The cold continues!
It is almost boring to continue to speak of it.
I have never known Key West to be so cold so long. Last night at bocce an old timer was telling us it was like this back in the 1970s. Cold all winter for several years. Not something to look forward to.
The radio show was a hit yesterday! I am pleased. I always worry.
I did a commentary on rape. The segment was inspired by New York Times writer Nicholas Kristoff. He did an article in April 2009 entitled ” Is Rape Serious?”
The basic thrust of the article was that our police enforcement/prosecutorial society is indifferent to rape crimes. Yes, that is what he said. And that is the issue I explored on the Key West Lou Legal Hour yesterday.
About 15 people contacted me during the balance of the day to comment on the issue. Even at bocce last night people were coming up to me to discuss their thoughts.
Rape appears to be an issue which requires further exploration and attention.
Interestingly, I turned on TV this morning. There was Nicholas Kristoff. On Good Morning Joe talking about jobs.
Bocce started last night. Always good! Not just the game. The people playing. It was like old home week.
I now play with the Donkeys. Got traded. Nice people. Made me and my other team mates who were traded feel welcome. Norm is our captain. A good guy and a good player. Ron, the same. Joanie, my love. We really hit it off last night! We played the last game together.
I played in the first and third games. We won the first 16-8. The second was close. We lost 16-15. I was back playing in the third game. We lost 16-14. Sort of a moral victory. We were down 10-5 and came back.
The last shot was mine in the third game. The win or lose shot. A tough one. I either had to go off the board or straight at the polina. The balls were all bunched together. I opted to go off the board. Everyone said no! I had to take my shot. Off the board I went!
I did not even come close to the polina! I blew it! We lost!
But it was fun. And I can see we will have fun all season. And even distinguish ourselves on occasion.
Cheryl and Roger showed up during the games. Nice people. The first time they stopped at the bocce matches. They are in Key West for a few months. They have gotten to know many people. They have become Don’s Place patrons and were chatting it up with Don and David last night.
I hope some day Cheryl ad Roger can regulate their Key West time so as to play in the bocce league.
Turtles are big in the keys. It used to be a major industry here. We have a turtle museum. There is a turtle hospital in Marathon.
The recent 3 week very cold spell was not healthy for the turtles. They ended up floating bottom up in the water or washed up on beaches. Most were taken to the Turtle Hospital. Some required surgery. Those that were saved, and most were, have been returned to the sea.
Over the years turtles with other ailments have been treated at the Turtle Hospital. Some have been cared for on a long term basis.
There are those turtles that have sustained spinal cord injuries. Such require special forever type care.
There are five such turtles. They have been at the Turtle Hospital for several years.
Recently, these turtles were carefully transported overseas to the Weymouth Sea Life Park in Dorset, England. Weymouth has agreed to care of the turtles as part of an educational exhibit it is establishing.
It is going to be cold for at least another week!
Enjoy your day!