To steal the words from a song…..Oh, the weather is so delightful!
But the song spoke of snow. No snow here. Don’t know if it ever snowed in Key West.
Just great sun!
Big meeting yesterday morning. At Larry Smith’s house. A bunch of us are trying to put together an internet/tv show. We are not certain where it is going. We are still in the formative stage. Just our third meeting.
Larry is our leader. We all contribute. The meetings are democratic. Unless Larry disagrees.
Lovely Gee Gee was in attendance. A tall thin beauty. Turns out she was a model in her former life. All over the world. Now 26, she has made Key West her base.
Adair. Met him for the first time. What a body! Adair is 64 and has a young man’s physique. Muscles. Ripples. He is a retired auto manufacturer from South Bend, Indiana. Has lived in Key West for 10 years. Now works as a personal trainer.
My friend Clayton Lopez. Clayton is a Conch. Means he was born in Key West. Lucky him! Clayton also serves as an elected City Commissioner. He has an excellent singing voice and performs locally most evenings.
Chicago Tino. A retired federal officer. My friend and golf buddy. Soon to return to Chicago for the summer.
Alec who lives on Big Coppett. A retired fireman from somewhere up north. Blows a horn and writes musicals now for a living.
Doc Covan. A psychologist. Former New Yorker. Served as Chief Psychologist at Bellevue. Wrote a best selling book. Now doing private phsychology work here in Key West.
Larry is originally from Danville, Pennsylvannia. Came to Key West by way of Woodstock. He is now one of Key West’s premier musicians.
We sat and talked. Interacted. Key West talk. This just might work. We shall see.
Afterwards, I headed for Lisa’s to have lunch. I ate with my grandkids Robert and Ally. Bagels, yogurt and the like. And hard boiled eggs! Ally proudly sliced the eggs with the cutter I had purchased for her the day before.
I hung at Lisa’s most of the afternoon. Then home to watch the golf tournamnet on TV.
I fell asleep. When I woke, it was 7. So I decided to make myself a sandwich and stay in for the evening. Which I did.
Facebook has provided me with many friends. People I would never have known nor met were it not for this marvel of internet communication.
There are two friends I would briefly like to speak of.
One is Maria. Maria is a school teacher in Tampa. We met originally at Don’s Place a couple of years ago. She was visiting my bocce partner Jules. We have mainitained our acquaintance via Facebook.
Maria shared an interesting quote on FB yesterday. “Your ego is not your amigo.”
Wow! I can think how those words may have applied to me at one time and to many others all the time. The Key West way of life has toned me down. Or at least I think so!
My other Facebook friend is a new one. Roberta.
Roberta is a snowbird by description. She spends part of her year in Key West and the other in Ontario, Canada.
Roberta and I became friends the past few days. We have exchanged a few messages. An interesting lady. She wrote this morning to tell me she liked this blog so much that she had recommended it to 16 of her friends who either live in or have an interest in Key West. A nice touch.
Anyhow…..Roberta appears to be a bit of a thinker. Sensitive also. She lists several quotes on her Facebook info page. One is by the physicist, writer, mystic, friend to famous writers and more. Joseph Campbell.
“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
Very true. But sometimes we have to hear some one else say it to become aware of it.
Enjoy your day! It’s Sunday!