I spent the early part of yesterday running errands for Lisa. Her Key West internet department store Via Key West is up and running. She is getting orders. Some one has to package and mail out. I am that person.
The Key West Lou T-shirts continue to sell well. I mailed some more out yesterday.
Take a look at her site. www.viakeywest.com.
After doing my thing for Lisa, I went over to Borders for a while. I am reading Newt Gingrich’s new book on Washington crossing the Delaware. Gingrich was a history professor before he was a politicain. He has written historical novels before. This is the first of his I have read.
I am not impressed so far with the book. It moves slow. I am a history freak and have read other Revolutionary War books. By dramatizing the event, he belabors it. I will give it another day or two and see if it captures my attention. If not, there is a new Civil War book I will try.
The rest of the day was spent getting ready for today’s radio show. My first radio show!
I am excited!
Louis Petrone presents the Key West Lou Legal Hour!
Nothing runs smooth. Everything screws up.
I had two guests lined up for the show. Both had to back out. So I had to scramble to get two more. Fortunately I was able to. Both also are experts on the homeless situation. It is amazing how many people and organizations are involved with helping the homeless. Should be a good show. I recommend you listen. Actually, I hope you listen!
The show is at 1 pm Eastern Standard Time on Konk 1680 AM radio here in Key West. Outside Key West, it can be heard on the internet at www.konkam.com. Telephone call ins can be made at 305-294-2769.
I stayed in last night. Made myself a light dinner. And watched the Yankees/Phillies World Series baseball game.
I think the Yankees won. I say I think because I fell asleep during the seventh inning when the Yankees were ahead by 3 runs.
Hope I am correct that the Yankees won!
Enjoy your day! And again, if you have the time and/or inclination, listen to my radio show!
Louis the NEW YORK YANKEES WON. I am flying to NEW YORK CITY in the am for a Men's weekend. I remember5 the Men's weekend many years ago fishing for Blues Do you
Louis the NEW YORK YANKEES WON. I am flying to NEW YORK CITY in the am for a Men's weekend. I remember5 the Men's weekend many years ago fishing for Blues Do you
Hi Lou, Great job on the radio show today! I listened while at work via the internet.
Chris (and Don) from Syracuse
Great radio show! It was very interesting and you have some fascinating topics lined up for future shows. I'm looking forward to listening to them all – especially the Mel Fisher story. I've worked in the office there and with the lawyers who handle the yearly adjudication process, so if you'd like a colorful character as an addition to you and David Paul Horan, let me know. Take care and keep up your good work. I'm going to have to break down and buy a Key West Lou t-shirt.
Great radio show! You are a pro! Key West Lou T-Shirt, I want one.
Considering the legal side of economic, political and social information gives me more guides with which to navigate through contemporary issues. You did a fine job on your first show. I'll be listening as often as possible.