Walked Smathers Beach early yesterday morning.
The weather was perfect. As usual.
Just enough breeze coming off the ocean.
An interesting conglomerate of people. Mostly alone. Some twosomes. Some with dogs. Some on bicycles. Some running. Not a lot. Enough.
It was sweating time no matter how you made the trip. The humidity is always present this time of the year.
Later, I treated myself to a manicure. With Tammy at Lee Nails on Flagler. A beauty! The thought occurred to me. Why are Oriental women all short? Tiny they are. Tammy is Vietnamese. She stands less than 5 feet tall.
Lunch at Lucky Day. Cuban toast with melted cheese and tomato.Stayed a while and read all the newspapers.
Spent most of the afternoon home. Did some paper work. And played with my Mercedes.
I had my Mercedes Benz driven down from Utica, New York last week. It is a 1987 model 420 SEL. I purchased the vehicle new in 1987. Cost me $54,000. A lot of money then! A lot of money now!
I have a cheap streak in me. I swore I would take very good care of the car and never sell it. All because of what it cost me!
I stopped driving the Mercedes winters 15 years ago. It has not been driven in the past 4 years before being driven down to Key West last week. It sat in the garage in my Utica home.
The body and motor are in great shape! The car made the 1600 plus mile trip with no problem.
I cleaned the inside of the car yesterday. Including the trunk.
The trunk was full of everything! A lot of items from the many golf tournaments I used to play when living up north. Many years old bottles of water. Most items were thrown out. Except for the golf balls and tees. Every time one plays in a golf tournament, he gets a sleeve or two of golf balls and a bag of tees. I cleaned up on balls and tees yesterday!
The Mercedes is going to be a parking problem. It is huge! Like a tank! And feels like one when being driven!
The car is too big for the painted spaces in Key West. I can’t cut the size of the car down. Nor can I elongate the parking spaces. I have a problem!
Last night was dinner at Lisa’s.
Yesterday was the grandkids first day at school. I wanted to share their experiences with them.
What experiences? They spoke not of their day. Even when asked. It apparently was a day like all days.
However we had fun!
Cameron brought a new for real putter over. His mother bought it some time ago at a garage sale. Robert was using it and loving it! The weight did not bother him. The shaft was too long. But he compensated for that in the way he held the club. Robert and Ally were putting away on the living room carpet all night.
Corey and I talked about the stolen gold bar. The one recently misappropriated from the Mel Fisher Museum. It is like the New York City mosque story. It is taking on a life of its own.
The Miami Herald carried a major story on the theft. Apparently the gold bar is worth over $500,000 as a treasure and around $75,000 melted.
CNN has been in contact with Melissa, the Museum’s Executive Director, and may have a reporter in today to cover the story.
The local chatter is whether the thieves will be caught. I anticipate so. Key West is a small town and it is difficult to steal here. Historically the local police department has had great success in apprehending criminals. Even when they attempt to leave or leave the island.
That was my day. Another Key West day.
Enjoy your today!
Video of the gold bar thieves:
Hey Lou,
There is a nice article about Bobby Thomson in the New York Times today. It made me think of your post from last week.
Hey Lou,
Has anyone told you that calling Asian people Oriental is racist? You sound like my great grandfather. Nice work.
Not sure if it is "racist", but Asian refers to a person in the proper manner and Oriental to food or furniture, art, etc…