My radio show starts Thursday. At 1 pm. Konk 1680 AM here in Key West.

I am excited. I have never done a radio show before. So it is all a learning experience also.

I spent 3 hours at the radio station yesterday learning the nuts and bolts of what I am to do. It is not just speaking into a microphone.

I sit on a stool in a little room with all kinds of equipment. A big mike is in front of me. My guests sit across. They are partially blocked from my view by their mikes.

I have a panel in front of me. To control the volume for each speaker, including me. To my left is like a large clock. But in letters and words. Like a computer screen. I have to keep my eye on the time on that screen as I talk into the mike and chat with my guests.

Sounds confusing. I will problably screw up a few times. But I should have in down pat by the end of the first show.

The show is entitled the Key West Lou Legal Hour. Got to keep Key West Lou going!

My vision is for a 3 way format. I will talk. Express opinions. There will be a guest or guests. And telephone calls can be received. So remember to call in if you have a point to make or a question to ask. I don’t want to be left alone for an hour trying to come up with something to say!

Konk 1680 is an AM station. So it can only be heard in Key West proper. Once you are on U.S. 1, reception is lost.

Not a problem however. As long as you are not in your car. For everyone outside Key West, the show can be heard on the internet. All over the world. Amazing!

Go to Then to the upper left hand corner to a large read circle that says LISTEN. Put the arrow on LISTEN and press. I will be there!

So my dear friends all over the world, tune in via internet. It would do my heart good to know you are listening to me from England, Italy, Greece, Indonesia and where ever else. As well as the U.S.

Time is a problem. I am on at 1 pm Eastern Standard Time. You have to figure out what time that may be for you if you are not in my time zone.

Let me go over it again. It is the lawyer in me summing up.

In Key West, radio is KONK 1680 AM.

Outside Key West, it is the internet.

Telephone is 305-294-2769 (305-294-CROW).

Don’t ask me where crow came from. I do not know.

The first show is going to be on the homeless. Sounds dull. Is not. The homeless is a big issue from a legal perspective. You will be amazed how it impacts on not only Key West, but every community. It includes your pocket book as well as your conscience.

In subsequent weeks, I will be touching on criminal sentencing. Shades of the Acevedo cases. Also, the death penalty, gay adoption, gay marriage, Truman Annex, the waterfront Navy property, mediation, domestic issues, foreclosures, the court house, personal injury, the Mel Fisher story, code enforcement and what have you. Also based on a story in yesterday’s Key West Citizen, a show dealing with grouper fishing.

So hang in there! Stay with me! And listen to the Key West Legal Hour on Thursday at 1 pm!

Yesterday included more than the radio station. But not much. I was tired from not having slept well the evening before.

Lisa telephoned last night. The grandkids had just returned home from tricking and treating. Because of the Fantasy Fest parade Saturday night, families were asked to move Halloween to last night.

Robert and Ally apparently had a good time! Ally was on the phone shouting to me how much fun she had and how much candy she received. She said she was saving some for me! Good girl!

Other than that, I watched the Yankees get beat last night. I thought they had it made after scoring a run the first time up. But Philadelphia immediately came back to score 3 runs. I knew in my gut at that point the Yankees would lose.

The rest of the week will tell. The Yankees are up 3 games to 2. Philadelphia is good. I am nervous.

As Porky Pig of old was wont to say……That’s all folks!

Talk with you tomorrow!

3 comments on “

  1. Hey Lou:
    Good luck on Thursday. Don't panic After all the legal experience you had up here in NY you are going to be a pro at this new venture in no time.

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