I just got home. It is midnight. I am wide awake. Figure I might as well do tomorrow morning’s blog now.
Lets see if it comes out any differently late at night instead of early morning.
The humidity is getting thick. Each day a bit more. Not a problem. But you are constantly aware it’s there.
Stayed in bed late. Then to Lucky Day for what might be described as brunch. Because of the time. Cuban toast and coffee.
Then to Lisa’s.
Everyone finally healthy.
Everyone there. Lisa, Corey, Cameron, Robert and Ally.
The grandkids and I watched some PGA. They also practiced their putting on the carpet. The Tiger Woods of tomorrow in the making!
My next stop was the Coffee House. A lot of people! My favorite chair was unavailable. Because of the humidity, skipped coffee. Drank water. Read the New York Times.
Then home to bed. Nap time. Watched a bit more of the PGA before dozing off. It is an open tournament. Any one of 10 players can win tomorrow. Tiger will not be among them.
Big night tonight/last night!
Started with the Chart Room.
Sean and Captain Peter at the bar. Katherine at the table chatting with some people. Michael bartending.
The conversation was extemely humorous. It is amazing how the mundane can make us laugh.
Sean reminded me of his telephone call earlier in the week. He had been out and about. There is a new bar on Caroline called The Porch. The bar features specialty beers. He asked if I had ever heard of Saranac. The bottle’s label said it was made by Matt’s Brewery in Utica, New York. Did I know of the brewery and Saranac? Of course! A big deal! A major employer! A respected family of German ancestry running the business!
A small world!
Lisa telephoed while I was at the Chart Room. Robert lost his tooth. His first tooth. She told me to go to my i phone. She had videoed me Robert showing his tooth. Robert was all excited. He feels the loss of his first baby tooth marks his entry into manhood. He said he was now big!
I dined at La Trattoria. Becha, my Becha! There with a hug and kiss as soon as she saw me. Love that women!
After dinner, I walked over to the Keys Piano Bar. Michael singing. Terrific! Terri was supposed to sing. However, neither Donna nor Terri showed up. So I left after an hour.
I was disappointed to not have heard Terri once more. She and Donna are now Broadway people and on different time schedules. Tenish is bed time for me. Not even there dinner time yet.
The door will be locked when they return in the wee hours of the morning!
On the way home, I opted to stop at Don’s Place. Glad I did. Don is back after a one month vacation somewhere up north.
I chatted for about an hour with Don, Dave and Russ. Good guys all!
Kurt was bartending.
There had been a birthday party earlier in the evening. Kurt dressed for the party. He bartended dressed. In ladies clothes! Female attire!
Kurt, I did not know! Ho ho!
I was shown a picture of Kurt bartending so attired. Actually, he looked pretty good! Kurt said he made more in tips during the hour he was dressed. He just might do it again!
Lovely Karen was there. Karen is David’s lady friend. I thought she was my friend. She never talked to me! Karen love, I feel slighted! No kiss, no hug, no nothing.
Tomorrow is Sunday. Enjoy your Sunday!
I already have a part of my Sunday scheduled. Robert is placing his tooth under his pillow tonight. The tooth fairy is going to visit and leave him a dollar. Robert telephoned me. He is taking me and his family to lunch at MacDonald’s. And he is paying the bill with his dollar!
Saranac Pale Ale in Key West,, that'll be a good thing.. I'm not about to give up the IPA or Margaritas at Kelly's though..
Patrick and JoAnn