned the past couple of days about my friend Captain Dan. Sunday he was to leave the Caicos to complete his trip to Puerto Rico. The news yesterday reported the hurricane was hurling through the area between the Caicos and Puerto Rico. Dan has not had the best of luck in making this Puerto Rico trip in the past.
I telephoned Captan Dan this morning. On my cell phone. He answered. Modern technology is wonderful!
He is in the Dominican Republic till the hurricane passes by. The trip from the Caicos to the Dominican Republic was a bit difficult. Waves 12-15 feet. He said going through Hurricane Hole, whatever that is, was the worst. He felt like his sailboat was surf boarding through 42 foot waves!
Captain Dan, we all love you! We all think your nuts, however! This trip was not destined for you!
He tried the same trip 2 years ago, hit a storm, his boat got beat up, and he ended up on an island with only natives and no communications. He had a few broken bones. The natives healed him. Several months later a boat happened to stop by and he got off the island.
Now Dan tries the Puerto Rico trip again. Alone again. And meets up with this horrendous hurricane!
There is a message for Dan somewhere here.
The hurricane is 1,500 miles from Key West and is not destined to hit us. Not even come close. But its effects are being felt.
Last night there were strong winds. Yesterday and this morning there are waves in the ocean. Not large. But decidedly more than normal.
It has been raining off and on. More than normal.
No problem. I am happy with the situation. Key West has had enough of hurricanes and tropical storms over the past 10 years.
Today is Wednesday. Golf day! No golf for me. I have some business matters to attend to later in the morning. I have misprioritized my day!
I hate missing golf!
Enjoy your day!
great blog lou. I follow it everyday now. me and my wife love kw. been coming regularily since 1998. love the sports page ! patrick is always nice to us when we come in, and remembers us. i guess it is because we always get the cleveland pinini and kw licker wings every time. AWESOME ! sunny and hot. 98 degrees in columbia,sc
Why did Dan decide to do this trip during hurricane season? Not the smartest decision made by an experienced sailor.
Missed hearing from you today……….
Still have to point out her first name, eh? And you are calling her everyday are you? Sending cards, notes, thoughts to her at this time? Were you there at the courthouse? Were you? Or must you insist everyone call her by a name she does not call herself?
So what is it LOUIS? Or is it MARY LOU? Do tell!