My health consumed most of yesterday.
Saw my internist in the morning. Thyroid on the mend. Half way to where it should be. Doctor is going to recheck it in a month.
I fell two weeks ago. Cut my head near the left eye and broke my glasses. I fell again yesterday. It is becoming habit forming. This time I ended up with two 1 inch cuts on top of my head. A bit bloody.
The first time I fell, I missed a step going up. This time, a step going down. I am not concerned. But, I am beginning to wonder.
My back aches also from yesterday’s fall.
The fall changed my day. I missed Terri’s show last night at Tennessee Williams. The cuts were still oozing and looked worse than they actually were.
Obviously, I stayed home all day and night after the fall.
A couple of years ago, I read a book on Abraham Lincoln that I enjoyed very much. I told you about it at the time. It was a biography written by a John T. Morse in 1893. The book is entitled On Becoming Abraham Lincoln. I especially enjoyed the book because it was written by a person who was alive when Lincoln was President.
I opened the book yesterday and read a page here and there. I came upon one paragraph I did not recall from my first reading. It spelled out Lincoln’s financial difficulties in the 1830s.
Many are experiencing financial difficulties these days. Mortgage foreclosures are prevalent. Creditors are executing on debtors. People are hurting.
Lincoln went into the grocery business with a William F. Berry. The business failed in 1833. Berry died. Lincoln got stuck with the business’ debts. Lincoln considered the debt large for one of his means. He had nothing. He was having a bad time economically. He referred to the debt as the National Debt. That is how the large the debt seemed to him
The amount owed all creditors was $1,100.
Lincoln was without work for a period of time following the demise of the grocery business. He was broke. Fortunately, some one gave him a shot at becoming a surveyor. Great tracts of land were being cut up at the time into lots. There was an abundance of surveying work.
Lincoln studied hard and quickly. Learned the surveying business. He was able to buy a horse and surveying instruments.
A creditor was owed $245 of the grocery business debt. The creditor executed upon Lincoln’s horse and surveying instruments. True, Lincoln was working. But not yet making enough nor had he accumulated enough money to pay the creditor. He needed the horse and surveying instruments to keep working.
Two friends came along and payed the $245 debt.
It took Lincoln 16 years to pay off the $1,100. He paid off every penny in full.
To those who have the sheriff knocking at their doors, take heart. You never know from whence and who help may come. If no help does come, still take heart in the fact that Lincoln went through hard times also. And became President of the United States.
Enjoy your day!
Gravity is not just a good idea, it's the law. Take care of yourself!
Are you hanging onto the railing when you go up and down those stairs???
Sorry to say that in the political climate that we are in today I don't think anyone that has been at or near bankruptcy would be elected.
It seems that the best people are staying on the sidelines because they don't want their past dredged up so we are left with the poor alternitives.