I have mixed emotions this morning. I do not look forward to the afternoon and evening.

I will be preparing for tomorrow morning’s colonoscopy.

Reading materials have been stacked in appropriate places.

I am an old pro at this. My seventh colonoscopy. A record I am neither proud of nor unhappy with.

Enough said.

For some inexplainable reason, I spent yesterday inside all day. Except for my outside deck, never left the house. Spent the day reading and writing.

I opened my Amazon Kindle to glance through the Sunday New York Times. Kindle’s opening page contained a picture of John Steinbeck.


My parents purchased a home in 1941. I was six at the time.

The home cost $4,000. Financed the house with a 20 year mortgage.

A new home required new furniture. We went from a  small 4 room apartment to a rather large 7 room flat. The house was a two family one.

More rooms required new furniture. Especially a dining room set. A  formal dining room was a new experience for us.

The china was empty. The dishes would come later. My parents initially filled the china piece with books.

Two of the novels were by John Steinbeck. The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men.

I started reading those books and others by the time I was 7 and in the second grade. I used to sit myself in a large easy chair in the living room. It was twice my size. Lying next to me in the chair was a big thick red book. Webster’s Dictionary. I knew not many of Steinbeck’s words. When confronted with the unknown, I looked the word up in the dictionary.

I read many other books in the same way during my early formative years.

Steinbeck’s Kindle picture favorably stimulated my memory. I wanted to share the experience with you.

That was the highlight of my Sunday. No Don’s Place, Lisa’s for Sunday dinner or Kate Miano’s Gardens. Still, a good day.

Enjoy your today!

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