Good morning!
Bocci last night!
We played well! But unfortunately lost all 3 games.
None of us are disillusioned. We played one of the top teams, if not the top team, in the league. They make the playoffs each season. They are good! Maybe great! Their ball control and blasting ability is impressive and difficult to overcome.
I played with Jules, Rob, Michelle, Don, David, Karen and Keith. Keith is David’s son. First time he played bocci. Did well! Better than some of us who have been around a few years.
We walked away confident that this season will be better than last and that we will win our share of games.
Time will tell whether our confidence is false bravado.
Afterwards, I went to Don’s Place for a drink. Every one was there, of course.
Don sat and talked to me. Says we need the ability to blast with skill and confidence. I agreed. So we are going to schedule a practice session over the weekend to work on blasting. Not we, me. Don conned me into assuming the responsibility.
Practicing bothers me. It means we/I are/am taking bocci too seriously. It is supposed to be fun!
It was fun last night. It will continue to be fun whether we actually practice or not!
I am baby sitting today. Robert and Ally are being dropped off before 9. Car seats being dropped off also. My daughter Lisa finally trusts me!
I plan taking the grandkids to the Reach.
Robert and Ally both play chess. For real! They learned at Montessori. The Reach has an outdoor chess game. All the peices. Each light plastic and about two feet in height. Robert and Ally will be able to move the pieces and play a game. They will be so excited! And so will I watching them!
Have a good day!