Saturday night at the Yacht Club was harder on me than I thought. I was hung over. I spent all day yesterday in bed, except for two brief excursions.
I thought a swim would help. So I swam laps for a half hour in the pool at mid day. Did nothing for me.
I had Sunday dinner in the evening with Lisa and the family. Stayed all of an hour. I was planning to go over to the Gardens afterwards. Instead, I returned to home and bed.
Oh, how we pay for our sins!
Key West has many world wide connections. Key Westers have touched the world. There is always some one here who has experienced a bit of life with some one living in a distant place.
Lou Harris is the world famous pollster. Especially of the 1950s and 1960s. He is retired and has lived full time in Key West for many years.
He was a close friend of the Kennedy brothers. His name always comes up in any readings of the John and Robert Kennedy campaigns of that era.
He was close to Ted Kennedy. And to his wife Vickie. I commented on Vickie yesterday and her stoic appearance at the Senator’s church ceremony.
I read the local news paper Solares Hill later in the day yesterday after I had written the blog. Solares Hill reported that Harris had left thursday to visit the Kennedy family and Vickie in Massachusetts. Solares Hill also reported a comment by Harris that Vickie’s discipline was of great value to the Senator during his latter years.
Truly a small world!
I hope today is a better day for me!
Good day to you my friend Louis, Enjoy the good life there in Key West. You will be ready to make the rounds again tonight
Good day to you my friend Louis, Enjoy the good life there in Key West. You will be ready to make the rounds again tonight