The eternal problem. Moving the clock one way or the other twice a year.

Many times I was confused which way I was to move it.

Saturday night was clock moving time. This year there was no confusion. I totally forgot about it.

How this occurred, I do not know. I browse several newspapers every day and am always on the internet. Probably old age that I did not see what I should have seen.

Strange because the necessity of changing the time one hour was there.

I was briefly watching TV. My battery operated bedside clock was one hour behind the time on TV. I thought TV was wrong and gave it no further thought.

Last night at the Chart Room, a couple were mentioning they had to hurry because of a 7 o’clock dinner reservation. I looked at my watch. It was only 6.

I quietly mentioned they had an hour. Not sure if they heard me. John did. He laughed and said you forgot to move your watch one hour ahead.

Definitely an age problem.

Spent some time in the afternoon continuing the reading of the Vatican sex scandal book In The Closet of The Vatican. Heavy stuff. If true, worse than we even have been made aware.

An interesting group at the Chart Room.

David and Joanne. I have mentioned them before. They were celebrating Joanne’s 50th birthday. She was thrilled to be 50! Apparently had some medical problems that made her question if she would make it.

Joanne, may you live to be a 100!

Her daughter Sam and son in law Dom came in. David had surprised Joanne for her birthday by having the kids fly down. Nice guy, David.

Joanne a typical grandmother. Showed me pictures of her 2  granddaughters. Don’t blame her. Absolutely lovely!

John mentioned there was a woman from upstate New York at the other end of the bar. Went over to chat. Lo and behold, she was from my home town Utica. Linda Campani. I have met her husband Jim several times. Never was aware of the Utica connection.

Dueling Bartenders at Aqua tonight. A regular monday evening stop for me. Great music, great singing, wonderful people at the bar. Many, regulars.

More spring beakers in town. More arrive each day. Well behaved. Having fun.

A line I read somewhere yesterday worthy of repeating here: We are living in a time when our Nation is experiencing the politics of decline and collapse.

True. New and better political leaders the only way out.

This morning’s Key West Citizen carried an article by the nationally syndicated writer Larry Elder. His column concerned present day thoughts by some that blacks should be paid reparations for slavery.

Absolutely ridiculous! Who thinks up these feather brained ideas?

It bothers me to read that Pelosi supports such a move.

John Kennedy and Barack Obama addressed the idea directly.

Kennedy said, ” I don’t think we can undo the past.”

Obama thought the idea a “political non-starter.” He said, it is wrong “to take a big chunk of the nation’s resources over a long period of time to make that right.”

If we are going to do it for African-Americans, then it should also be done for the Chinese, Irish, Italians, and Native-Born Americans. Though none that I mention wee slaves, they were treated as such. A good portion of my yet to be completed book Growing Up Italian has to do with anti-Italian prejudice.

Enjoy your day!



The story of Jonah in the whale a religiously popular one. Jonah’s 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a huge fish reported in Rabbinic literature, the Quran, and the New Testament.

The “huge fish” describing a whale.

The story of Jonah one of the most confusing I have ever read. Detailed. Difficult to comprehend.

Now comes a modern day Jonah. His name Rainer Schimpf. Age 51. He was in waters off Africa’s Port Elizabeth Harbour. Filming a sardine run. He had done this work before.

The work could be dangerous. All kind of large ocean fish about. Fish that feed on sardines.

Sharks the primary concern. Attention had to be paid as sharks would come up to those in the water filming. Schimph was on constant watch for sharks.

Whales never a concern. They kept their distance.

Schmipf says a whale came up out of nowhere, opened its jaws, and engulfed him. Headfirst. The whale a 20 tonnes Bryde.

Schmipf said there was no time for fear. Just pure instinct.

He felt pressure on his body. The whale’s body constricting on his. The whale’s throat exerting the most pressure. Strongest on his hips.

He knew it was a whale.

He held his breath in case the whale dove. He thought the whale might eject him at a deeper depth.

The whale did not dive.  Schimpf believes the whale decided not to eat him and “so spat me out.”

There is another whale story involving a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived. The whale in this instance a sperm whale.

James Bartley in the late 1800’s was swallowed whole by a whale. Three days later the whale washed up on a beach dead. The body cut open. There was Bartley in the stomach of the whale. Alive!

The whale had died of constipation.

Each a whale of a story!

Moving on now to abortion.

Roe v. Wade was decided 46 years ago in 1973. The decision recognized a woman’s right to privacy, her right to an abortion.

The battle still rages. Lawsuits abound.

Courts are of many types. Each established to deal with certain problems. The Supreme Court of the U.S. the most powerful. Close to the bottom of the hierarchy, though important, a probate court. Probate courts concern themselves with all type matters involving property of the dead.

An Alabama County Probate Court came down with a striking decision recently. It decided that an aborted fetus was a person with rights.

Anti-abortionists have always taken the position that life begins at the moment of conception. No court ever said the fetus has certain rights so clearly, however.

A reason why the Alabama court may have so rule is that Alabama has a State law which sets forth that life begins at conception.

The facts of the case are strange, however.

Boy friend and girl friend involved. Girl gets pregnant. Wants an abortion. Boy friend disagrees and tells her not to. She goes ahead and has the abortion. She was only six weeks into the pregnancy. The fetus six weeks old.

Almost 2 years later, the boy friend wanted to sue the Alabama Women’s Center for performing the abortion and the pharmaceutical company that produced the drugs used in the abortion.

In order to do do, the boy friend had to be appointed administrator of the fetus’ estate. What estate you might ask. What monies does a six week fetus have or which can safely be anticipated to have?

The court recognized the boy’s right to be so appointed never the less.

A way out decision. Will it be overturned on appeal? I don’t know. The Alabama law recognizing life at conception might have to be overturned in order to do so.

An hypocrisy regarding the abortion issue has recently become evident.

The U.S.Conference of Bishops has without deviation recognized life beginning at conception. The Bishops group has consistently opposed abortion.

The Catholic Church has had sexual problems within its ranks for years. Pedophilia involving priests the problem.

It has recently been discovered that bishops and priests have been having sexual relations world wide with nuns. Some of the nuns became pregnant. Some of those who became pregnant had abortions at the suggestion of the bishop or priest involved and/or through arrangements made by them.

Such information recently released by the Vatican.

What bothers me is the authoritarian way the Catholic Church has handled abortion and contraception over the years. Many lives affected by the Church’s decisions in these areas.

Regarding abortion, now when it suits the needs of clergy faced with an unwanted pregnancy, abortion is ok for bishops and priests. A do as I say situation rather than a do as I do one.

Syracuse played its last game of the season yesterday. Against Clemson. Syracuse favored. Syracuse lost 67-55.

Syracuse was leading by 6 or 7 points at half. Clemson destroyed Syracuse in the second half.

In Syracuse’s last 5 games, Syracuse led at half time. Then blew it in the second half.

The ACC tournament next. This week. Followed by March Madness.

The seeds for the ACC tournament came out last night. Syracuse seeded #6. Drew a bye for the first day.

A crazy season. An upsetting one, at least for me.

Enjoy your Sunday!









Donna is one of the three ladies I recognize as outstanding cooks in Key West. I never turn down an invitation for dinner.

Last night one of those occasions. At Donna, Terri and Bear’s home. Larry Baeder and I welcomed guests.

The meal spectacular. I would expect nothing less from Donna.

Pot Roast. The old fashioned way as my mother made it. Juicy, tender and tasty. Potatoes cooked with the pot roast, of course. And beans.

There is something special about pot roast. You can smell it. Warm and welcoming. As I walked in the door, it hit me. My mouth immediately watering.

Thank you Donna and Terri.

A power outage at 4 yesterday. A long time since the last one. Lasted about 1 1/2 hours. Something blew at the Big Pine substation.

Syracuse/Clemson at noon today.

Turns out Syracuse not in as bad shape as I thought. This is the last game of the season. Syracuse needs it for a 20 win season. Syracuse is favored.

Clemson has won 18. On the bubble for the big tournament. Needs a win against Syracuse to make it.

The experts say Syracuse a given for the tournament, even if the team loses today. The reason being the 3 top 10 teams Syracuse beat during the season. Knocked off Duke when Duke was #1.

The sportscasters say Syracuse at worse will be a #8 seed in the big tournament.

Spring break is upon us. The college students have begun arriving. They were all over Bahama Village last night as I was walking to Donna and Terri’s. This is their week.

Rarely a problem.

I envy them. Never did a spring break. Never had the money.

Beware if you are driving on US 1 this weekend. Traffic will be unusually slow. Today and tomorrow the Marathon Seafood Festival. Its impact will be felt all the way down to Key West.

In the alley running along side Antonio’s is a tiny restaurant. Indoor and outdoor. Always packed. Amazes me. The restaurant is called the Onlywood Grill. Been there 7 years. First place in my memory that ever made it in that location.

The owners have opened a second Onlywood Grill. On Caroline across from Bo’s. A big place. I am anxious to try it.

The Holi Color Festival is coming to Key West. Never heard of it. Means nothing. It probably has been a Key West event for years and I simply missed it.

A strange event.

An Indian festival. India the nation, not a Native American event.

Participants take colored powder and water and throw it at each other. The colored powder is cornstarch dye.

The colors those of a rainbow. In quick course, those participating find their faces and clothes totally covered in rainbow hues.

The Festival is to promote social harmony and celebrate the start of spring. Also signifies the victory of good over evil.

The Festival is in the Palm Garden of the Key West Library. Saturday, March 16.

I keep repeating that the Keys have not fully recovered from Irma. The primary reason the failure of the federal government to meet its promised obligation financially.

Irma hit 1 1/2 years ago. We still have tent cities.

Many volunteers come each day from all points of the U.S. to help. Might call them first responders 18 months later. They come to stay a week or two and bring food and other supplies with them.

The Keys need this help.

Monroe County has a Long Term Recovery Group. It has created a Volunteer Village to house those who come to help. Two large containers converted into sleeping quarters, kitchen, toilets and showers. Each container sleeps 10. They have placed them at the Marathon Airfield.

Amazing. Here it is 1 1/2 years post Irma and the Keys are still struggling to recover.

It is the same everywhere a natural disaster has occurred the last 2 years.

An indication of the help that continues to come is that both containers are booked till the end of April.

Many well known persons have lived and do live in Key West. The best known, yet unknown, is Tom Hambright. Key West’s venerable historian. Knows everything about our island.

His office is in the Key West Library.

Tom is giving a lecture at 6 pm on March 20 at the Library. The topic: A Short History of Key West.

Something to attend!

I have 3 daughters. All in their 50’s now. I can recall when each was little. Dolls were big with them. Especially the Barbie doll. Each had one or more than one.

The first Barbie doll went on display this day in 1959 at the American Toy Fair in New York City.

The Barbie doll survives to this day.

Mattel is the manufacturer of the Barbie doll. Mattel recently announced that 90 percent of girls age 3-10 today own at least one Barbie doll.

The Catholic Church is experiencing big time problems in the sexual arena.

The Church is attempting to deal with the problem. It has recently been disclosed it involves Cardinals and nuns, also.

The problem interests me.

A book recently was published exploring the various problems involved. Published in 8 countries in the language of each country.

I bought a hard copy. Five hundred fifty pages. Heavy. Going to take forever to get through.

The title: In the Closet of the Vatican…..Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy. The author, Frederic Martel.

I have only just begun.

Enjoy your day!


Morning Stew time!

I hit a wrong button yesterday and was unable to properly complete the blog. Could not figure out what I did wrong. Finally gave up!

Sloan was unavailable at the time. She contacted me later in the afternoon. The solution simple. I had to hit one key and everything was back to normal.

I want to combine the best of 2 days into one blog this morning. May be a bit long. Titled it Morning Stew #7 because there will be no order to the blog. I will be entering this and that as the material comes up in my notes.

Were it not that this is a Morning Stew day, I would have titled the blog CRIME PAYS.

Reference is to Paul Manafort’s sentence. Forty seven months for all the bad he did. The man got away with murder, in effect.

The sentence reflects a failure in the judicial system. Combine it with the failures in the justice system overall. Our country is moving in the wrong direction. People are losing faith. Not a healthy situation.

The most powerful person in the United States is a U.S. District Court Judge. The trial judge in the federal system. More powerful than even a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Some District Court Judges exercise their power in undesirable fashions. Manafort’s trial judge T.S. Ellis one of them.

Article III of the Constitution permits federal judges to serve as long as they maintain “good behavior.” Effectively means they can sit their entire lives. Most do.

Ellis is 78 years old. A cantankerous old man. Enjoys playing tough guy from the bench. He has a reputation in the Virginia area as being “Caesar in his own Rome.”

Need I say more.

He gave the prosecution a hard time during the trail. Embarrassed the prosecution on occasion.

He is known as an arch conservative. Apparently.

I handled cases before such judges. You do the best you can. A lawyer and his client are stuck with them. Justice is not served when such persons “rule” our courts.

Today is International Women’s Day. God bless the ladies! We need them. Men have screwed things up for years. Let the ladies control for a while. They can do no worse.

In 1968, a new cigarette came out. Directed towards women. Virginia Slims. Their advertising line: You’ve come a long way, Baby.

Still true today. Ladies, keep it going!

I’ve been doing this blog 12 years now. I have 69,000 subscribers. Some search me out in the Chart Room when they vacation in Key West. Always pleased to meet them

Some are repeat visitors to the Chart Room. Last night, I met one again.

Tom from Indianapolis. Waiting for me as I came in the door. We had met 10 years ago.

Tom obviously a hard worker. He manages something like 36 car washer operations in Indiana. A tough job. He has been with the company many years. Started when there were only a few car washers.

He told me he married in Key West in 2002. Sixty or seventy guests. Wedding and reception planned on a catamaran. The Waterfront Market catering.

An unexpected rain storm. A deluge. Happens occasionally. The Catamaran could not go out. Water too rough.

Rain in the streets 2-3 feet. Not unusual either. Key West has 2 sewer systems. One strictly for run off water. No sewage. The run off sewers cannot take much water. Certain intersections flood. I have seen tourists swimming in these intersections on those occasions.

Tom and his bride in trouble. Their wedding planner came to the rescue. She arranged for the Pier House to take the reception inside one of their large rooms. Waterfront Market Catered at the Pier House. The Pier House did not charge Tom for having Waterfront do the catering.

Tom says…..A great party!

Tom here with friends from Michigan. In addition to Key West, they are doing Islamorada and Marathon.

Tom and I agreed that hopefully it will not be another 10 years before we meet up again.

Mary came in. We had  a drink together at the Chart Room. Then off to La Trattoria for dinner. La Trattoria appears to have become my restaurant of choice for the moment.

Trump did a great job with Venezuela. Another major screw up. He was trying to instigate revolution. Not for any humanitarian reason. Rather to get control of Venezuela’s oil reserves. The largest in the world.

No revolution.

The leader of the opposition Juan Guaido was out of the country. He has returned. Everyone expected him to be jailed.

Maduro no fool. He left him alone. Guaido walks the streets unbothered.

Venezuela’s economy horrible. Inflation at 2 million percent. Would you believe! I recall under Carter inflation caused interest rates to go to 22-23 percent. I thought that was horrible!

Trump did well with Kim in Hanoi. North Korea has begun rebuilding its missile sites.

The love affair did not last long.

Puerto Rico was screwed by Trump. He forgot they were American citizens. He failed to provide anywhere near sufficient help following Hurricane Maria.

Not the first time an American President has not treated Puerto Ricans well.

It was 1917 when then President Wilson signed the necessary legislation making the people of Puerto Rico U.S. citizens. The U.S. either had just entered World War I or was about to.

Wilson needed men to fight. The ranks of the military had to be built up and quickly. Soon after Puerto Ricans became U.S. citizens, 20,000 were drafted.

The authoritarian state is a creeping phenomenon. As it was in Germany under Hitler. Little pieces of freedom frequently taken away.

I am not a fan of ICE. I believe they are quietly being strengthened and represent Trump’s Gestapo.

ICE and Border guards are “pulling aside” reporters, attorneys and activists at the border as they are entering Mexico. They are questioned. Notes made.

Fifty nine so far. Their experiences described as having a “chilling effect.”

What next?

Trump said he was going to grow America’s industries. Doing a lousy job!

General Motors announced this week they have begun “eliminating” 1,700 hourly employees. Perhaps for good.

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal front page right hand column carried an article titled: GE Chief Warns of Slow Recovery.

GE’s new President Larry Culp said GE needs to “pay the piper” in 2019. GE still in a turn around.

Where have the conservatives gone? Not many left. Many  Republicans think they are. However, conservative government is gone. Replaced by Trumpism.

Paul Waldman wrote an interesting opinion piece March 4. He said, “Many Republicans…..when the history of this period is written will come out looking terrible, as a bunch of cowards who made themselves handmaidens to the most corrupt President in American history.”

My Republican friends, take your party back!

Ash Wednesday was interesting.

Religion has been on a decline for years. It may be bouncing back. Such is based on my observations wednesday.

Many announcers, political pundits, etc. on TV wore their cross of ashes on their foreheads.

Wednesday evening at dinner time, I was driving past St. Mary’s By the Sea in Key West. The lines in and out of the Church were huge! People getting ashes.

Enjoy your day!


Many Christian happenings are pagan in origin. Ash Wednesday one of them.

No where in the Bible is Ash Wednesday mentioned.

Sometime in 300 A.D., the Catholic Church wanted to increase its numbers. It convinced certain pagan groups to join them in order to do so. Based on the Church’s promise that certain of their heathen practices would be permitted to continue. Ash Wednesday was one of them.

The pagan groups accepted the Catholic Church’s beliefs at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.

Rome was interested in the marriage of the two groups also. Politics. Assured peace. Increased Rome’s power. Emperor Constantine was instrumental in bringing the Catholics and pagans together.

Ash Wednesday was not received initially by the Catholics with enthusiasm. Took another 700 years before the relationship was solidified.

Today, Ash Wednesday is practiced by most Christian sects.

Convenience has entered the picture. “Ashes to Go” are common. Clergy have drive ins to provide the ashes. Many go to railroad stations, airports, and busy thoroughfares, to anoint the faithful.

The source of ashes are left over palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday. Burned to ash.

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Forty six consecutive days of self-restraint and abstention. Some Christians do, others not.

Clergy rub ashes on the foreheads of those inclined to participate. The clergy person utters one of two sayings: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel,” or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

When I was a child, I abstained in a child’s ways. Generally gave up candy for Lent. As I grew into manhood, alcoholic drink. Such was long ago. I have not abstained in years.

My podcast last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Love doing the show! My platform for speaking in support or against issues with enthusiasm.


Thank you to those who listen. The numbers are great. Increase weekly. If you have not listened, do so one or two times to see if you enjoy. I suspect you might, even if you do not agree with me.

Puerto Rico victimized in the past as well as recently. The recent being Trump’s failure to care for Puerto Rico’s American citizens following Hurricane Maria.

The first time was March 1917. The U.S. in or ready to get into World War I. President Wilson knew a bigger Army was needed. He signed legislation making Puerto Ricans American citizens. Within months, 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted.

I am into robots again.

A recent study indicated the use of robots in the U.S. in 2018 was up 16 percent from 2017. A record year for U.S. robot use!

Time once again to thank Trump.

The Hanoi summit was a failure. Nothing accomplished. Not actually true. Kim went home and began rebuilding a missile launch facility that formerly had been dismantled.

Some say Kim began building before the Hanoi meeting. Whatever, North Korea is rebuilding.

Trump has trumped that the “moratorium” on missile testing was a “major diplomatic achievement” by him.

In his mind only.

Trump continues to take actions that have opposite reactions. Something he should have learned in school.

The nuclear treaty with Russia (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) has been in existence since 1987. Both the U.S. and Russia at the time happy with it. Until Trump’s election able to live with it. Pretty much ensured no nuclear war with Russia.

Trump said the U.S. out of the treaty. No longer bound by it.

Trump’s friend Putin has finally reacted. Putin announced monday that Russia “suspended” its obligations under the treaty. The suspension will remain till the U.S. ends its violations of the treaty or until it terminates.

Trump’s actions in declaring the treaty null and void brings the U.S. and Russia closer to the possibility of a nuclear war.

Trump has not been nor is he a good President. His concern for the welfare of those he represents lacking.

Paul Waldman recently wrote in an opinion piece that the spines of Congressional Republicans are in short supply. He wrote, “Many Republicans…..when the history of this period is written will come out looking terrible, as a bunch of cowards who have made themselves handmaidens to the most corrupt President in American history.”

Enjoy your day!




Debauchery in New Orleans. Today, the day. Mardi Gras!

The day before Lent. Christians supposedly fast and do acts of penance during the Lenten season. So they fill up on food and other palatable goodies this day.

Mardi Gras is a French term. In practical terms means Fat Tuesday. Ergo, Mardi Gras is also referred to as Fat Tuesday. A day of gluttony.

In 1889, New Orleans on its famous Bourbon street began the Mardi Gras festival. A religious event initially. Primarily tourist attended.

In the later decades of the 20th century, a sexual flavor was added. Referred to by social scientists as “ritual disrobement.” Women began exhibiting their breasts. Openly on the street and from balconies.

The religious aspect disappeared. Sexuality crept in. Bare boobs the order of the day!

Breast exposure not for free. Beads and trinkets to the ladies doing so.

Mardi Gras officially ends at midnight. Police on horseback ride down Bourbon Street at that time. The honeymoon is over. Their purpose to ceremonially “clean the street.” Such an announcement to all that the end of carnival season had arrived. Sackcloth and ashes await. Fasting and penance henceforth the order of the day.

I was excited last night. Syracuse playing #2 ranked nationally Virginia. Thought we could win. Hell, we beat Duke 2 weeks ago when Duke was #1.

I watched the game at the Chart Room with Ted. A friend from Wampsville, N.Y. The county seat for Madison County. Madison Country sitting between Syracuse and Utica.

Ted a life time resident of the area. His legal career a respected one. He served as Court Clerk for the County and Surrogate Courts of Madison County for years.

For those unfamiliar, a court clerk in many areas is the brains behind the Judges. He the person who does the research and initially decides a point of law before a Judge. The Judge then rules based on that advice. The clerk’s advice generally followed.

Ted visits Key West several times a year. This time for a month. Staying at Banyan Court.

Ted a Syracuse undergrad and law grad. Ergo, a fan!

We watched the game together.

From joy to horror. Syracuse was leading at half time. Hope springs eternal! The second half however another story.

Virginia outscored Syracuse by 26 points. Made 72 percent of their 3’s during the game.

No joy in Mudville from my perspective.

This was Syracuse’s third game against a top 10 team where Syracuse went into the locker room at half time ahead. Only to be demolished in the second half.

This is the last week of the season. Syracuse has only one league game remaining. Against Clemson later in the week.

I must confess. At this point I question whether Syracuse will make the Big Tournament.

Harry Truman loved Key West. Key West loves Harry Truman.

While President, Truman made 11 trips to Key West totaling 175 days. Following his Presidency, he continued to return. Five times. His last trip being in April 1969.

On this day in 1948, Truman flew back to Washington after having spent 10 Presidential working days at the Little White House. As he left the Little White House he said, “I’ll be back here if I can make it.”

He did.

Valor sometimes the result of pure conviction. Principle.

On this day in 1770, British troops fired into a crowd of colonists. Five colonists were killed. Bostonians were enraged. The event became known as the British Massacre.

Certain British troops were arrested and charged with murder.

They were in need of a lawyer to defend them. No one was inclined to assume the responsibility. Defend British soldiers who killed colonists?

One came forward. John Adams.

Adams was short of stature, tall in guts and determination. He considered the men innocent and entitled to representation.

Adams defended the British soldiers. Successfully. They were acquitted.

Feisty, in your face, never one to back down from a confrontation, John Adams, became the second President of the United States.

What follows is similar to Martin Luther nailing his 95 Thesis on the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg.

The House Judiciary Committee sent document requests to 81 individuals and entities. Noted in the request was that the same documents had been requested by the Mueller investigation and that of the Southern District.

A cry of denunciation has emitted!

Republicans should not cry out in opposition. When they were in charge and investigating Bill Clinton for impeachment, more than 1,200 subpoenas were issued.

For sex and failure to tell the truth.

Supposed charges against Trump far more excessive, shocking and disturbing.What is more serious? Oral copulation in the Oval Office or sleeping with Putin?

Tonight, tonight, my podcast show! Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me.

I have a lot to get off my chest. A half hour of ranting and raving should help.

Enjoy your day!





Two person college reunion last night at the Chart Room. Grads from a few years back from St. Vincent College in Latrobe.

John Lally and John Moore. They were having dinner with their wives at Pier One.

Lally is from Pittsburgh. Moore from North Beach, New Jersey and Sugarloaf.

Lally a loyal blog reader. I suspect Moore also.

Nice guys. Enjoyed meeting them. Wish we had longer to chat.

Arnold Palmer’s name came up. Palmer born and raised in Latrobe. Did not attend St. Vincent. Was fortunate to receive a golf scholarship and went instead to Wake Forest.

Mary arrived. We had a drink and chatted with John.

I said let’s walk. We went down to the waterfront. Enjoyed Schooner Wharf food and drink. Sat at the bar.

A while since I ate at Schooner Wharf. A cheeseburger and onion rings.

Tonight, Syracuse/Virginia at 7. Virginia #2 in the country. Syracuse unranked. Never the less, we could win.

Ted from Wampsville visiting. We still have not met this trip. Ted, I will be watching the Syracuse game at the Chart Room. Join me at 7.

Ted a radical Syracuse fan, also.

The Old Man and the Sea. Hemingway’s last novel. Published this day in 1952.

Hemingway had it delivered to his publisher with a note indicating it was “the best writing” he ever did.

The critics agreed. Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea.

Trump has a pattern of making something out of nothing. As he has again!

At the CPAC meeting he announced he was signing an executive order requiring free speech on college campuses.

I was not aware it was being denied. I also was under the impression that it was generally liberal students who had their free speech rights abused.

This time a conservative activist. Not a student. At the University of California at Berkley campus helping the right wing group Turning Point USA.

He got punched in the face. Trump has turned one conservative attack into it happens everywhere! No more, he said. If “they” continue, he will cut off all federal grant monies to that particular college.

What bravado! He has now made college attacks on conservatives a problem. He has created a situation where in reality few existed.

Two additional points re Trump. Sort of go together.

A personality cult has resulted. Trump their god.

John McCain was insulted a day or two before Trump’s appearance at CPAC by conservative Michelle Malkin. She attacked the “ghost of John McCain.”

Trump said nothing in his appearance to correct her words. Thereby condoning the words.

Is their no respect for the dead? Trump could not hold a candle to McCain for anything. Neither bravery, combat, honesty, etc. McCain was a true conservative. Trump is not.

What bothers me is that a poll taken following the “ghost” thing found Trump’s popularity rating had risen to 46 percent.

Beware America!

The other half of the story involves Hurricane Michael, FEMA and federal assistance.

Florida’s Panhandle got killed! No question about it. Here 4 months post Michael and thousands still living in tents. Delivery of FEMA trailers slow. Extremely slow.

People of the Panhandle consider themselves forgotten. Trump continuing to fail natural disaster victims.

It’s all about money. Trump is reluctant to spend proper amounts of money to help his people. We are all his people.

He might be saving up for the wall.

March an important month in recognizing a very special group. March is Women’s History Month.

Forget them not! I feel we men have screwed up the world sufficiently. It is the time for women! They can do no worse. Perhaps, better.

Have to hustle. Heart doctor this morning.

Enjoy your day!

One conservative under attack, all must be. so hero Trump before CPAC introduces the activist and says no more…..



Trump has had 3 careers so far. Contractor, TV personality, and President. He is on his way to a fourth. Stand up comic. As was evidenced yesterday when for 2 hours he had the CPAC audience rolling in the aisles.

The man is a born humorist.

Though painful. He cares not who he hurts in the process.

One of Trump’s many problems is he is not a man of principle. He is not the “give me liberty or give me death” type. Nor, “I regret I have but one life to give for my country.”

The principle problem clearly evidenced itself with Otto Warmbier and Jamal Khashoggi. Disappointingly so.

Trump explained yesterday he could not accuse Kim of responsibility/complacency with regard to Warmbier. After all, he was trying to negotiate with Kim and it would have made his job difficult.

Trump screwed up even though he failed to take Kim on re Warmbier.

A similar situation has existed with regard Khashoggi and Saudi Arabia. Trump has relationships with the Saudis that he does not want to affect.

Warmbier an American citizen. Khashoggi an American resident. You stand up for your own regardless of the consequences. Such is principle. Character. Trump having failed to stand up for these two diminishes respect for the U.S. and as well as himself. Kim and the Saudis must consider him a joke. A person they can easily deal with.

Such conduct emboldens other dictators in the world to disrespect, torture and kill Americans. With impunity.

For shame.

My day yesterday began with  the Syracuse/Wake Forest game at noon. Syracuse won by 25 points. 79-54. Syracuse played well. A lot of driving. Wake Forest was the lesser team.

Only one week left in league play. Syracuse has 2 games scheduled this week. The first monday night against Virginia. Virginia ranked #2 nationally. Syracuse remains unranked.

Would be great if Syracuse should win. Syracuse beat #1 Duke. No reason why a victory against Virginia is not obtainable.

Last night, the Chart Room first.

Ted from Wampsville in town. Told John the night before he was looking for me. I thought I would run into him. Did not. It is a long week. We will meet before he leaves. Perhaps for the Syracuse game tomorrow night at the Chart Room.

Mary and Elena came in. Some interesting chat. Ended up going to dinner with Mary. As her guest!

Walked Duval on the way to La Trattoria. The Duval Promenade on going. Its third week. Looks better each week. Merchants better organized with outside tables, etc. More people.

Tiffany bartending. I have known her for 25 years. First met her when she was bartending at Antonia’s. A great personality.

Enjoyed antipasto and pennes with oil and garlic. Satisfied a desire. Negated any type activity with Mary following dinner.

Three events tonight. Hopefully will make at least one. The Gardens, Hot Dog Church, and Terri White singing with Larry Baeder at The Key West Theater.

Tomorrow a significant day in history. On February 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated for the first time. Twenty five thousand people watched.

It is estimated Trump drew 300,000 to 600,000. I am surprised Trump has not yet informed the world that he drew more people to his inauguration than Lincoln did.

The country was split at the time. South against North. Rivalry and hatred ran deep. Similar to the disruption between Republicans and Democrats today.

Lincoln said in his acceptance speech, “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.”

His words were not heard then. Can they be heard today? Difficult.

Love robots! The new world of machine domination is upon us. Except, very few are aware of it. The ordinary citizen as well as the politician.

Companies are switching over to robots. The bottom line the reason. Cheaper to operate with machines than humans.

Walmart had a profitable year last year. Blowout earnings were reported a few days ago. The increased profit due primarily to surging on line sales.

Walmart reported this past week that it is eliminating its graveyard shift in hundreds of its stores. The human force to be replaced by a “labor saving product.” Robots.

The move will cut Walmart’s operating costs dramatically. It will also result in many humans losing their jobs. Which opens another wound. Trump has done nothing to ready the U.S. for what is occurring. Retraining programs needed. Or, a lot more people are going to be on the unemployment rolls.

I do not blame Trump alone. Obama paid little attention to the problem also.

Enjoy your Sunday!



There are more US $100 bills in circulation than US $1 bills.

Hard to believe.

I don’t see it. I always have many $1 bills in my pocket. Rarely $100 ones unless I ask specifically for a few at a bank.

All linked to global corruption and hoarding. Twelve billion of them. Eighty percent located overseas.

Those involved in crime related ventures use the $100 bills to transact business. No checks. Bills not traceable.

Then there are those who fear an economic collapse. They hoard $100 bills.

Finally, there are those who do not wish anyone, government or otherwise, to know the extent of their assets. Secrete $100 bills.


Some nights are special. Last night was one of them. I had dinner with Donna and Terri. We had a roaring time. From 7-10. We were the last to leave.

We ate at Hurricane Hole. Probably a year since I was last there. What a difference a year makes! Expanded. At least one third more tables. Even a large kids area. A  2 story pirate ship with slides and other things to keep the young ones occupied. While mom and dad enjoy a quiet meal. One eye on the food, the other on their child/children.

The season unusually good. Many tourists. Evident by the number standing and waiting for a table.

A great afternoon ahead. Syracuse/Wake Forest. At Wake Forest. Syracuse a 7.5 point favorite.

I assume we will win. Hopefully.

I will be lounging in an easy chair in the living room watching the game. Tip off time noon.

A special honor has been bestowed upon Key West. A high honor. The USS Billings will be commissioned in August in Key West. Full ceremony.

The Billings is a littoral combat ship that specializes in support roles such as mine countermeasures and anti-submarine warfare.

Key West has only had one other such honor. In 2011, the USS Spruance was commissioned here.

I want to congratulate our President. He did it again. Screwed something up!

He has threatened Venezuela with invasion, sent the Vice-President on the road to rabble rouse Venezuelan neighbors, shipped goods to the border, etc.

Trump is not being humanitarian. He wants control of the oil reserves. The largest in the world.

So does Russia. Putin smart. He sits back and does relatively nothing. Lets Trump rant, rave and raise hell.

Maduro had enough. He announced yesterday that he was moving Venezuela’s state owned oil firm PDVSA’s office to Moscow.

Congratulations, Mr. President! You did good! It never ends. Putin outfoxing you. You are no competition for your “friend” Putin?

Trump had another “victory” this past week. The summit with Kim in Hanoi.

Trump suggests he and Kim have a kumbaya relationship. Trump “loves” Kim.

Didn’t end that way in Hanoi.

The two did not even appear together at the end of the summit. Nothing was accomplished. Trump immediately went on the air without Kim and explained why.

Several hours later, 2 North Korean delegates did a press conference. A rarity for the North Koreans. They indicated the facts were not as represented by Trump.

Keep it up, Mr. President! You are doing a terrific job! First you alienate our allies and pursue dictators. Your new found friends. Now you are pissing the dictators off.

Who will be left to love us in the end?

The U.S. will be alone by the telephone.

Tonight, I don’t know. The Chart Room first, of course. Then where ever the evening takes me.

Enjoy your day!