It’s a new day!
Another great Key West day in the making!
While my friends up north are freezing, Key West is basking in 80 degree plus weather. Terrific! Keys weather, that is. Not that my friends up north are cold.
I screwed up yesterday. I told you about the turtle release from Higgs Beach on Sunday. I referred to the turtle as a “he”. A he he ain’t! He’s a she!
There was a picture of the turtle and an article in the Key West Citizen yesterday. The turtle’s name is Cassandra.
You can’t tell one turtle from another these days! At least I can’t. They all look alike!
Spent some time at Borders. Still into Sarah Palin’s Rogue book. She continues to be every woman, every person. Just your basic every day all American girl.
Just wonderful! No mountain too high to climb. No task too difficult to take on.
Can’t be. Too good to be true. But I don’t know. Judgment still reserved. I wish to read more.
I played delivery boy for Lisa again yesterday. To the Post Office. The sub station in the Winn Dixie Shopping Center. I had to wait in line 50 minutes to mail my packages. Too long! The time and line!
The waiting did not really bother me. I had no where to go.
I ran into Clayton while I was waiting. He was in line also.
Clayton used to bartend at Antonia’s. Then he went over to Bagatelle’s to become Alcohol and Beverage Manager. His wife is the charming Valerie who bartends at Hot Tin Roof. Key West is a small town!
Clayton recently left Bagatelle’s to open his own business. He is going to sell tee shirts world wide. His new business goes live on the internet Friday. A terrific name!
Clayton is originally from New Zealand. Discovered Key West years ago and settled here. Discovered Valerie also and married her. He is a world traveler. Recently it was Ecquador or Peru. He owns property in Dubai. An interesting guy. A nice guy.
I also got to chat a bit with one of the waiters from Hogfish and several other people. The 50 minutes in line was not wasted.
Speaking of Lisa, her Key West internet department store does a bit more business each day. Novels about Key West are becoming a big seller.
Only 10 days left to Christmas. Let Lisa be your guide to Christmas shopping. View her store for a funky and fabulous Christmas gift for a friend.
I am still on the diet. Just completing day 5. Is it getting easier? A bit. I have not cheated one iota. I am proud of myself.
The diet is keeping me in at night. I need to avoid the near occasions of sin. Other people eating! Soon, however, I will be out again on the town in the evening!
Radio show Thursday at 1 pm! Have to start preparing today. Listen at KONK 1680 AM radio. Listen and watch on the internet at Call in with a question or comment to 305-294-2769.
Enjoy your day!