My radio show today!
The Key West Lou Legal Hour.
At 1 o’clock. Radio station KONK 1680 AM here in Key West. On the internet worldwide, And if you wish to call in with a question or comment, telephone 305-294-2769.
Today’s subject matter: mortgage foreclosures. People versus the banks! How Key Westers and the rest of the American public can stand up to the economic force which seeks to consume them!
Hope you can listen in!
I was wrong about the weather yesterday. A rarity. Key West weather is always so predicable, it is hard to make an erroneous projection.
It rained in the morning. Heavy. For about an hour. While we were playing golf. We had to go into the club house for an hour.
Golf was fun yesterday. I played with Kurt and Tino. Two good guys!
I played well considering I had not played in 3 weeks. And further considering that I am not the best golfer out there. I hit a lot of good shots and sunk a few putts. My problem remains the same. I cannot get off the tee.
Kurt and Tino played a personal match. Tino got strokes, of course. Kurt is a spectacular golfer. Kurt won in a squeaker. The last hole decided it all.
Yesterday was Veterans Day. It has become a big time holiday once again. There was a hiatus during and following the Vietnam War when America forgot its veterans. No more. Rspect is back! Big time! And properly so!
Key West is huge on parades. We have a parade for everything. One of the best is the Veterans Day parade. The military sharply marching. The Navy here. Proud vets marching and in cars. Some in uniforms of yesteryear. Floats. Bands blaring. Flags everywhere.
I watched the parade yesterday in front of Antonia’s. With the grandkids. Robert and Ally loved the parade! They sat on the curb. Waived their flags. And occasionally ran out to pick up the candy being thrown from the floats.
An excellent experience for the my grandchildren and the rest of the kids watching the parade. It introduces them to pride and patriotism at an early age. And it is good for us old timers, also. It reminds us!
Later in the evening I was at the Chart Room. Marty, Rick and Don were there. Mark bartending.
Don is a Vice-President at First State Bank. A veteran, also.
Don told me that his bank had a dinner a few nights ago for the Monroe County CPAs. Since Veterns Day was around the corner, Don brought up military service. He asked for a show of hands as to those who had served. About half the room, he said.
One of those raising their hands was a tiny white haired woman. A CPA from Islemaroda. Don engaged her in conversation. She told him she signed up in 1944 during World War II. In the Navy. She became a pilot. Flew fighter planes. Women were not permitted in combat in those days. Her job was to ferry the fighter planes to where ever they were needed.
This morning on the news there was a story about these women. There was a dinner honoring them last night in Dallas. These heroines of World War II were called Wasps. We have one of our own. Just up the road in Islemaroda.
Rick was also at the bar at the Chart Room. I have never spoken with him other than a hello. Till last night.
Don runs the hot dog stand on the corner of Duval and United. I see him there everyday selling hot dogs, cheeseburgers and on Fridays, pulled pork. His stand is located near the coffee house I visit evey day.
Rick appears to do a big business. People always standing around munching. And chatting. Seems his stand is a place where people congregate.
Later Marty and I went over to Square one for dinner. Rick joined us later. A good meal and good company. Square One’s bar is always crowded with locals.
Patrick was bartending. I attended his and Les’ wedding party last Sunday night. Patrick is one of the best people in Key West. I have known him for 20 years. They do not come any better.
Bocci tonight! I have not played in 3 weeks. Only 2 evenings left. We are close to making the finals for the first time. But first we have to win tonight. And then again next week.
We shall see.
Enjoy your day!
Good job with the radio show! It is much enjoyed.