Where do I begin…..
Radio show today! The Key West Lou Legal Hour.
10 this morning. KONK 1500 AM radio. Better yet, see and hear on the internet at http://www.konkam.com/.
Great topics!
The Gulf oil spill, the concession stand that the Monroe County School Board claims it did not authorize, the City enviromental study of the Glen Archer school and its failue to test for radon, mold and asbestos, some Mark Howell soundings, Oklahoma weird dumb laws, the King of Ghana, the weird dumb lawsuit of the week. And…..Don Riggs, alive and well, from Arizona with some insider information on the new Arizona immigration law.
People will be watching and listening from Boston to Cedar Rapids to Chicago to London to Jakarta to Crete to Milan to Trieste to Havana to Cape Town. Honest to goodness!It’s amazing!
Key West weather continues to be spectacular. Low 90s yesterday. However the humidity is starting to creep in. You can feel it.
The wind is turning. You can sense it. Which means the loop current is starting to move towards Florida’s Panhandle. Pensecola was to receive its first oil from the spill yesterday.
The oil will hit Key West in about 10 days. If not sooner!
It’s like sitting in a hospital room and waiting for a loved one to die.
Except here the body will not be gone in a few days. It will remain for years to come.
Thank you BP.
BP appears largely inept and perhaps equally criminal. Time will tell. What is bothering me at the moment are these claims offices BP is opening. One already in Marathon. Another yesterday in Key West.
It is represented that the Marathon claim office already has written checks in excess of $3million.
The fox is in the hen house!
How can anyone trust BP to evaluate his or her claim? BP is smart. They hired what BP describes as an inderpendent third party to do the claim evaluations and make the payments. BP says it is hands off from their end.
I had an old law professior back at Syracuse by the name of Lloyd. Professor Lloyd was one smart man. He always told us to watch the money. One of his favorite sayings was…..”He who pays the fiddler calls the tune.”
Isn’t it so!
Which brings me to my point. These claims, early or late, should be made and paid by an independent new court system established by the federal and/or state governments. The purpose is to expedite all claims fairly and properly in the shortest time period. And BP and its designees should not be trusted to do it.
Enough of oil for the time being. I will speak more to the issue today on the radio show.
Last night was our bocce banquet. At Don ‘s Place. Food prepared by Russ and David. Two premier chefs. One by profession and the other by love.
The menu was sliced tenderloin, creamed spinach, corn, beans and salad. All cooked outside at Don’s Place. Absolutely delicious!
The whole bocce world was there. Don, David, Russ, Larry, Tom, Nancy, Michelle, Nate, Boomer, Jules, Kathy, Joanie, Jim, Chris and many many more. A good time was had by all! Everyone was in a happy mood even before the food was served.
Enjoy your day! Listen to me on the radio if you can at 10!
Looking forward to today's show and the continued talk on the oil spill! This is a mess of epic proportions- and even saying that is an understatement.
At least i know that a month from today, I'll be enjoying a week of fun and relaxation in key west! That's what's keeping me going today.
Matt, Boston