Ally was sick yesterday. I babysat.

She was quiet in the morning. Got better as the day progressed. Complained of being hungry at one point. I gave her some dry cereal. A little later a popsicle.

By afternoon she was up and running. You would never know she had been upchucking all night. No fever. Her stomach had settled. Her personality returned.

I worked on tomorrow’s radio show and played with her.

We played cards. Fish. I always lose. I do not know why. I do not try to lose. It is worth losing, however. She gets all excited beating Poppa!

Interesting radio show tomorrow. Things like the gopspel and Thomas Jefferson, the Guilf oil spill, booms and the oil spill, a lead contamination lawsuit worthy of mention, a comedian who won a mother in law lawsuit, the Key West Police Station locked door policy and much more.

Listen in. 10 am. KONK 1500 AM. On the internet worldwide at You can both see and hear on the internet.

I was walking Duval last night on my way to dinner at La Trattoria. Ran into Stephanie. The Key West Shoe Girl. We are all Key West something!

Stephanie does a radiio show on KONK 1500, also. At 3 pm tomorrow. A fashion talk show. She told me tomorrow’s topic involves wedding gowns. Like I told her, something I would be intrested in! Ho ho! However I will tune in. She is a genuine personality worthy of attention.

I had dinner last night with a lovely young lady. Jenna. All of 24. Archaic me at 74 and Jenna at 24.

We had an interesting and lengthy dialogue. The gigantic age difference had no bearing. I could have been 24 as well or she 74.

Jenna is originally from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Educated if I recall correctly at Ball State. Wanted to be a sportscaster. Became one. Then the recession hit. She found herself out of work.

Decided Florida was the place she wanted to be. Ended up in Key West. Works two part time jobs. One at the radio station. KONK 1500. That is where I met her. Another with a digital video company.

She aspires to another sports broadcasting position. She is determined. She will eventually find one. And Key West will lose her.

I cannot stress too greatly the impact the Gulf oil spill is having on Key West. That is all people talk about. And these concerns and conversations are taking place even before any of the oil has hit.

It has to arrive at some point. It will enter the loop current and make its way over a one to two week period to the Florida keys. Fish will die, hard shell breeding beds destroyed, the mangroves eradicated, the reef contaminated and much more.

It has all the making of economic as well as enviromental devestation.

A tragedy waiting to occur. Like you know the end of the world is coming soon. And you can do nothing about it.

All because of greed. Man’s greed. Unbridled. When are we going to wake up and harness the haves who feed off the rest of society. There is a lesson to be learned here. More than one lesson!

I obviously missed golf yesterday. That is 3 weeks in a row. Just as I started to hit the ball well, I stopped playing. I am sad!

Bocce tonight. Last game of the season.

Tonight will be Jules’ last night at bocce. Her husband Jim is retiring from the Air Force next month. They are moving to New Orleans. My partner will be gone!

Enjoy your day!

2 comments on “

  1. We must learn to stop our dependence on fuel whether it be by mass transit or other means. If we are not willing to do so then we must realize others, such as the Chinese and Russians are drilling in the Gulf. It can be done safely. In this particular case there were several mistakes this past year that the US gov't did nothing about. Documented things that were intentionally or unintenionally overlooked. Thus we must blame not just the 3 companies involved in this particular drilling rig but our own gov't as well. I'd like to see you look into this and discuss it on your radio show some time.

  2. Should have added this to the previous……..If we don't drill more in Alaska, the Gulf and anywhere else oil is readily available to us we will continue to be dependent on the Middle East for our supply. Is that who you want to have as your supplier?

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