It is a heat wave! 52 degrees this morning! Up from 43 at this same time yesterday.
How lucky we are!
This endless cold spell is going to break Thursday or Friday. Then we will be back to the low 70s.
It was only 3 weeks ago when Key West locals were talking about how warm it was. Temperatures were in the low 80s. It was even humid! Some were comparing it to summer weather.
It has been a strange cycle weatherwise.
All kinds of statistics are coming out. Some run into each other. The latest was on the Weather Channel last night. We were told that the last time Key West had 40s temperatures was in 1978 when it was 48 degrees. Yesterday the temp dropped to 42.
What has to be understood is that Key West locals do not expect weather this cold and for this long. Homes are constructed with air conditioning. Not heat! So the cold has a greater impact. Locals stay in bed all day under multiple covers on a cold day! Hard to do however when it is this cold for such a prolonged period of time. Life goes on.
I had to visit two doctors yesterday. First, a specialist. Then my internest. Both offices were cold. Freezing cold. No heat. Their offices were not constructed to provide heat or for a prolonged cold spell.
I had to strip to the waist in the specialist’s office for a while. Cold!!! The doctor was dressed warm. Sweater and all. I mentioned the cold. He said it was not bothering him. No wonder! He was not half naked!
I needed a pedicure. Mentally and physically. Hoped it would be warm at the salon.
It was. Even without heat, there were enough people to provide body heat.
Joan Cornell was there getting her nails attended to. A very nice person. Married to Woody. Have not seen either of them in quite a while.
Joan is a World War II war bride. From England. Met Woody while he was stationed there.
As I was finishing up, Joan asked if I had my toe nails painted red. No, I said. And added that Woody would have. She agreed.
Woody is a man’s man. No question about it. A rugged tough guy. Talented in every respect. A gentleman. A successful restauranteur, hotel and guest house proprietor. Both are now retired here in Key West. Their home is spectacular. The rear portion is completely open to a pool and gardens.
Woody is his own person. He dresses a bit way out. Holland type wood shoes. Earrings. Generally a 1 1/2 to 2 inch sword hanging from one ear. Strange colored vests.
At the time of 9/11, Woody and Joan had a summer place in France. Woody decided to take a quick plane trip to England to visit his brother. The time was just after 9/11.
Cutoms did a complete strip and body search when Woody arrived in England. We discussed it afterwards. We agreed. The way he looked drove the situation.
Stopped to see Lisa and the grandkids on the way to dinner last night. Corey was in Key Largo and was not expected home till midnight.
I found Lisa and the grandkifds in bed. In Lisa’s bed. All three tucked under the covers and watching TV. The cold had finally invaded Lisa’s home. Lisa could not understand how I could go out last night.
I was dressed for it. Jeans, sweater and leather jacket. Even gloves! That cold!
Dinner was at the bar at La Trattoria. A lot of people, but less than last week.
Beecha was dressed for the weather. A black pants suit. Some sort of scarf around the neck. Black shoes. Bare feet, however. She complained her feet were cold.
I received my usual hug and kiss. Always wonderful!
Kathy had time to occasionally chat with me. She is good company as well as a good person.
Then it was home to watch the Villanova/Louisville basketball game on TV.
Villanova won. I was pulling for Louisville. A Villanova loss would have moved Syracuse up in the standings. Louisville had a 17 point lead in the first half. And blew it! Both teams were good. Villanova a bit better.
I know Louisville Coach Patino. Many years ago he was an assistant to Boeheim at Syracuse. I got to know him a bit when he was with the Celtics and later at Kentucky and Louisville.
August in Saratoga is horse time! Big time! Patino is into horses. Owns and trains them. Runs them. I used to visit Saratoga on occasion. Less than a 2 hour drive from Utica.
My son John knew Patino well. From Patino’s Boston Celtic days. It was through John I got to know Patino.
Patino also sponsored a charity golf tournament every August in Saratoga. A huge fund raising event. My recollection is that the fee to play was $5,000 per person. John and I each played. Needless to say, everything was first class.
I used to smile each time I played in the tournament. Here I was, the world’s worst player playing with some of the best athletes and top business people in the world!
And the course! It was one of those new difficult courses. I forget the technical name for it. You had to be precise with each shot. Or you ended up in 2-3 foot rough. The first time I played in the tournament and on the course, I lost 36 balls. For real! I remember the situation well. They had to bring a box of balls out to me on the course so I could complete play.
Enjoy your day!
You've got a lot of balls
I thought he said he lost his balls.
The whole thing is balls and bearings.