Big day today. My Father’s birthday!
The magic number 98!
Happy birthday dear Father. And much love.
Dad is still in relatively good shape. Lives with his lady friend Frances. Gets out to breakfast a couple of times a week. Dinner at least once. Goes grocery shopping with Frances. He pushes the cart. Hangs on to it for balance at the same time. He tells me my time is coming, I should learn from what he does.
Fathers never stop teaching.
His sister Mary passed on last year at 102. My Father is now the last of six children.
This blog begins with joy and sorrow. Joy as to Dad’s birthday. Sorrow as to the Sports Page Bar. It closed last night.
I was at the Chart Room when I heard of its demise. I hurried over for a last drink. I expected a crowd for the last evening. I was wrong. I was one of three customers.
The word is that it will reopen in a few days as another type restaurant. Without Patrick.
We shall see.
Lunched at Harpoon Harry’s yesterday. Then to Lee Nails for a pedicure and manicure by Tammy.
Tammy personifies the beauty of the Orient. A pleasure to look at. A nice person.
Wrote for a couple of hours.
Chart Room last night. Mary bartending. Ran into Jean and Frankie. Chatted a while. Stephanie is normally with Jean. Not last night. She was home packing for a trip she is taking this week to somewhere to visit friends.
Then my last visit to the Sports page Bar. Sad. I told one of the bartenders to save the Syracuse flag for me. It’s like taking the colors down.
I was dying for wings. Went over to Kelley’s and enjoyed a plate full.
The season as we call it in Key West is over. The tourist season runs to Easter Sunday. You can see its end by the traffic. Forty eight hours ago, it was heavy. Bumper to bumper in many places. Bicycle riders all over. People dashing across streets. A dangerous time to be driving
Driving into town last night was a piece of cake. Most of the tourists are gone. The few left will leave by Sunday.
Then quiet till June.
It is the same every year.
Sloan is coming over this evening. I have to spend the day getting ready for her. I am in the process of optimizing and opening new sites. A lot of work! Beyond me!
Enjoy your day!
Wow, God Bless your Dad and a big Happy Birthday to him. You have longevity on your side my friend.
It's also my wife's Birthday today, quite a bit younger than your dad!! 🙂
I read the blog every day. Makes me feel closer to the place we love to visit. We're in KW at least once a year on our anniversary. We were married a few years ago on the beach at the Pier House. See you at the Chart Room and the drinks are on us!! Have a great day…
The Island Shoe Girl will be heading to Charleston, SC, for some 'mainland shopping' plus visiting parents and aunt & uncle.
I have a strange feeling that you didn't spend too much time at Kelly's.. I don't know what Fred was thinking when he bought those new stools, he sure wasn't thinking about normal size butts.. Their wings are still the best as you know and Chris, Doug and Abbie still make a great margarita.. Patrick
Happy B-day dad!
Sorry to hear about Sports Page, do you think the new Big 10 Sports Bar was a big factor in the Sports Page demise?
I like the sound of KW without tourists! I have only visited at Christmas, New Year and also in March. I might visit May sometime….!