I am late with the blog this morning. Sorry. Slept late. And my computer is still screwed up. It will be fixed later today. So I am at Lisa’s writing this morning.
The drive to Lisa’s home from mine was spectacular! The only way to describe it. The sun was bright. Only a scattering of clouds. Temperature around 78. Dry. Cool.
I enjoyed yesterday. Especially lunch time.
I took a long walk in the late morning. Part of my new found good health kick. I ended up at the Mel Fisher Museum. Son in law Corey works there as the Museum’s chief archeologist.
Next door to the Museum on Whitehead Street is a long narrow building. It has 3 or 4 stores fronting on Whitehead. The store fronts are built up. About 10 feet off the ground. With a long white railing fronting the stores.
The store fronts are located about 100 feet off the busy path tourists normally travel.
Absolutely the worst place to locate a retail store.
Or so I thought. I found out differently yesterday.
My friend Maxine Makover operates a knitting goods store at the location. Called Knit Wits. She sells yarn and related items for knitting and crocheting.
I stopped in at lunch time. First time I had been in her store.
What a lovely place! Absolutely beautiful inside! Magnificent!
Spacious. Well decorated. Colorful. Exudes a feeling of warmth.
I congratulated Maxine on the store. She invited me to stay for lunch. Next door, beween the 3 stores and the Museum, is a small restauant. She ordered chicken soup for me, the special of the day. Followed by a baked apple in a succulent crust covered with a just sweet enough topping.
We ate seated at a round glass table in the center of her store.
All this was terrific! But I asked…..how do you make money? Where do the customers come from? She said watch.
I spent about an hour with Maxine. First, a woman came in alone. She was off a cruise ship and only in Key West for a few hours. Then 4 more women came in. Also off a cruise ship. Then several other women. And some made purchases.
Turns out knitting is big with women! Even when they are out of town! Most had become aware of Maxine’s store when they rode Ed Swift’s trolley cars. The trolley goes right past the front of the stores. After their trolley trips, these women hurried back to explore the store. Turns out knitting is a very special past time for women.
Plus, Maxine’s Knit Wits is the only knit goods store in Key West. If you are the only one, a prime location is not required. The customers will find you. And find Maxine’s store they do!
So I had a terrific lunch with a terrific lady and learned a bit about the yarn business to boot!
Afterward when I completed my walk, I hurried over to the Borders book store. I was anxious to start reading Sarah Palin’s new book. I was one day early. The book will not be on the shelves till today.
Last night I shared some time at the Chart Room with Che and Captain Peter. Captain Peter had just returned from a one week vacation in Mexico. Marty was absent. Working taking down some municipal meeting.
I had dinner at the bar at Antonia’s. Not drinking makes a big difference in the cost of eating out. My total bill was $16!
I noticed during my walk earlier in the day and then my walk while out last night, that Key West is busy. There are tourists in town. A good bunch of them. Great for the Key West economy.
It must also mean that things are getting a wee bit better economically. If this trend continues, that may very well be the case. However, I question my observation based on the unemployment statistics.
Tonight is a big time at Don’s Place. 5 to 7. Nancy and Steph are having a Bead for Life party. Bead jewelry made from recycled paper by Ugandans. The sale proceeds are returned to Uganda to help educate Ugandan children.
A good cause! Lovely beads! Go take a look and spend a dollar or two for a good cause!
Enough for today. Time to walk. Good health continues.
Enjoy your day!