Let the canons roar! The drums play! Sixty six trombones be heard!
Lisa’s internet department store Via Key West is open! www.viakeywest.com.
Take a look! Enjoy reviewing the items offered!
I am proud of the site! I am proud of Lisa! A big job! You did it! I wish you every success!
My little girl!
Enough of Via Key West for now.
Yesterday was a bad one for grandson Robert. He was sick. He must have a bug. He was upchucking all day. Actually sleeping and upchucking all day.
I stopped by in the morning. Lisa thought he might be better. She asked me to buy some popsicles for him. Robert enjoyed one. He slept. And then gave it up. Poor kid.
I left to run some other errands. Stopped for lunch at Lucky Day. Cuban toast with tomato and melted cheese. Read the papers.
Then back to Lisa’s. Robert was still sick. I hope he had a good night. It is too early to telephone yet.
Poppa was not well yesterday either. But no where as sick as poor Robert.
I woke yesterday morning with a very sore neck. I must have slept wrong. It hurt all day. I was walking stiff.
It is still a bit sore this morning, but much better. I am going to chance golf. Foolish I know. But I enjoy playing.
Because of the sore neck, I stayed in last night.
The weather has been fantastic here in Key West. And should continue that way for the next two months.
The locals are starting to get excited about Fantasy Fest. It will start shortly.
Hope I make it through 18 holes. Worry not. If it hurts to play, I shall stop. I am only a bit of a fool!
Have a happy day!