Another pleasant morning.
The sun is shining. Just enough breeze.
I spent Sunday morning in bed. Watching the TV Sunday talk shows. Meet the Press, Chris Matthews and the like.
Then it was off to the Coffee House. To read the New York Times. Took about 3 hours to get through it. Nothing like it on a Sunday!
The Coffee House was totally deserted at times, except for me. And then there were moments when the line went out the door.
I decided the Coffee House does a good business. In spite of people like myself who generally only buy a cup of coffee and spends hours reading the newspapers for free.
I had some prescriptions to pick up and a few groceries to buy.
I have become a shopping expert over the past 4 years. Sunday is the worse day to grocery shop at Publix. A majority seem to shop on Sunday afternoons. I have trouble guiding my cart around.
On the other hand, Sunday afternoon is the best time to shop Walgreens. Few people. No line waiting.
It is amazing the things I have become expert at since I retired! Me, a guy who avoided grocery and drug shopping like the plague when I was working up north!
I spent the later part of the afternoon at Lisa’s reading the Sunday Key West Citizen. I try never to buy a newspaper!
I arrived when Lisa’s home was empty. They were off to a schoolmate’s birthday party at Fort Zach beach. Ah, the quiet. I grabbed the papers and turned on the TV. Golf time.
When the family returned home, they hit the door like an invasion! Robert and Ally came through all excited. And filthy. Sand all over them. So bad that Robert volunteered to shower immediately without any coaching from his mother.
The golf match was interesting. Close. Came down to Furyk and England’s Davis. Davis had yet to win on the American tour. He came close, but did not win yesterday.
Golf is an honest game. At least, it is supposed to be. Most play it as such. The rules are the rules.
Furyk and Davis were tied at the end of the day. Overtime!
They replayed 18. Davis’ second shot was a bit short and to the left of the green. Below the rocks. Sitting on the actual beach amongst a pile of sticks.
He grazed one of the sticks on his back swing. It could not be seen, except in replay. He immediately told the official he thought he had struck the stick on the backswing. He had. A 2 stroke penalty. No way he could win.
A noble gesture. A proper one. Davis will long be remembered for it. More so than if he had won.
Too bad more people do not play the game of life by following the rules to the letter. I think of the banks and insurance companies. It would be a better place to live.
David is my friend. He is everyone’s friend. He is a stocky fellow. With a white beard. Looks like Santa Claus.
David is Don’s best friend. David was captain of my bocce team for 3 years till this year.
He loves Karen. She loves him.
David also loves Isabelle, his dog. And no question that Isabelle loves him. She is never away from his side.
Isabelle appears to be a German shepherd. A few days ago her hips and legs gave out. She cannot stand.
It is a sad time for David.
I ran into David and Karen in the Publix parking lot yesterday. A difficult conversation.
To boot, David recently lost his 10 year job with a local construction firm when it went out of business.
When it rains, it pours.
Hang in there, my friend.
May you all enjoy today!
There really is no comparison to the Sunday paper and a cup of joe!