Layed in bed a while longer than usual. Good to do.
Took a walk along Smather’s Beach yesterday morning. A perfect breeze coming in off the ocean from the northeast.
A late lunch at Harpoon Harrys. Really late. I was the only one there. Stayed a while reading the local papers.
Then to the Coffeee House. I was looking forward to the New York Times. Too late. All newspapers gone, except for one copy of the New York Post. Better than nothing. We all need a far right infusion on occasion.
I ended up spending two hours at the Coffee House. Met a nice lady. Annie.
It was a day of two Annies for me. I had watched the musical Annie, better known as Orphan Annie, on the Turner channel earlier in the morning. Now I meet this very charming person.
Annie came over and asked if she could sit in the green wing back chair next to me. Of course.
She was not hustling me. She obviously had been there before and knew how comfortable the chairs were.
We started chatting and did so for the next two hours. Stimulating conversation.
Annie was reluctant to share her age with me. A female thing. I would peg her somewhere in her 50s.
Medium height. Very thin. Pale.
She is naturally thin. Told her I hated her. I had to watch everything I ate.
Fair skinned because she stays out of the sun. A common thing. Many women do.
She is a New Yorker. Lives in the Village. Works at Lincoln Center. Has worked there for many a year. Does all sorts of things. Plus occasionally a bit of acting.
We covered the world and its many ills and pleasures. She seemed to be taken with Miami Beach. Her present interest was the Mel Gibson problem . She asked what I thought. I said the Bible covers it. Judge not lest ye be judged.
She has spent the last several summers in Key West. Two months each time. July and August. Her brother owns a home just off White Street on Ash. She prefers the summers in Key West. Fewer people, cheap menus, etc. Plus she did not find the weather offensive. The constant cool breeze off the ocean made the heat tolerable.
Annie seemed to be quiet by nature. I had to draw her out into conversation. She enjoyed our give and take. I enjoyed her.
Perhaps we shall meet again at the Coffee House.
I left the Cofffee House and wanted to hook up with Lisa and the family. I telephoned Lisa. No answer on her cell. I went over to Higgs Beach on the chance they might be there. They were not.
As I turned into Key Haven on the way home, my cell rang. It was Lisa. They had just pased me in the opposite direction. I did not see them. They had been at my house swimming.
I spent the evening home. I had groceries which had been purchased the night before. Made myself a light dinner and went to bed. Watched old movies on TV. Fell asleep.
I was in a deep sleep. My cell phone rang. It was an effort to answer the phone. Forget answering it, I had trouble finding the phone in my groggy condition.
It was a friend from New York. She was drunk and depressed. Wanted to talk. Share her problems with me. At 2 in the morning! A good guy I am. But this was too much!
I listened for about 10 minutes. Just listened. Grunted occasionally so she knew I was there. Then told her I had heard enough. I needed my sleep. We would talk again in a year. It was a year ago we last talked. That is the time between her calls.
Enjoy your Sunday!
"Judge not lest ye be judged" How appropriate at this point in your life.
Fascinating and well written.