The weather continues to confound us here in Key West.
It is 63 degrees at the moment. The time is 8 am. I slept late.The low tonight is projected at 52.
What is happening to our sub tropical paradise island! To the whole country for that matter! Wow, what a winter!
To top it off, we had a storm at dinner time last night. It was the frosting on the cake!
Around 5, TV started flashing weather warnings. Something had developed in the Gulf of Mexico and was rapidly heading our way. Heavy rains with 40 per mile hour winds and gusts to 60 miles per hour. Almost hurricane winds! The warning was stay in. Don’t go out. Seek shelter.
Lisa telephoned. Don’t go out! I have to meet people at 7:30. Cancel! I will wait and see.
TV said it would be over by 6:45. It was.
The storm hit around 6:30. Monsoon rains from the southwest. Big wind! Very big! Bend the palm trees type.
And then it was gone. And I went out.
I was meeting Tom and Cindy at the bar at La Trattoria for dinner. They arrived before me. They weathered the storm at the Green Parrot. Gutsy people! Happy too! They drank their way through the storm!
I just met Tom and Cindy this past week. Terrific people!
They have been reading the blog since last summer. They are not strangers to Key West, however. They have been coming here for 10 years for 2 weeks each year. Their game plan is to spend 6 months here each year and 6 months at their home on the Mississippi River where it winds through Iowa.
I did not know the Mississippi traveled that far north.
Tom and Cindy are from Iowa. Cedar Rapids.
Cindy has one leg. Her other a victim to cancer.
She maneuvers in a wheel chair and on crutches. Titanium crutches. Just like golf club heads.
Cindy is one of the most charming women I have ever met. Tom a good guy, also. We laughed our way through the evening. Talked about everything from sex with a one legged lady to Hillary and the Iowa caucuses.
I have made 2 new friends. No question about it. I am sure they feel the same way. Unforunately they are leaving tuesday. But there will be next year! And e mails in between.
Key West and Harry Truman are joined at the hip.
Truman visited Key West and liked it. He spent a total of 175 days in Key West during his Presidency. His residence on the island was at a white house on the then naval base. It is located just off Truman Annex. Today’s Truman Annex was once part of the naval base.
President Harry was married to Bess. Bess did not like Washington. So Harry generally lived alone in Washington’s White House while Bess resided in the family abode in Independence, Missouri. Harry dutifully wrote daily letters by hand to Bess.
Bess occasionally visited Harry here in Key West.
The Key West home they resided in is known as the Little White House.
Today is Bess Truman’s birthday. If alive, she would be 125 years old.
There will be a party this afternoon at the Little White House to celebrate Bess’ birthday. I believe it begins at 1 pm. Cake will be served free to the first 200 guests. Bess will be there. Harry, also.
I have never seen today’s Bess. But Harry I have! He is the perfect replica of Truman. The first time I saw him was on Whitehead several years ago. He was walking. It was warm. He was wearing a flat topped straw hat and carrying a cane. Truman it was! Amazing!
I have been in most of the week. Today I am responsibility free. I am going to get out. Regardless of the weather. What I will do, I am uncertain. But the door awaits!
Enjoy your day!