Up late. My apologies for writing so late.
A beautiful day. Sun shining. No clouds. Very little breeze. Nature’s colors all bright and exciting.
Yesteray was Day 5 of Club Poppa and its last day!
It was enough. My grandkids loved it. I loved it. Except, I am dead! So tired. That is why I slept late.
It was a mixed day.
Robert and Ally showed up at 7. Full of vim and vigor. Ready for another day of fun activities with their grandfather.
I fed them breakfast. Cheerios. No milk. That is the way they wanted it. Robert wanted an orange cut up. I cut one up. Ally wanted an apple cut up. I cut one up.
It is amazing! I did not do this for my own children. Of course, I never had the time to be with them as I do these grandchildren.
My radio show The Key West Lou Legal Hour was at 10. Lisa had arranged for a sitter while I was away.
A good radio show yesterday! Everything went well. The post show comments were best for the walk back in history with Theodore Roosevelt and my thoughts regarding the Gulf oil spill.
I hurried home after the show. The grandkids were awaiting.
We did a camp lunch. I cleaned out the refrigerator. We ate a little bit of everything.
Then a swim. The big black inflatable whale I bought earlier in the week is still a big hit. They fight over who is going to ride him. I asume the whale is male. I cannot tell.
I tried to plan activities for Robert and Ally during the week. To make them happy of course. But more importantly to keep them involved and make my life easier.
I was a kid a long time ago. The only kid games I recall are from a long time ago.
Last week I saw these washable chalks at K Mart. For writing on the sidewalk. Different colors. When done, hose off. I decided to try them.
Hopefully they would be better than the washable crayons that still mark my white tiki bar.
Anyhow, I had this recollection of me as a kid. We would take white chalk (colored chalk did not exist) and draw different games on the sidewalk. Of course, I lived in a tenement and they live in a house.
I took them out to the driveway. My intent was to have them draw blocks. Like a long vertical tic, tac, toe. Then I would teach them to play hop scotch or whatever it was called back when I did it.
We got through the drawing part and started. Throw a stone, then skip on one foot to wherever it landed.
That is as far as we got. It was brutually hot. The sun was beating off the concrete. All three of us were sweating profusely.
So much for the game. We came in. I was so hot I did not even try to hose down the driveway. I will find out later this morning if it comes off. If not, there will be a million dollar house with a large multi colored hop scotch drawing as one enters the house.
Who cares!
I had to leave again. A guest appearaance on Stephanie Kaple’s Fashion radio show.
The baby sitter returned.
Stephanie and I did a 20 minute bit on the woman who was fired from Citibank for being too sexy. The issue was her clothes. How she dressed. It was a fun filled exchange. Stephanie thought the woman should hve dressed more professionally. I thought she dressed fine. A bit of a female/male exchange. Good thought. Good humor.
I returned home to find Lisa waiting for me. Everyone was happy. Although the grandkids were a bit sad that Club Poppa was ending. At least for a while.
I decided to do a Camper of the Week bit. I made a dramatic speech. One of them was to be camper of the week! Both were looking on anxiously. Each hopeful to be the winner.
Lisa started to panic. I could see it in her eyes. Whoever lost would be destroyed. My darling daughter forgot her father for a moment. I declared the competition a tie. Each won! Each was deleriously happy!
I went out last night. Althought tired, I had to get out. Had a need for adult conversation and entertainment.
My evening stated at the Chart Room. Marty, Sean, Captain Peter and Michael at the bar. Made a new friend. John Fairweather. A Navy officer. Port operations Officer for the Naval Air Station at Key West. He was there with a bunch of other navy personnel.
I enjoyed John’s company. Last night was his first time at the Chart Room. I suspect he will frequent the Chart Room more often and we will get to know each other better.
Marty and I had dinner at the bar at Marquesa. We had a terrific time!
Local dentist Sandra Pepe was sitting next to me. I run into her very infrequently. Sad. Her office building is on Truman across the street from St. Mary’s Catholic Church. It is where Jack Baron started his antique and art business. Jack sold the building to Sandra.
As we were talking about Jack, who should come into Marquesa but Bob Burton. Bob was Jack’s partner for 52 years. I had not seen Bob in ages.
Jack and Bob were the perfect pair. Two old maried gays. I had the privilege of attending their 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52 anniversay parties. Could they throw a party! I recall at the 50th, they put out 5 pound tins of beluga caviar. Later, Jack told me they went through 15 tins.
I miss Jack. He has been dead about 4 years now. He was a good friend. Extremely perceptive. Uncannyingly so. He could see what was to be before it happened.
Marquesa was packed. Probably because this is Pridefest weekend. I wanted to go out after dinner. However I was tired. The week had caught up with me.
I said my good nights. I suspect Marty headed out to La Te Da. The place would have been jumping last night.
I have nothing to do today. Isn’s that wonderful!
Enjoy your day!
for the marked tiki bar?