Another beautiful morning! Absolute calm once again. No breeze. Everything still. The water like a mirror.
Busy day yesterday.
I joined the lobsterfest celebration. Marks the opening of the Florida lobster season. Did the Duval crawl. Instead of booze, I sampled a couple of lobster delicacies. The best was a broiled lobster tail covered with hot butter.
Protein and cholesterol in one shot!
The highlight of my time on Duval was Howard Livingston and his band Mile Marker 24. When ever and where ever he performs, Howard makes everyone happy.
A stand was erected at the corner of Duval and Green Streets. Right in front of Sloppy Joe’s. Howard was one of the performers. Love Howard! We have been friends for almost 15 years. From Chicago industrialist to singer and composer of Key West songs. Two successful careers in one life time. And a nice guy to boot!
I stopped at Home Depot afterwards. Not to walk. To shop. Finally, Home Depot may make some money on me!
My master bedroom is 14 years old. Needs some updating. The carpet is so old it does not come clean when washed. Has to go. I did not want carpet again. The choice is tile or wood. I am zeroing in on wood, though I have not made a final decision. May even have the walls painted a different color from the present white.
Looking to change lamps, get a new mattress, spread, etc.
A new project being undertaken!
Then a stop at Publix. I have food. Lisa did not. Lisa and family have been on vacation for a week up north visiting Corey’s parents. Lisa telephoned to say they were coming in last night and would I shop for some groceries so the kids would have fresh food in the house. My pleasure!
I spent a couple of hours watching the PGA. Anyone’s tournament. I felt sorry for Jim Furyk. He was about 2 strokes off the lead, when he put a ball in the water on two consecutive holes. Tough!
The course appears tough, also. The greens seem to be extremely difficult to putt on.
I went to the movies last night! I do the movies in streaks. Don’t go for months and then do 2 or 3 in a week.
Last night it was The Help. Based on the 2009 best seller by the same name. A story of black domestic help in the south in the early 1960s. My friend Jackie had given me the book to read before she left Key West. The movie was as good as the book! I recommend it. Although heavy in parts, it has some off the wall humor to balance the emotions.
I stopped at Tavern ‘n Town on the way home. Convenient. Located in the Marriott at the corner of the Boulevard and US 1. Enjoyed calamari and a couple of drinks. Chatted with some tourists.
Big morning!
First, Meet the Press. Michele Bachmann is the sole guest. She won the Iowa straw poll yesterday. I think Bachmann is a nut case. The only way I can describe her. One of my Iowa friends is a staunch die in the wool conservative Republican. He says the straw poll is a waste. It is too early in the process. Additionally, he does not believe Bachmann will be a contender long. She will fade as the process moves forward and not be the nominee. Interesting perspective.
The other reason that this morning is a big one is that I shall see the grandkids! It has been a long week without them. Lisa is a good daughter. She made sure they telephoned me each day.
That is it for today!
Enjoy your Sunday!
I happen to like Bachmann and I think your friend is correct.. Patrick
Good call! She is nut case! Ames was a busy place saturday. Will be down there again in november, will have to have a cuban coffee.
I tend to share most of the soapboxes you stand on the majority of the time, and I respect your educated opinion and gut instinct on the political arena and those who are foolish enough to want to be in it. Having said that, I wonder if Michelle Bachmann brings to mind Sarah Palin, in that, everytime she opens her mouth I cringe at what comes out of it. In short, "a nut case." Since I haven't the stomach yet to listen to the political posturing of this new batch of presidential wannabes, I wonder if that "cringe" feeling is what you experience when you listen to Michelle speak?
Just curious if there's any similarities of the two women.
Thanks for your input.