Good morning world!
It is Santa Claus time of the year. Sherrel Hinde Kirkland wrote a letter to Santa Claus which she shared with everyone on her Facebook site this morning. Sherrel is formerly from Key West. She now lives in Tavares.
Sherrell wrote in part :” Friends are the fruitcake of life — some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet, but mix them together and they’re my friends.”
Sherrel’s letter has the makings of a traditional Christmas epistle. You can find the letter on Facebook.
Terrific Internet show yesterday! It’s easy. The world is full of crazy people. I merely comment on what they do and say.
Post show reaction strongly indicated that my dissertation on pedophilia garnered the most interest. It was a bit different from that which is running in the media in general. The thrust of my comments were that we should not make these University investigations turn in to a Salem witch hunt.
Think about it.
I wanted to take Cat Lady out last night. Syracuse was playing Florida. My thought was the Sports Page Bar to watch the game.
Cat Lady was not so inclined. She declined. She pleasantly advised she would rather do Christmas things than spend time in a sports bar watching basketball.
I was dumfounded…..and crushed. Not want to watch a Syracuse basketball game!
In the end, I stayed home and watched the game from my bed. Good basketball! Syracuse won by four points. Both teams were top 10.
Big day today! Bocce playoffs begin. Three this afternoon. We play the # 2 team from the Monday night league.
This is a huge deal! There will be bright tents to keep the sun off the players. Food and drink. A crowd watching. A very festive occasion.
Then tonight there is the Christmas parade. I am not sure I will be able to make the parade. This disappoints me. Bocci will probably take to six o’clock. The parade is at 7. There are logistical problems such as parking. Also the need for a shower before the parade. I suspect I will not be viewing the Christmas parade this year. Disappoints me. I love watching Robert and Allie get excited. There he is! Santa Claus!
Enjoy your day!
Be careful of women who would rather do "Christmas things" than watch SU play Florida. It was a great game and there are so many good looking women interested in basketball and sports these days. Dump the Cat Woman and find someone who is at least willing to try and share some of the things you are passionate about. There's a lot of time until Christmas and the game was only part of one night. She should have been honored to have been asked to watch the game with you. She sounds more like a wife than a girlfriend.
Best of luck at the game this afternoon! If a Volo is permitted then go for it! I am enjoying our Virginia Fall with a beer tasting party tonight!