Yesterday was a perfect Key West day! In every respect! Sun shining, not a cloud in the sky, 80 degree weather, with a coolness coming in off the ocean to balance out the 80 degree temperature.
The topics were exciting. We live in a screwed up world. I love chatting about what is happening.
People are into government. Wall Street and perimeter issues. Yesterday’s top hits based on post show comments were the lobbying expose and what is going on behind the scenes with Occupy Wall Street.
I visited Lisa for a while after the show. Love her! Love everything about her!
I had lunch with the informal business men’s group at Salute’s at noon. About a dozen guys. I sat in the middle of the table. Stimulation was coming at me from every angle. A great lunch! A great gathering!
Mike Dennis was there. He is the former professional gambler turned author.
He is doing a reading next week at 7:30 at that place across the street from Banana Cafe. I am going to try to stop in. Mike is an interesting and smart person. His reading and comments will reflect that about him.
Last night was the Chart Room.
It was jam packed. Unusual. It is Parrot Head weekend. The Jimmy Buffet fans are in from all over. One of their stops was the Chart Room.
At one point there was a buzz. Every one got excited. Some one had telephoned and said Jimmy Buffet was in the Chart Room. He was not.
Don’t even know if he was in town.
This week end is the twentieth anniversary of the Parrot Head week end celebration in Key West. Buffet does not always attend. Most hope he will this year because of the anniversary.
I had to smile to myself when the Buffet excitement occurred. You will recall that several months ago I shared a Jimmy Buffet/Chart Room story with you.
Buffet started his career in the Chart Room. He used to sit in a corner, play his guitar and sing Key West songs he had written. The old timers at the bar used to yell at him to quiet down. He was disrupting their conversations.
Little did they know!
Captain Peter stopped in. I see him not enough lately. He did not stay. Too many people for him.
My love Sheila was sitting at the corner of the bar. A great girl! She is back to work driving a trolley car and happy to be doing so.
Emily was bartending. A smart gal. We had a disagreement. Regarding the dredging of the area where the cruise ships come into Key West. The area is too shallow for the newer big boats. Should the channel be made deeper is the issue. Emily was for it and I against. The proposed dredging is a current Key West controversial item.
Emily is the pretty young lady with me in the Chart Room picture.
Met some interesting new people at the bar.
Donna and Al. Newcomers to Key West. Have been living here for six months. Donna is employed with the State Attorney’s office. She is an IT person. Al works for the City of Key West as a welder. Both are extremely happy to be living here. It was their first time in the Chart Room.
Met Carol last night. She is best described as a snowbird. Works in the catering business. As a chef. While in Key West, she does parties for Small Chef at Large. While home in Michigan, she has her own catering business known as Harbor Springs.
Ran into an old acquaintance at the Chart Room last night. Tim Hill. From Fort Myers. He is the Mercedes dealer there. Gulf Coast Auto Sales. I proudly told him of my 1987 Mercedes 420 SEL which I still have and occasionally drive.
Business must be good. Tim flew in with a friend for dinner in the evening. They will be returning to Fort Myers today. However, he will be back next week for the boat races. I hope to hook up with him at that time again.
Tim gave me his business card for his second business. He lists himself as the owner of a Female Obedience School.
I have no comment.
Sean and Katherine showed up. Always glad to see them. Sean said his week was quiet reporting wise.
That was my Key West day. Not bad.
Enjoy your day!
Jimmy was in town! Played for over a hour on Duval St yesterday.
Thanks for the plug, Louis. Hope to see you at my reading/signing at the Cork & Stogie on Wednesday evening. It's at 1218 Duval, 7:30 PM.
I'd also like to mention three other excellent authors will be there, too. Jonathan Woods, Michael Haskins, and Jessica Argyle, all of them published crime fiction authors. They will also be reading and discussing their works.
If I don't see you there, I'll see you at lunch on Friday.