Good morning world!
A great morning here in Key West!
I slept late. The sun is already up. A good breeze. Blue sky. Only an occasional small cloud. The water moving right along.
Another typical Key West day in the making!
The radio show started my day yesterday. The Key West Lou Legal Hour.
I spent a good deal of time initially talking about the Gulf oil spill. It is of major concern here in the keys!
Then I spoke a bit about what might be described as extremism. Our natinal economic condition and the type of leaders it causes us to elect. It was a beware message. Beware of who we vote for. The anticipated cure might be worse than the illness that motivated our vote.
I continue to marvel at those catching the show over the internet. Afterwards, I heard from Anna in Milan, Italy and Rita in Capetown, South Africa.
Following the radio show, Larry, Guy and I had another meeting regarding a possible new show. I have previously described the show as in the developmental/conceptual stage. Not easy to put together. It may be dying. Time will tell.
Then to the Coffee House. Read a bit. Chatted a bit. A very relaxing place.
I ran into Sean. I have written of Sean before. He is a friend and a bocce partner. Sean owns a boat that he charters for flatfishing.
Key West is the tarpon capital of the world! And this is tarpon season. The Spring. They are all over the place! You can even see them off docks in large groups.
Sean says business is booming. People come from all over to tarpon fish.
The fishing sounds interesting. Sean’s boat is only 16 feet long. Just a large open row boat. With a motor on the back. He takes his customers out for what is called flat fishing. In just 3 feet of water.
Sean says it is exciting to watch the fisherman cast their rods out over the water and see the tarpon jump up with their wide open mouths and grab onto the fly. Sean says the tarpon are large and plentiful this season. Running about 100 pounds each.
Sean is concerned about the Gulf oil spill. Very concerned. He has beeen in business 5 years. It is just taking hold. He now has repeat customers. The fish are plentiful. Every one is happy.
If the oil hits here, it is all over. Perhaps for years.
Sean has already attended 2 meetings regarding what to do. He belongs to some fisherman organizations. Lawyers from Miami have been at themeetings getting everyone positioned to sue. But like Sean said, whatever he might get would be too little too late.What would he do in the meantime?
I lunched at Hogfish. Alone and quietly. Read some local weekly newspapers.
Then I took a walk. Along Smathers Beach. Hot. Tiring. But felt good.
It was apparently too tiring. I spent the rest of the day home!
I mentioned yesterday that my sneaks were soaked and loaded with clay from bocce the night before. I was going to put them in the dishwasher. I further admonished not to worry. I had done it before.
I made a mistake.
It was the washer and dryer before. Not the dishwasher. My sneaks are still soaking wet. I put them outside in the sun yesterday afternoon and left them out all night. Still wet. The next step is the dryer.
Enjoy your day!
Put the sneakers in the washing machine on the spin cycle to take out all the excess water. Then outside to dry. Don't use the clothes dryer.