Golf yesterday.

We played in the cold. Nothing new. High 50s. The wind was brutal. Cutting.

I played with 3 great guys. Don, Larry and Bill.

My game was the best in a long time on the front side. I was hitting them long and straight. Putting good. Then I lost it. Don says I tire as I go along. I think he is correct. My 74 years catches up with me.

All in all, my game was not that bad. I lost no money nor won any. I broke even. Don was the big winner.

Marty has returned! The drums rolled and the band played last night!

He is only here for a couple of days. Then it is back to his Hallendale home.

We hooked up at the Chart Room. Che there also. Factoring the item of discussion. I had not heard that word in years. It has something to do with financing in the garment business in days gone by. Che was in the garment business years ago.

Dinner was at the bar at Square One.

Patrick bartending as usual. Michael Stewart hosting his special restaurant.

We talked about Square One’s beginnings. It was 20 years ago. I remember.

My wife and I were visiting Key West for the first time. We were staying at the Hyatt. A bell boy suggested we dine at a restaurant called Square One. We did. Turns out the bell boy by day was a waiter by night at Square One.

Square One had just opened. We met Michael. It was the beginning of a long run and a long relationship.

Patrick became bartender a year later. He has been at Square One 19 years. He became a best friend. Even to my Lisa. They come no better than Patrick.

The meal was good. No, excellent. I watched what I ate. A small steak and some vegetables. Worry not, I will not blow the benfits of my diet. Interestingly, at least a dozen people mentioned to me yesterday to beware. They had read about my eating debacle at I Hop.

Radio show time tomorrow!

The Key West Lou Legal Hour. 10 am. KONK 1500 AM. Even better on the internet at You can see as well as hear!

Some intreresting topics. Like how do you find an impartial jury in the age of the internet. A story about the French croissant and bagel. And some weird dumb laws. This time from the State of Texas.

Enjoy today!

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