The wind is from the south this morning. The humidity heavy.
When the wind is from the south, it rains. Normally the wind is from the north or east.
Does not look or feel like rain at the moment. We shall see. And we shall see whether my weather forcasting abilities are correct.
Yesterday was Sunday. I did nothing.
Layed around the house. Watched the morning talk shows. A little sun bathing by the pool. A nap or two.
It was Lisa’s for dinner.
Robert, Ally and I watched the PGA playoff together. Robert is learning. Everytime the ball goes in the hole, he normally shouts hole in one! We were watching a par 4 being played. The pro got the ball in the cup in 3. Robert yelled…..birdie! I asked him what that was. He said he got it in the hole in 3 instead of 4.
Impressive! Wow!
Then it was home to bed and tv for me.
Nothing dramatic yesterday. Just a restful Sunday.
Enjoy your day!
Better spice up these lazy days with some BS. It will keep readers.