Today a most solemn day in Christianity. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus Christ.

Now, another crucifixion. The crucifixion of the people of the United States because of a lack of testing.

Simple. Not difficult to understand.

We have been promised millions of test its, we have received nowhere near the number. In a very recent article, Newsweek spelled it out very clearly. Trump promised 27 million tests by the end of March. Only 1 million tests have been performed.

Trump tells us testing under control. Anyone that wants one, can get it. Good luck! Try!

Inadvertently, Trump is condemning many to death. Reminds me of Pontius Pilate. However Pilate knew what he was doing. Washed his hands of the Christ problem.

Trump does not know what he is doing. I believe he believes the testing numbers he and the Task Force spell out are real.

Sadly, the right hand does not know what the left is doing.

Much to cover this morning. The balance of the blog is a sort of Morning Stew. I am laying things out as they appear in my notes. No special order involved.

Everyone in the world seems to not working. Stay at home world wide. I am assuming such because of the number of e-mails I am getting every day and people who want to be friends on Facebook. Yesterday, somewhere around 100 on Facebook alone.

Most from lonely persons. Like me, like you.

Some weird, however.

I received this morning a scary one. With photo. Odd in nature. Contained a young man in a pit. Surrounded by snakes. At least 50. All kinds. Even cobras. He was picking them up by hand and throwing them around.

Friends like this I do not need.

Someone sent an e-mail yesterday. Publix aisles are now one way. Yes, one way up, the next one way down.

Frankly, a good idea. The  K-Mart store is old and the aisles a bit tight.

I keep waiting for Trump and Dr. Fauci to split. How long can Fauci put up with the misinformation Trump spouts.

Fauci was quoted yesterday re hand washing. His message: Wash your hands frequently. There must be “absolute compulsive hand washing.”

The recent $2 billion plus stimulus. One portion deals with a $350 billion allocation. One third has been committed. Not a penny distributed yet. Reminds me of the wench during the French Revolution who non caringly said: “Let them eat cake (bread).”

Who cares!

The $350 billion had to do with small businesses retaining employees on the payroll for 8 weeks. The government would reimburse any employer who did it.

The U.S. is the smartest and most advanced nation in the world. We keep telling ourselves. Trump keeps saying it. However with this coronavirus thing, our country looks totally inept.

Too many infected and too many have died.

Greece on the other hand has numbers to be envied. Just over 1,900 infected and only 86 dead.

Why the difference?

Attorney General Barr is a disgrace. He is Trump’s pet dog. Dances to the master’s tune.

Yesterday, Barr said the U.S. must stop the “cartels” from taking advantage of the U.S during the pandemic. Are the drug dealers coming over the border again? Is this a cry for more wall funding? A guise?

A few days earlier, Barr said the measures (distance between persons, stay at home, etc.) were “draconian” measures “not fully justified.”

He looked upon these measures as people doing what they want. He commented “he” would permit such actions till the end of April and then decide what to do.

Sounds like he’s Trump’s mouthpiece in pushing people to get back to work.

Another 6.6 million applied for unemployment last week. In a 3 week period, just under 17 million have applied. There will be more this week.

Keep in mind a nation can only “print” so much money before its economy collapses. There is only so much that can be done in trying to keep the economy afloat and people surviving economically. A house built on sand must fall.

Respect is a big thing with me. There are various ways of showing disrespect. Like the President coming out for his Task Force 5 pm meetings late most days. If not all.

He disrespects the people of the U.S. His people. We all wait with baited breath for today’s news from the horse’s mouth, whether we agree with him or not.

The $2.3 trillion stimulus package was supposed to be a “go” immediately. No one has received a check yet nor monies from a small business loan application.

Mnuchin says stimulus checks will go out by 4/17. Kudlow says in 2 weeks.

Again, the right hand does not know what the left is doing.

We were told when the stimulus package was being negotiated and passed the checks would be direct deposited. Turns out not quite the case.

Direct deposit in only one instance. To those who filed 2018 or 2019 tax returns AND sent direct deposit information to the IRS at that time.

After that, only paper checks will be sent. People will have to deposit and wait for them to clear.

Paper checks will not go out immediately. They will be stretched over a period of time to 9/11 based on a person’s adjusted gross income.

No mention of checks that are supposed to go to those who are on Social Security and have not filed a tax return.

Small business loans were to have been processed within 3 days. No way, Jose! The funds are frozen waiting for the government and banks to get on the same wave length. The allocation/grant is one thing. Actual cash flow to the small business owner another.

I have been warning of a food shortage. There are signs. Especially when people are out of work and cannot pay for groceries. Eventually, the supermarkets suffer and then the farmers. In the end, no one can afford anything. It will be Greece all over.

Star of the Sea on Stock Island is a food pantry. Business booming! Food free! Most people have not received a pay check in 3 weeks.

Tom Callahan is a volunteer at the food pantry. He said, for most it’s “the first time they have ever needed a food pantry.”

The volume of food involved requires fork lifts to move around.

There are several food pantrys in Monroe County. The Key West one is expecting at least 1,000 cars on monday.

May Johnson still sick. Getting better, however. Out of bed for a bit.

She reported in her diary for this date 1896: “Got dressed this morning and sat up awhile, went back to bed and there stayed.”

A sad day in world history. On this day in 1912, the RMS Titanic set sail from Southampton on its ill fated trip.

Today is my Father’s birthday. He died at the age of 98. Had he lived, he would have been 106 today.

Happy birthday Dad!

Enjoy your day!



Holy Thursday is probably the least emotional of the Holy Week holidays for Christians. In the life of Christ, the Last Supper, washing of the feet, Gethsemane, and finally Jesus’ arrest.

It is celebrated today as a veneration of Christ. Christ in the form of the a Blessed Host.

When I was young, as far back as grammar school, Catholics visited different Catholic Churche on Holy Thursday. The interior of each was dark, except for a small altar off to the side. There stood a gold frame within which was the Holy Eucharist. The symbol of God’s body.

The altar upon which it stood was buried in green and white. Green type shrubs and white flowers. My recollection is distinct regarding this.

I was raised that we were to visit an odd number of Churches. Don’t know why odd in number. Some thought the requirement only 7.

Through high school, it was a competition among young friends. See who could visit the most Churches.

We walked from Church to Church. Some 2 miles apart. Saw friends and neighbors along the way. Streets full with people coming and going.

A combined religious and fun time.

Tomorrow a bad day. The Crucifixion of Christ. Another day, another story.

In my trips to Milan, I always stopped into the Duomo Cathedral. Majestically sitting at one end of the Square. A huge edifice. Magnificent.

On one of the trips, it was exceptionally hot. I was tired. Close to exhaustion. One thing I learned in my travels is that Churches are generally cool.

I went in. Like a refrigerator.

I sat down away from the people traffic next to a large concrete post. Fell asleep! An hour later, someone was tapping me on the shoulder to wake me. One of the attendants: “Sir, you cannot sleep here.”

My first thought was that not even God wanted me that afternoon. I forgot to mention at the beginning of this story that I had fallen down the train station steps when I arrived in Milan. I had a cut on my head where the blood had dried. A cut on my arm also. And my right leg hurt like hell!

The attendant probably thought I was a bum looking for a place to hang out.

Why Duomo Cathedral today? The famous opera singer Andrea Bocelli is singing live at the Duomo Cathedral on Easter Sunday. To an empty Church. One pm eastern standard time. His performance should be available on U.S. television.

Two dear friends are Bob Marks and Al Cotoia. From different eras of my life. Though I know both, they do not know each other.

A few days ago, I was playing with my cell phone. I had been having problems with it. I was home self quarantined and Verizon was closed. I thought I had it working. I could not do my short afternoon podcast without it.

I finally was able to see my face for a few seconds. Up close. Made my face look fat. Additionally, my beard had not been trimmed in more than a month. Bushy. My fault. I trim it. I was too lazy. Who was going to see me?

I even had a half inch of hair on my somewhat bald head.

Bob wrote commenting on the beard. Think he said I looked like Santa Claus. Al wrote and said I looked fat. Al’s comment hurt! The truth always does.

My face was on the screen only 10 seconds. I was testing. I thought I deleted it. Obviously not.

Yesterday I dealt with the problem. Trimmed my beard back to normal. Thin and lovely.

The head hair another problem. I have a beautician who trims it for me. She takes a power razor, puts it on “1” and runs it over my head 1, 2, 3. All done!

I never cut my hair with any tool. I gave it a shot with by electric beard razor. I was terrific! Got it all off!

When I was done with everything, I felt like little Jack Horner. Remember, he was sitting in a corner eating his pumpkin pie, stuck in his thumb, and pulled out a plumb. And said, Oh, what a good boy am I!

I felt like Jack Horner.

My thanks to Bob and Al in motivating me. I look beautiful! And thinner!

Key West is located in Monroe County. The coronavirus numbers continue to rise.

Total, 52 cases. Seven hospitalized. Three have died. The most recent a 31 year old woman. Twenty four of the 52 cases located in Key West

Deaths state wide total 24.

Moses said to Pharaoh, “Let my people go!”

People today say coronavirus should go.

Read a comment by Hemingway concerning Key West in the 1930’s. The years Hemingway lived in Key West. Key West was extremely poor at the time. The depression in its peak.

Hemingway nevertheless loved the life style of Key West. He referred to it as “the St. Tropez of the poor.”

I have written about Mom’s Tea Room several times. A whore house, a house of ill repute.

First run in Key West. Closed down by the authorities. Reopened on Stock Island.

The bordello did a big business on Stock Island. The Navy base was stationed nearby with horny young sailors.

One problem. The Navy did not approve. Morally and health wise. The Navy was constantly harassing the civil authorities to close Mom’s down.

The situation contained a bit of humor. Local authorities never admitted the existence of Mom’s. Nor did the Navy. Finally however the Navy pressure behind the scenes became too much and the locals closed Mom’s down.

The financial crisis attendant to coronavirus affects government jobs, also. Monroe County announced it would be laying off 100 of its 525 employees.

I was born in 1935. We did not have a telephone till sometime during World War II. A dial phone. Four party line. Then a two party line. Then our line!

Prior to dial phones, calls were made through an operator. You called the operator and gave her the number to connect you to.

The Keys were a little late in getting dial phones. Actually, quite late.

The first dial phone in the Keys was installed in 1960 in a home on Sugarloaf Key.

I lived in my Key Haven home 23 years. It sat on open water. Views spectacular.

Sunrise was a special time. On occasion, I would role out of bed early and sit outside. Watch the sun come up. Very quiet that early. No one around, except for 3 dolphins playing 100-2000 feet away from me. Up and down, up and down.

I assumed they were a family. Father, mother and child. The family continued for several years. Then there were only 2. I assumed the child had taken off on his own. Could never be sure, however.

The remaining 2 continued their playful time at sunrise for years thereafter.

Those few moments in the morning were reminiscent of God’s in His Heaven, all’s right with the world.

I conclude with some “kind” thoughts re Trump. Actually not mine. Those of the New York Times columnist Frank Bruni. Though I agree with everything he wrote.

Bruni’s words/thoughts from his opinion column yesterday.

“He’s a man whose soul went missing.”

Trump does not tell the truth, is petty, mean, has a martyr complex, and passes the buck.

“He’s ill equipped for this moment.”

“This prophet just demands an even greater magnitude of worship. And he grows all the more furious when he doesn’t get it.”

Day 30 for me of self-quarantine. I’m doing well. If I did’t research and write, I might not.

How a quarantined person lives. One phase. Groceries.

I have them delivered from Publix. Just arrived. I had to leave to clean the groceries and store them. I wash everything (and I mean everything) with a disinfectant. Then store. Most in freezer.

Wearing plastic gloves, of course.

Process takes a while. I am tired at the moment.

Still alive though.

I figure another 30 days to go. I’ll make it.

My friend Theo Markis called from Greece a few minutes ago while I was working on the blog. A good man. We met last year when he was visiting Key West.

Reads the blog every day. Love him! He was to have visited Key West 2 months ago again. Obviously could not. Greece has the coronavirus problem also. Not the big deal as here. Only 50-70 died so far. However, as with the U.S., no one working.

Enjoy your day!





Tammy. One of the sweetest ladies in Key West. Always a smile. Always a hug.

Tammy is extremely lovely. Somewhere in her mid 40’s, looks mid 20’s. She is the premier bartender at the Chart Room.

Tammy had coronavirus. Laid low. Recently recovered.

I only found out 2 days ago that she had been struck. We talked at length yesterday via telephone.

Fortunately thus far, Tammy is the only person I know who has had covid-19. I am sorry it had to be Tammy. Or anyone else for that matter.

I was interested. Tammy took me through the whole thing.

On thursday 3/19, she had a dry cough. Infrequently. about once an hour. By 8 pm, she had a low grade fever.

The next day was friday. The cough more frequent. Fever continued. Started aching all over in the afternoon. Her knees began bothering her.

Saturday she was real achy. Started taking Tylenol. That night, she became aware of her breathing. She could feel every breath.

She woke sunday morning in a deep sweat. The fever had broken. She felt sluggish all day.

Monday she felt fine. No symptoms of anything.

Tuesday her nose began running like crazy.

Wednesday her throat hurt and she was coughing heavy.

Breathing became a problem thursday and continued till the next wednesday. An effort.

She was tested on day 3. The results came back on day 7. She tested positive for coronavirus.

Her breathing finally began getting better on day 13.

On day 14, all symptoms disappeared. Two weeks to the day.

There is neither a cure nor any drugs available to help a person through the experience.

Some of Tammy’s recollections of the 2 weeks.

She took doctor prescribed cough medicine for 2-3 days. Gave her some relief. Minimal, however.

The 2 weeks emotionally drained her.

Her mouth tasted gross. Towards the end of the 2 weeks, she lost her senses of taste and smell. Finally recovered a couple of days ago.

Seeking relief from the virus, she went “hot.” Having had pneumonia twice in the past, she felt some things learned from the experience would help.

She drank lots of hot tea and coffee. She combined salt and lemon with hot water. Put a towel over head and sucked in the heat. Drank a lot of hot soup. Took a lot of hot showers.

She believes the “heat”/”hot” helped.

She became increasingly nervous because of all the “stuff” on TV.

Fear was a factor. She was not ashamed to admit she was scared.

She believes she got it while working in the Chart Room. Though business was slow the week it closed. Few customers.

One in particular might have given it to her. A New York doctor was in her last night. Next to no one at the bar. She and the doctor chatted 3 hours.

He described to her what it was like in New York. The hospitals especially. He had never seen anything like it.

Tammy said the doctor was obviously scared. Scared her.

The doctor kept getting coughing jags. Tammy suspects that is when the virus got into her body.

Dr. Norris her physician. Stopped by her apartment at the beginning. Performed the test on her.

The Health Department was on top of her problem from the beginning. More to help others. They took the names of all persons she had been in contact with to check them out.

She believes she is cured. It’s all over. She has felt good for several days. Began riding her bike, walking the dog. Wears a face mask.

The present true test as to whether the virus is gone and a person is cured, is 2 consecutive days of negative testing. Not possible in Tammy’s case. There is insufficient testing equipment available in Key West.

Tammy believes 50-70 percent of the population will become infected. Not all will be aware.

Antibodies are the key to future protection. The belief is that a cured Tammy has antibodies which will preclude her from coming down with the virus again. Also, those same antibodies can help protect others.

She has notified the appropriate authorities of her willingness to give blood if the need arises. Her blood carries the antibodies.

Tammy was not an admirer of Trump prior to her becoming a coronavirus victim. However because of the stimulus package, she looks more fondly upon him. Her savings are evaporating. The federal dollars will help.

Cuomo on the other hand, she loves. He shares everything. Lets you know what is going on.

Her physician again is Dr. Norris. He is mine also.

Dr. Norris is doing a Facebook video every day keeping people aware of happenings re the virus, what people should do, etc.

I have never seen the video. Norris and I are not “friends.” I will ask to be his today.

Tammy walked her dog 2 nights ago at 7 in the evening. The walk took her to Mallory Square. She said Mallory Square scared her big time. The people hanging around were “weird.” She would not return without a gun.

As I have been writing Tammy’s virus saga, an old song has been running through my head. “Tammy, Tammy, Tammy’s in love…..”

From the 1950’s movie Tammy. Tammy played by a young Debbie Reynolds. Our Tammy and that Tammy are one and the same. Bright, vivacious, happy, loving, warm, outgoing, etc.

Enjoy your day!





Day 28 of my self-quarantine.

The world is sick today. Back in 1896, the world was not sick. However May Johnson of Key West was. Her diary for this date indicates she is in her third day of being sick. As described, sounds like some bug. Probably, the flu.

Whatever, May was suffering. She describes her today of suffering as: “In bed all day. MUCH SICK.”

It was tonight in 1935 that Joe “Sloppy Joe” Russell moved his establishment from the present location of Captain Tony’s to where it is now located on Duval.

His customers helped him move as the midnight hour approached. Hemingway included. They carried tables, chairs, boxes of booze and what ever from one location to the other.

Hemingway thought the urinals in the men’s room were particularly attractive. They were ceramic. Russell was not taking them to the new location. Told Hemingway he could have them, if he wanted.

He did. He carried them to his home on Whitehead.

Hemingway put the urinals to good use. He had them piped with water and made them part of the gardens surrounding the house. His purpose in doing so was to provide drinking water for his 6 toed cats. They continue to drink from them to this day.

A lucrative contract for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department for 23 years is one with the federal government whereby it housed arrested immigrants for various periods of time. Generally, the overflow. Miami was and is not capable of handling all those arrested.

Up to 95 could be detained.

Today ICE is the federal entity providing the immigrants to the County Jail.

Sheriff Ramsey voided the contract. Told the government no more. In view of coronavirus, it is too dangerous to continue men who come and go, travel to Miami for court where they mingle with others and then return to the Stock Island jail.

The 48 remaining prisoners were delivered to the Krone Detention Center in Miami sunday morning.

I consider Florida’s Governor DeSantis mentally ill equipped. He is Trump’s pet dog. He also occasionally takes off on his own and does something that does not make sense. Like keeping Florida beaches open longer than they should have been.

It took a while, but DeSantis finally came up with a stay at home order. There are several exceptions. One is the order does not bar churches and synagogues from holding holiday services.

This is the week for religious services. All those people shoulder to shoulder. No 6 foot rule enforced.

The virus has to spread. Inevitable. Not a smart move. DeSantis may have made a handful of his “religious” constituents happy. However, many could end up with coronavirus.

I mentioned recently we are in danger of a food shortage. Some have laughed at me. Not uncommon. Yet I believe the problem a developing one.

Shelves in many supermarkets are empty or on low supply. Food banks are being hit hard.

Yesterday a Florida food bank an example.

The cars were lined up on a highway “for miles.” Pictures all over the internet this morning evidence of the same. People waiting in line for hours.

It is reported demand has surged 600 percent.

Except for produce. South Florida grows just about everything. For some reason not getting to stores to be bought. Considered a “glut” on the market. The food banks and other sources are giving the produce away.

Tonight, my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. A quick half hour about anything and everything that moves me at the moment.

Find me at

I am impressed by the job New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is doing. No bullshit at his end. His update show each day covers the good, bad and indifferent. Quite a contrast with Trump’s daily reality show.

One difference at the moment between Cuomo and Trump. Cuomo has looked tired the past 2 days. Trump on the other hand fresh and vibrant. The difference between doing one’s job and not.

Eight states refuse stay at home orders. Till yesterday, Trump was quiet about it. All of a sudden he began talking about the Constitution. Inferring the Constitution makes it improper for him to interfere.

First time I heard anything of this nature.

Hear me. One thing certain in the law is that every Constitutional provision, legislative law or rule has exceptions. Hundreds have been recognized over the years.

Again, I do not believe a Constitutional bar exists. However if one were to be recognized, I believe the same court that recognizes such would draft an exception based on the coronavirus epidemic.

New York City has reached the point of too many dead. Italy did also. When the problem arose in Italy, they started carting the bodies away to other towns and places. In some instances, mass burials and cremations.

Mayor DiBlasio has come up with a better plan. A sensitive one. He is recommending the bodies be buried in parks. Neatly in rows of ten caskets. Proper records kept.

When the crisis has passed, the families can arrange for removal and burial in family plots, etc. and also have a funeral service if so desired.

Di Blasio says everything would be done in a “dignified, orderly and temporary manner.”

Some say the internet as we know it was born this day in 1969. Many are celebrating today as the birth of the internet.

The birth is described as a “symbolic” one. Represented by a First Request for Comment document drafted by an engineer working on the Pentagon’s ARPAnet project. The RFC contained all “symbolic” data: Memoranda contained in the research, proposals and methodologies applicable to internet technology.

There are those who disagree that April 7, 1969 is the internet’s birthday. They believe it occurred 5 months later on September 2. At that time a UCLA computer scientist established the first local connection between 2 computers in his laboratory. Something like Alexander Graham Bell’s first successful telephone call. He was in one room in his laboratory and an associate in another. The call was completed between the 2 rooms.

Enjoy your Day!


People are panicking. Why not. A major health crisis not being resolved. Social unrest developing.

There is an evolution. Hoarding first. Hoarding of 3M N95 masks, then sanitizers, non-perishable foods, guns and ammunition. Cash may be next. I suspect it will be.

On a saturday two weeks ago in a particular Baltimore neighborhood, a run occurred. On a credit union. Depositors wanted their money!

Involved was the MECU Credit Union at 2337 East Northern Parkway. MECU is located in a low/middle class neighborhood. Predominantly an African-American community.

A large line of cars leading up to the facility. People lined on foot in front of the ATM machine. Depositors there definitely not to cash a check. Most had lost their jobs weeks ago.

Concededly a solitary such incident. Though it was reported several weeks ago there was a run on mid Manhattan banks over a 2 day period. I mentioned it at the time.

The National Guard has a presence in the Baltimore/Washington area. Military tents and equipment in certain spots. Humvees common. Humvess have been spotted down the street from MECU.

A national bank run could be around the corner. Especially since the most recent stimulus package so far is a f__k up. The package that was supposed to help working America and small businesses.

People are/will be freaking out. The banks will be stormed if people feel the banks will fail. Crashing 401ks and news of a possible recession does not help.

The situation could be explosive!

Another example of social unrest has reared its ugly head. Looting.

Stores in New York City and other major cities have been boarded up because of the looting fear.

New York City police report that burglaries were up 75 percent between 3/12 and 3/31. Supermarket burglaries alone were up 400 percent during the same period.

Trump recently signed an Executive Order to activate up to 1 million troops. His reasons behind the signing the evolution of the coronavirus crisis and economic collapse.

I wonder if their is more to Trump’s thinking. He wants to be President forever. He may call off the November election using social unrest as the excuse. He could back up his wants/desires with the 1 million troops. Backed by ICE and the specially trained Border Patrol military.

Never say never. Be vigilant.

Absolutely amazing! The activity on the internet.

Everyone home is keeping busy on the internet. My Facebook friend requests are over the top. From 8-10 a day to 40-90. Must be the same for everyone.

New chat groups popping up. Chat where you see each other. Clubs being formed where people meet, greet and visualize each other every day.

An expanded world wide communication system that probably would never have taken off without coronavirus changing everyone’s lives.

I finally got to see a person live on skype. Took a week. Cathy who was visiting in mid Florida last week who I mentioned is now home in Seattle. It took a while. I had the basics. She worked me through it.

We had a pleasant hour. She was sitting outside her home buried in blankets with her dog. Both keeping her warm. The temperature was 48 degrees.

Cathy lived in Key West back in the late 1980’s. A different world then.

She is now a simulation specialist at a nursing school in Seattle. I am not sure what the job entails. She enjoys it tremendously.

A couple of weeks ago, it was reported a dog had the virus. Now, a tiger. A 4 year old Malayan tiger named Nadia. Her residence the Bronx Zoo.

Zoo staff are concerned 6 other tigers may have coronavirus also.

Whatever, Nadia and her friends are expected to recover.

People got sick pretty bad back in 1896 also.

Poor May Johnson is still sick. And today is her 20th birthday! She did not enjoy it.

May spent her day in bed experiencing heavy chills, a raging fever, splitting headache, and a pain in her back.

May wrote, “I never spent such a miserable birthday in all my life.”

Enjoy your day!






Palm Sunday is one of the major holidays of the Catholic faith.

Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. Matthew 21:1-9. Jesus came riding in on the back of an ass. The people shouted his praises. Threw palm branches in His path as a sign of honor.

Sunday was good. The rest of the week would be bad. Jesus would suffer Gethsemane and crucifixion. However one week later on the following Sunday, He would triumph again. He would rise from the dead.

Palms continue to play a part in the festivities of this day in many Christian churches. Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican, and Moravian.

My experience is limited to the Catholic Church and my comments are limited to that which I recall.

In the days of my youth, late 1930’s and forward, everyone went to Church on Palm Sunday. Had to get palms. Depending on the supply, each person attending got one or more palms.

These were taken home with multiple purposes in mind.

The previous year’s palms were removed from over crosses and holy pictures in the home. There were many crosses and holy pictures! A cross in every room guaranteed.

Everyone came to visit. Relatives and friends. The custom was to exchange palms. Greet, hug and exchange. Soon the house was full. Coffee and cookies.

Uncles were many. I used to think every adult male was an uncle. Some were not. However, each adult male knew how to make tiny crosses from a stalk of palm. Intricate. Lovely. It was an honor to be given one.

I used to sit on the living room floor with them and watch in awe.

The old palms (last year’s) were taken down and returned to the Church during the week. The priests would save them and burn them before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. They became the source of ashes placed on foreheads on Ash Wednesday.

It was a big family meal day. Everyone at Grandma’s. Extra special food. Almost as good as Easter Sunday and Christmas Eve.

Happy Palm Sunday friends. I apologize. I have no palms to share. I have not been to Church on Palm Sunday in years. One of the fallen away.

My day was made yesterday by a phone call. Jean Thornton! She and Joe had been in Hawaii for a month and since returning neither of us had tried to contact the other.

It was good to hear from her. Love the woman!

We spoke of the virus. She is concerned not only for her and Joe, but the children and grandchildren. We spoke of our dear President, quarantine, etc.

She and Joe are self quarantining. However they take a walk every day staying away from everyone and have been working their property trimming trees, arranging new flower beds, etc.

You will recall Tammy is one of the bartenders at the Chart Room. Jean told me poor Tammy came down with coronavirus. She was now home. Her senses of smell and taste began returning yesterday. She was feeling better. Planned on a bike ride today.

I was unaware Tammy had been sick. I called her. No answer. Left a message for her to call me today. Can’t wait to chat with her.

It’s no wonder Tammy acquired the virus. The Chart Room was pack packed the weeks before it shut down. Her getting sick inevitable.

Jean said Captain Peter had called. He is now living in Melbourne. Sounded terrific.

The weather folks are into hurricane projections. The season is June 1 to November 30. I recall when I first started coming to Key West 30 years ago, it was it was September 1 to October 31.

How Mother Nature changes things!

We are warned of 16 hurricanes. Four expected to be major storms. Categories 3-5. At least one is expected to make landfall.

I have learned to place no faith in these early projections. Never work out as predicted. Some worse, some nothing.

One of the commentors to the blog shared an interesting quote. By Jonathan Swift. Fits the Donald situation: “Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it.”

We all need a break. I am severely limiting my Trump comments today. After a while, although important, become too much.

A few however. A very few.

Trump advises there is a rough week ahead. Glad he is finally acknowledging the severity of the problem. Says, “There will be deaths.”

Trump needs a trip. A special trip. He should go to New York City and see first hand what coronavirus has wrought. Then perhaps he would understand the disaster is not mere words. Let him walk through the hospital corridors with people lying on some sort of bed or on the floor. Let him hear the breathing of those who do not have an inhalator. Let him hear the complaints of the medical staff. Let him see the transport vehicles lined up with dead bodies.

And he should remember to leave the paper towels home!

Trump and some of the governors are crazy. No question about it. Social separation is one of the keys to beating the virus. Yet Trump and certain cohorts all of a sudden are bleeding hearts. People should be permitted to go to Church on Easter Sunday.

Non-thinkers all! Trump says anything he believes might get him a vote. Governors like Florida’s De Santis follow his beliefs to the letter. Their cry: Coronavirus should not be permitted to interfere with religious services on Easter.

Asses all. Some who go to Church on Easter Sunday might spend it next year sitting at the right hand of God.

The days become easier. I write more. Watch PGA golf a bit each day. Recorded tournaments from one or more years ago.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Day 24 of my self-quarantine.

Supposedly I am safe. On the other hand, I worry. Will the virus get me? I am sure most others worry also as to their susceptibility.

Everything is coronavirus in the news. My notes pile up. When that happens, I do a Morning Stew. Merely report from my notes in the order they appear. No specific order.

This is one of those days. The only way I can catch up.

The Key West area has 2 senior facilities. Sixteen bed Bayshore Manor on Stock Island and 50 residence Poinciana Gardens in Key West.

God is good! So far neither has had a coronavirus occurrence.

The American Medical Association publishes JAMA Cardiology.

A recent article indicated coronavirus can lead to total heart failure. The publication reported “injury to the heart muscle can happen in any patient with or without heart disease, but the risk is higher in those who already have heart disease.”

The hard truth is that 70 percent of patients that had heart disease and developed new heart damage from the virus died.

One of the outstanding female performers in Key West is Bria Ansara. I have heard her sing many times at the A&B Lobster House and Bourbon Street Pub.

I was fortunate to be able to watch her perform last night from my home. I was searching Facebook and came upon what I would describe as a Bria Ansara podcast.

As most, Bria is not working because of the virus. Never the less, she opted to entertain her fans last night. From the porch of her second floor apartment at the corner of Eaton and Grinnell. Using her cell phone as the camera. Her porch lit with many lights.

Bria was far enough back from the cell phone that her performance took the entire computer screen.

Thank you, Bria! Do more shows! Your fans love you!

Bill Witters died. An American icon. He was 81.

Song writer and singer. Beloved even by Presidents. He performed at the Obama and Clinton inaugurations.

He touched America with Lean On Me, Lovely day, and Ain’t No Sunshine.

Questlove told Rolling Stone in a 2015 interview: “Bill Witters is the closest thing black people have to Bruce Springsteen.”

Tino and I were on a roll with photos of Tino performing as an extra in movies and TV shows being filmed in Chicago. Coronavirus has changed it all. Movie and TV shows not being produced during the virus crisis. Tino not performing for the time being.

What is this “our stockpile…..the federal stockpile.” Jared Kuschner began with the “our”thing. His father in law the President yesterday tried to explain it away. He seemed to agree with Jared however.

There is no federal stockpile of items required to fight the virus. The stockpile belongs to the people of the U.S. Taxpayer dollars payed for whatever is stockpiled.

The issue was 10,000 ventilators. I wonder how many N59 masks, gloves and other PPE items are federally stockpiled. Tell us, Donald. the people want to know.

It is a form of “hoarding.” Is Attorney General Barr aware?

The following is important. Amazing what is being discovered and what we are learning during the war on coronavirus.

The way a toilet is flushed can contribute to spread of the virus.

Coronavirus spreads in aerosolized feces. The lid should be put down before flushing after defecating.

Researchers have discovered the virus can travel in fecal matter that escapes into the air. As a human merely breathing propels a certain amount of breath into the air, an invisible toilet plume propels into the air that is shot upwards after a flush.

The message: Close the lid and then flush! Closing the lid prevents 80 percent of fecal matter from escaping into the air.

Key West has had its first coronavirus death. Keith White. Better known as “Mistah Keith.”

Mistah Keith was 55. Retired as a cook at teh Casa Marina recently after 23 years.

A friend said, “He touched a lot of lives. He was the kind of a person you could look up to.”

As of yesterday, Monroe County had 38 confirmed cases of the virus. Key West 19 of that number. The one death was Mistah Keith.

As many expected, the SBA loan program for small businesses was a total failure in its opening day. The government and banks not on the same page. Neither understands the needs of the small guy. The poor guy needing the money getting buried in paperwork and delay.

While Main street is on the verge of collapse, Wall Street is not. Specifically, Wall Street’s top guns.

Goldman Sachs CEO is David Solomon. Last year was not the best for Goldman Sachs. Not bad. Yet not consistent with normal results.

Two interesting things were “revealed”/”discovered” re Goldman Sachs’ financial dealings.

First, Goldman Sachs purchased 2 top of the line Gulfstream jets for $75 million each. The first time Goldman Sachs ever owned jets. They previously rented on an as needed basis.

Solomon did’t do bad. His compensation package for 2019 was $27.5 million. In not the best of years!

Broken down, he received $2 million in salary, $7.65 million in a cash bonus, and $17.85 million in long term incentives.

Bet he cam make his mortgage payment this month! Assuming he has one.

People are sick today. People were sick in 1918 with the Spanish flu epidemic. Everyone is off and on sick in varying degrees each year.

Poor May Johnson. She reported in her diary that on this day in 1896 she was sick: “…..taken with chills and fever. MUCH SICK.”

Chris Cuomo is Governor Cuomo’s younger brother. Fourteen years younger. The Governor refers to him as his “little brother.”

Chris has come down with coronavirus. Initially hospitalized, he is now in home quarantine. Still recovering.

He is still suffering. The nights are bad. He describes them as fear, shivering, hallucinating, beaten on like a pinata, body sweats, and tremors.

I have said this before and I say it again. There will be food shortages. We are already suffering from them. They will only get bigger.

The coming shortage is being described as a “hunger Crisis.”

Demand at food banks high. Saw a video on the internet. There had to be 150-200 cars lined up on a highway waiting to reach a food bank off the highway.

Last week, Spain suffered 950 deaths in one 24 hour period.

British Airways announced it is suspending 36,000 employees.

Coronavirus is now the #3 cause of death in the U.S. Heart #1, cancer #2.

The good news is if you are reading this, you are alive. May we all stay that way.

Enjoy your day!




Key West is a ghost town. Today, without question. Coronavirus responsible.

A ghost town in another regard. Many ghost stories involving Key West. The Conchs believe them, as do those who have lived in Key West for many years.

Some ghosts good, some bad. One of the best, if not the best, is Mother Gustens. Her full name Maria Valdez de Gustens.

Though not a doctor, and I believe not even a nurse, Maria ran Mercedes Hospital in Key West. The hospital was located at 1209 Virginia Street.

Named Mercedes after Eduardo H. Gato who built and donated the building. Gato was a very successful cigar maker. Employed hundreds. He built his family home on what is now Bayview Park.

At some point in time, he decided to move the house to 1209 Virginia Street. It became  and still is known as the Gato House, except when referred to as Mercedes Hospital.

Gato donated the building to be used as a hospital. The one condition being that it was to be named after his wife Mercedes. Thus Mercedes Hospital was born.

During the hospital’s life, Maria was recognized as a caring person. The patients loved her.

Mercedes Hospital closed at the beginning of World War II. It became an apartment house. Closed as an apartment building thereafter and left deserted for years. The building became run down, windows shattered, etc.

The only life were the cock fights that were frequently held in the back yard.

The building was reopened as an apartment house. Again, the name Gato House.

A female tenant was living in one of the apartments with her boy friend. She was not sleeping well.

It was the middle of the night when she woke. A woman was holding her wrist. She appeared to be taking the woman’s temperature.

She was stout and short. Hair in a bun. Wore a gray dress with long sleeves and a high collar.

It is assumed the woman was Maria/Mother Gustens. She disappeared as soon as the woman woke.

Thus was born the ghost story involving Mother Gustens and the Gato House.

It is said Mother Gustens walks the building today seeking out those who might be ill.

This past week, I made a new friend. Her name Cathy. From Seattle. She was in Fort Lauderdale visiting. We “sort of” met via skype. Sloan set me up with skype last sunday. Something to keep me busy while quarantined.

Cathy tried to reach me via skype. We never met before. Have not yet. Not even by skype. I kept getting screwed up at my end. However, we did talk via phone.

Cathy is an administrator at a Seattle hospital.

She told me she used to live in Key West in 1987. At the Gato House.

It was November and Cathy was not feeling well. She had a heavy cold. Felt miserable.

She was asleep when she felt someone touching her arm. She swears it was Mother Gustens. She was not afraid. The woman smiled and left.

Sloan worked with me early this morning one computer to another. She refuses to get near me. She is still working full time. Out there with all the germs.

We appear to have corrected the skype problem. I have not been able to use it yet. The only person I have with a skype address is Cathy. She is on a plane back to Seattle at the moment. Can’t wait till tomorrow.

Today is day 23 of my self quarantine. Left my house for the first time at 7 this morning. Merely to walk to my car and start it. Concerned about the battery. Then to check the mail. My mail box is a short par 3 300 feet away.

I anticipated the box would be full. I was surprised. Three pieces of mail and a Winn Dixie grocery advertisement. Made sense. Few working anywhere. Even mail has to stop.

Some Key West news.

The Green Parrot and the Bourbon Street Pub announced that when they reopen, smoking will not be permitted. I’m glad I had to stop smoking because of my pancreatitis attack back when. The “no smoking” at these 2 establishments will not bother me.

Amy Culver is one of the best known and loved women in Key West. Loves Africa. A frequent visitor.

Amy was not feeling well. Tested. Yes, she had coronavirus. She is doing home confinement.

Amy one tough lady. No stranger to tragedy. She will handle it. I wish her well.

The statistics continue creeping up. Coronavirus was a low number last week. Now, 33 confirmed cases in Monroe County. Sixteen of them in Key West. And 1 dead. Horrible!

The authorities provided little information. Thus far all that has been revealed is the person was a 55 year old male who had an underlying problem. Where he lived within the County not yet provided the public.

The Key West bus system closes down tonight at 8. Will remain closed till further notice.

I have never ridden a Key West bus. A dear friend has been driving one for years. She drives bus and works part time for the Key West Citizen. Sheila Cullen. I hope the unemployment checks move rapidly. As well as the stimulus dollars. Other wise, Sheila could end up sleeping on my couch.

Now for some coronavirus occurrences.

Read an article about New York City paramedics this morning. Sad. The job has become mentally unbearable.

The sick and their families know the relative is going “to die” when removed from the home. The “hospitals are totally full.” The patients know they will probably die. Without family around them. In pain because of lack of necessary equipment.

One paramedic described the hospitals as “war zones.”

Captain Brett Crozier has been “relieved of duty.” The reason “poor judgment.” The  Captain was the Commanding Officer of the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt. A crew of 5,000.

Coronavirus aboard. The numbers small. However, increasing.

The Captain did not believe “news” of the Roosevelt’s problem was being properly attended to. He went “public.”

That is why he lost his job.

This is a situation where I believe the result might be proper. The Captain should have handled the matter in house. He could have yelled and screamed. Stepped on toes.

The result would have been the same, however. Relieved of duty!

We are not always rewarded for doing the right thing.

The numbers came out yesterday. Unemployment requests last week 6.6 million. The week before in excess of 3 million.

They will receive checks. The system provides for it and in effect the government guarantees payment.

My concern is where does the money come from? The answer is simple. The government prints what it needs. Technically, the Fed adds a few zeroes here and there and the money appears! As someone once said, out of the wind, out of nowhere.

Our society is collapsing. Nothing we can do about it. First, we have to get the virus behind us. Then deal with the economic problems which will be hugh.

As the song suggests, the fiddler must be paid.

Our health care systems and hospitals are getting killed financially. All that business! Who is paying the tab, however?

Trump say don’t worry. Insurance companies forgiving deductibles. No one cared for in a hospital for the virus will be charged.

Pie in the sky!

The health care systems though having more business than ever are losing money daily in big numbers. Too many coronavirus patients. Too many cancelled visits by those with other medical problems.

Staff is being reduced. Hours cut. Clinics and outpatient facilities closing.

We are in a war! The enemy is tough!

The sun is shining. Look up and smile. This too shall pass.

Enjoy your day!


The U.S. seems to be in short supply of all things medical needed to fight coronavirus. The answer a simple one. Money talks. Key medical supplies are being shipped by U.S. manufacturers to foreign buyers.

Blood is on the hands of those manufacturers. They have failed to take care of their own. Money more important than human lives.

I am going to open with a shocker. I shall close with one also. In between, the gruesome details.

Forbes reported on monday that 280 million masks in U.S. warehouses were purchased by foreign buyers.

The Forbes article written by David Di Salvo was published monday. Significant information for this blog was also obtained from The Intercept’s Lee Fang in an article published yesterday and from  MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show last night.

Face masks have specific brokers. Di Salvo spent a whole day with them. He personally observed the 280 million masks being sold to foreign buyers.

A big number. Especially when doctors and nurses are wearing masks for several days instead of using only one time. Many of these first responders coming down with the virus as a result.

Di Salvo also discussed the matter with FEMA. He was told, The Agency “has not actively encouraged or discouraged U.S. companies from exporting overseas.”

Always a paper trail. The information in the Forbes article was discovered in the files of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection records. The Agency is required to maintain vessel manifests.

The records evidenced crucial medical equipment needed to treat caronavirus being shipped to East Asia and Europe as recently as March 17.

Primary items shipped included N95 masks and purified air personal respirators used by medical staff. As well as ventilators used by patients.

Such items in low supply in U.S. hospitals. One of the sources described the U.S. as “dithering” while the much need supplies were being shipped out of American ports.

I do not accuse Trump or his staff of any wrongdoing. Their sin is one of misfeasance rather than malfeasance. They forgot to pay attention, to watch the store.

Some examples.

Drive De Vilbiss Healthcare is a Pennsylvania firm. It produces supplemental oxygen machines. The company made 3 different shipments of respiratory equipment to Belgium in mid February.

Vapotherm is a New Hampshire firm. Involved with respiratory equipment. Recent months have brought a surging demand from international customers. The company added 50 employees and a second shift.

Vapotherm’s first foreign customers were Europe based. The result of coronavirus. The company then began shipping to New York City, Seattle, Georgia and Florida.

On March 8, Vapotherm shipped 2 tons of the company’s high flow disposable patient circuits used for operating respiratory aids. The circuits were loaded on a container ship in Los Angeles and sent to Kobe, Japan. The receiving company was Medicalnext Co., a health care distributor.

Vapotherm’s records also show respiratory equipment, medical garments, medical masks, oxygen concentrators, and ventilators sent abroad in the past 2 months.

A St. Louis company named Allied Healthcare Products shipped 1.5 tons of ventilator masks to Hamburg, Germany. The masks were used in the company’s portable ventilator unit.

Global demand for health care products like thermometers and pulse oxinators surged in early January when when it became clear the pandemic was getting out of hand in China.

While U.S. manufacturers were shipping to 24 different foreign countries, including South Korea and Germany, the 24 countries banned exports of all health care products in order to shore up their domestic supply. They took in, but did not ship to the U.S.

Trump imposed tariffs come into play.

Whereas the U.s. had not placed restrictions on exports of medical supplies, it continues with financial penalties (tariffs) on U.S. import of medical products. Such as personal protection gear, protection googles, pulse oximeters, hand sanitizers, and other medical products.

The U.S. had and is still trying to import medical items from China. The same China the U.S. has heavily tariffed. The same China Trump proudly says is paying the U.S. billions of dollars because of the tariffs.

China not a friendly partner in providing the U.S. with medical products.

Trump temporarily lifted tariffs on 3/10 and 3/12. The tariffs had been in place since 2017 on some of the medical products.

While U.S. manufacturers were selling to foreign countries in January and February, the Trump administration should have been stockpiling those products.

The current medical supply crisis exists because of a number of Trump administration failures. One or two alone might not have been a problem. Cumulatively, a killer.

There was a failure to recognize a “national emergency” till 3/13.

The federal government failed to start issuing major federal contracts for personal protective equipment till early and mid March.

The administration made cuts in international programs for disease detection and preparation.

Trump’s refusal to swiftly mobilize supplies.

Trump moved sluggishly to deploy the Defense Production Act.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce pressed the Trump administration not to invoke the Act. Trump finally succumbed and invoked it for the first time on 3/27 to compel General Motors to build ventilators. When GM capitulated, Trump withdrew the Act. An example of Trump’s consistent leaning in favor of corporations.

Trump’s failure to recognize Covid-19 as a serious problem following years of dismantling federal programs designed to maintain international disease surveillance.

He cut 14 employees from the U.S.’s Beijing office of the CDC.

He closed the U.S. Agency for International Development Program in China whose purpose was to monitor disease outbreaks over the last 2 years.

In 2018, Trump disbanded the National Security Council office devoted to pandemic preparation.

The federal government cannot come up with enough ventilators and other medicinal supplies. The result of an absence of planning.

Trump’s consistent deference to industry. It defines many elements of the Trump administration.

Finally for best or the worst of Trump’s screw ups. Whatever way you want to look at it.

The Department of Health and Human services contracted with Philips Respironics to develop 10,000 low cost ventilators. Referred to as Trilogy Evo Universal.

The ventilators were never delivered to the national stockpile.

The contract did not require delivery till 11/22.

Sources suggest the Trump administration granted a “preferential window” to Philips that allowed the company to first sell, if it was able, the product to a variety of buyers at a higher price.

Philips has made at least 6 shipments of the respiratory equipment largely to Europe in the last 2 months.

When asked if it would now meet the acute demand in the U.S., its parent company Royal Philips N.V. said, “Philips believes that critical medical equipment, such as hospital ventilators and patient monitors, should be made available across the world…..”

What more can be said?

We are screwing ourselves.








Heavy are these days!

A quiet sadness prevails. Evident to me on the TV news shows and columns I read on the internet. This is my 22nd say of self-quarantine so I am not out and about to view things in any other fashion.

Photos and videos reflect “dead” communities, except where a busy hospital is shown.

Most news reported involves coronavirus. Properly so. It is killing many world wide. In numbers exceeding war time deaths.

Suddenly, there is little if any other news. So what I have been writing and talking about recently is the virus. And it will continue to be so since it is a black hole we are entering.

However, when I do come across something different or humorous, I guarantee it will be shared with you.

The Citizens’ Voice this morning had an interesting comment: “If you’re using two rolls of toilet paper per week, you need to see your doctor and have your plumbing checked.”

Then there is nature. In a sick and dying world, the beauty of nature continues undaunted. Another Citizens’ Voice comment: “So many sunsets have not been cancelled.”

Adversarial comments between nations are also lacking. Everyone busy dealing with the virus.

One item came to my attention yesterday, however. Involves crude oil. The supply is limited. Nations not drilling as much. The cost of a barrel of crude oil extremely low.

Russia and Saudi Arabia especially hard hit. Putin had a plan to help Russia and Saudi Arabia resolve their problem. The Saudis rejected it.

The U.S. is in good shape. Shale oil production has made us a world leader.

Trump wants to help Putin. Says he is going to talk with him about limiting U.S. production or what have you so Russia can come back.

Trump is a vengeful person. He is always “getting even.” Not with his buddy Putin, however. Trump forgets that the oil world gave us $4 a gallon gasoline. Or even worse, limited the gasoline supply so that everyone was waiting in long lines to get to a gas pump. When you reached the pump, there were times no gas was left.

The U.S. is on top in oil production. We should stay there. Screw helping Putin and “friends” of his nature.

That is all of the “light stuff” for today. The rest of the blog involves coronavirus. Things you may or may not know.

Today is April Fools Day. Doubt many are thinking about the day or enjoying it as has been done in the past.

Last night my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. One hundred percent coronavirus. Excellent show regardless of how sad the subject matter!

Death is coming. Scary. The next 2-4 weeks crucial. The experts say it will be the worst of times for the U.S.

Yesterday’s news grim. Somber. If we are lucky, deaths will only be 100,000-240,000. If the projections are wrong, deaths could be 1 million to 2 million.

The U.S. is #1 in number of confirmed cases and deaths. One hundred eighty five thousand confirmed alone. Represents 20 percent of the global total.

A U.S. carrier is in trouble. The USS Theodore Roosevelt. A nuclear powered carrier. Total crew around 5,000.

The Roosevelt’s home port is Guam. Guam is the “hot spot of coronavirus in the Pacific region.”

The virus has found a home in the carrier. Eighty sailors have tested positive. Not all tested. Few, in fact. It is anticipated the number infected will increase considerably when all 5,000 have been tested.

The Roosevelt’s Captain has asked in writing that most of the crew be taken off and isolated. He has asked that 4,000 be removed immediately.

The Navy has refused to confirm the exact number infected.

Secretary of Defense Esper sounds like Trump. Esper say, “It is not the time to evacuate the ship.” The Admiral of the Pacific Fleet says evacuation cannot be done at the “pace” the Captain has suggested. The Admiral admits the reason is the Navy is not equipped to do it that swiftly.

Studies indicate the elderly are especially at high risks in those states that have loose controls.

The Zaandam and its sister ship the Rotterdam are awaiting permission to dock and unload their passengers in Fort Lauderdale.

Typical of Florida Governor DeSantis’ speed and state of mind, he was not sure what to do. He kicked it upstairs to the President.

Note that several ports and countries have refuse the Zaandam and now both ships admission.

The Zaandam carried 1,400 plus passengers and 500 plus crew.

Four passengers have died as a result of the virus and 30 show symptoms. Not all have been tested. Insufficient test kits.

Trump surprised me last night. I expected him to say “no way.” Instead, “I am going to do what is right, not only for us but for humanity.”

Trump’s comment surprises and shocks me. The man of duplicity.

I disagree with him. The U.S. has enough problems of its own with the virus. Let the ships keep searching. Not our headache.

Do not forget the number sick will be significant. There is a limited supply of ventilators, masks and testing kits. Our hospitals are bursting at the seams.

You take care of your own first. God helps those who help themselves.

The 6 foot distance rule. Sometimes could be 3 feet.

An MIT professor says the numbers are not reliable. They are based on social distancing standards formulated in the 1930’s.

The professor claims coronavirus droplets can travel 27 feet. They can travel in gaseous clouds as far as that distance. He further claims peak exhalation speed can reach 35-100 feet per second.

He disagrees with the CDC recommendations of 6 and 3 feet.

More than 2 months ago, I began reporting an increase in ammunition sales. Soon, I was reporting an increase in gun sales.

Gun sales continue to spike. Even in the lower Keys. A Marathon gun dealer says he is now selling 60 guns a week. Previously, the number was 8-10.

So much for today. Stay safe.

Enjoy your day!