Dark outside. Black as coal.
How many of you remember coal? I do. I had to shovel it into the furnace during the day when my father was at work. I was in grammar school. It was hard work. Even harder was taking the barrels of ashes out to the curb for pickup. I had to carry the ashes up the cellar steps and then down a long driveway. I disliked the ash removal part of the job. Heavy lifting for an adult. Even worse for a very young man.
The northeast is cold. Fall definitely has arruived. Like 50 degrees in New York. It will stay cold for a week or two. Then Indian summer will arrive with renewed warm weather and vibrant colors.
My internet show this morning. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. 10 am. http://www.konkbroadcasting.com/.
Join me. The topics continue to be stimulating.
Like the Mile High Club and 9/11, a Taiwanese man declared innocent of rape and murder 14 years after he was executed, Egyptian thugs breaking into the no no land of the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, Terri’s Broadway opening this past week, observations on the Republican Tea Party debate monday night, the U.S. poverty rate, a 101 year old Detroit woman evicted from her home for failure to make mortgage payments, the purported religious Goddess Temple in Phoenix a whore house, and more.
Lunch yesterday was with my neighbor Andrew and his family. His wife and son from Switzerland recently joined him.
I let Andrew pick th place. He had the baby. Salute’s was the choice.
Andrew is a lucky man. A wonderful family!
His wife is Jazz. Nickname for Jasmine. Charming and thin. Blond hair. Hair and body colored tan by the sun. A Swiss cirtizen. She worked in risk managmengt at a Zurich bank prior to Andrew, being married and having a child. Articulate and well spoken. Excellent personality. I am going to enjoy her.
The baby! Becoming a big boy. Fourteen months old. Walks, runs, has teeth, beautiful blond hair and is on the go all the time. His name is Kai.
I wanted to greet the new arrivals each with a gift. Key West limits one’s choices. I ended up making two stops. The first to Publix. Purchased a potted plant for Jazz. Cost $5. Then K Mart for Kai. Bought him one of those small poled things with donut shaped plastic rings of varying size. For 6 to 18 months the box said. The child is suppoosed to place the circular donuts rings on the pole. An educational toy. Cost $7.
I am the last of the big spenders.
I told Jazz my gift was from Publix and she was to water it every day. I further advised Jazz that when I visit her home, I will be looking for plant. All in jest of course. As to Kai’s toy, it was unwrapped almost immediately and he played with it during lunch. In his mouth and banging away on the table.
Afterward, I headed over to Tammy at Lee Nails. It was time for my weekly manicure.
Tammy is a very lovely Vietnamese. Thirty four she looks sixteen. About 4’10”. For the past month, she has commented on my appearance each time I sat down…..you look terrible….you sick?….you not look good. Yesterday she said….you look good!
It had to be the blood pressure pills working.
Bocce last night. We won 2 out of 3 games. Should have won all three. Won the first two games 16-13. Lost the last game 16-15. A tough tense night.
We should have killed the opposing team. The fun of the game is being dissipated by the desire to win. This happened to us once before a few years ago. Our motivation is skewed. The tension has to go. Otherwise this our best team ever will not prevail to the extent desired.
Again, please join me at 10 for The Key West Lou Legal Hour.
Enjoy your day!