Radio show tomorrow morning!

The Key West Lou Legal Hour!

10 am.

KONK 1500 AM. Better yet, see and hear the show on the internt at

Interesting topics! Like the Gulf oil spill. And my views on contingency lawyers and what I perceive as the inevitable Chapter 11 bankruptcy by BP. The proposed Monroe County lobbying law and my opposition to it, Portugal and same sex marriage, Pakistan and Facebook, Lithuania and rising anti semitism, work place discrimination at Citibank, Oklahoma weird dumb laws, the King of Ghana, the weird dumb lawsuit of the week, a step into history with Theodore Roosevelt, and more.

Today is Day 4 of Club Poppa. My two attendees have already arrived. They burst through the door yelling Poppa!

Robert was helping with breakfast. The box of Cheerios fell. I just finished cleaning the mess up.

Today is going to be easy. Lunch at noon at McDonald’s. Then the movies. A special day! A Shrek day! We are doing the Shrek lunch at McDonald’s followd by the Shrek movie at 1:30 at the Regal.

Robert and Ally are all excited. The lunch I can handle. The movie I doubt. This is Shrek 4. I never saw the first 3 nor had any desire to do so.

Yesterday went well.

I played golf in the morning. Lisa arranged for a sitter till I returned.

I was the big winner in golf! $12! Hit the ball well sometimes. Still have those long shots. However my short game and putting which were ok are now falling apart.

That is golf!

I played with Tom, Don and Yankee Jack. We had another foursome out there which included Larry, Kurt and Emmett.

It was a crazy group. Every one had a good time.

The humidity has arrived. It was a killer yesterday!

I was totally exhausted at the end of 18 holes. Went home. But could not go to bed. Had to baby sit.

Swam a bit with the grandkids. Then Lisa showed up at 3:30. Club Poppa closed for the day!

They left. And I went to bed. For the balance of the day and evening.

Almost forgot! I am doing a guest appearance on Stephanie Kaple’s Fashion radio show friday at 3. Same Konk station and same internet site. Tune in. Listen in. Watch. Should be interesting. We are going to talk about work place dress and the Citibank situation.

Enjoy your day!

4 comments on “

  1. ….leave it to a lawyer to plan a "theme" day for the pre-school grandkids. Do you suppose they will recognize the "theme"? Great work.

    Keep an open mind. The Shrek series is great and I hear that #4 has lots of adult humor wrapped into the kids fairy tale…enjoy.

  2. Saw Shrek on opening day, and was pleasantly surprised. I had seen the others, but this one was the best yet. Lots of adult humor( but not raunchy, it is a kids movie), I saw it with my now 20 year old and she laughed all the way through it. You should be able to enjoy it. At least you will have the pleasure of being there with your darling grandkids, that will make it worth it, no matter what! Enjoy!

  3. I enjoy your blog. I have 2 grand children and love them dearly but I don't believe I could watch them on a regular basis as you do. I have to give you credit for doing it. I had to get that off my chest. Enjoy the sunshine and warmth.
    Rob, Syracuse resident.

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