Mike Yutzy is a Vegas friend.They do not come any better.
Yesterday Mike texted me with some sad news. Peter Falk had died.
Peter Falk of Columbo fame. Star of many other movies and TV shows.
I enjoyed Falk for two reasons primarily. First, he entertained me. He brought joy and pleasure regardless of the role he played. Second, he graduated from Syracuse University. He received his Masters at SU some time in the mid 1950s.
Falk only had one eye. At age 3, he lost the other due to cancer.
Falk flirted with central New York more than once, more than Syracuse. He did some undergraduate work at Hamilton College. Hamilton is about 10 miles outside Utica. He started at Hamilton, left, did a stint if I recall correctly in the merchant marine, and then reurned to Hamilton. He did not stay long. He attended one or more schools before he finally obtained his Bachelor’s degree some where else.
Early in Falk’s career, he was doing a play in New York City. He happened upon the Art Students League. He walked in and opened a door. There was a female nude model “…buck-ass naked.”
Falk took up art as a result. In his later years, he spent much time in his Beverly Hills garage. He had made it over into a studio for charcoal sketching. Many of the sketches were of nude females. He once said “…the female body is awesome.”
I agree. My art collection contains many nudes by noteworthy artists. The female body is awesome!
Lets return to Syracuse University for a moment.
The law school building was next to the art school building. One day my study group of Parker Stone, David Yafee and I were out walking taking a break from our studies. It started to rain. We entered the art school building to get out of the rain. We experienced a Peter Falk moment.
The door to one of the class rooms was open. There sat this lovely young lady “bare-ass naked” as Falk would say.
Wow! Wow! And wow, again! This was 1957. Such views were rare. Extremely! I would observe that if a man wanted to see a naked woma back thenn, he had to marry. That is how it was!
Needless to say, more frequent break walks were needed. The art school building became a haven of sorts and I discovered I was a voyeur at heart.
Don’s wife is on vacation. Ergo, Don and I went out last night. We met first at his place. Don’s Place. Then to the Chart Room.
The new bartender was working. JJ. Only his second day. Don’t know whether I like him yet. Need more time. Key West bartenders are entertainers and a celebrity breed, also. I did not get to chat with JJ that long to come to any conclusions about him.
Ran into some terrific tourists at the Chart Room. Their first time Key West visit. They hail from Elizabeth Town, Pennsylvania. Some where in the Hershey area.
Two couples.
Jen and Neil were one. Jen is a substiute teacher. Neil is an admissiomns coordinator for a trade school.
The other couple were Lindsi and Andy. Lindsi is in med school. Impressive! Andy is with Aunty Annes. I hope I got his company name correct.
These four rented a two bedroom condo at Truman Annex. They were and are having the time of their lives. Each swore to return to Key West.
They will.
We all left the Chart Room together. The four were off to Better Than Sex. A desert restaurant. Don and I went to Island Dogs.
Visited with a lot of the help and customers. Many I knew. Some of Don’s staff work at Island Dogs part time. One is Tommy. Another Don’s Place bartender Todd was coming in as we were leaving.
I tried eating last night. I am enunciating. So that problem is behind me. Chewing is still a problem. I have to try different things to find out where I am at. Last night was wings. No good. I ate them all. With much difficulty, however. Too crispy. I am about 50 per cent home regarding the chewing problem. That’s progress! A week ago, I could not chew at all!
I dropped Don off at Don’s Place and returned home.
Tonight is big! The bocce league is having their season banquet this evening. At Cowboy Bill’s. I have never been there. Don is being recognized. He is getting an award for his unfailing support of the bocce league and program over the years.
Hopefully after the bocce party, I will be in condition to head over to the Keys Community College. One of the dental hygenists working on me is wife to a minister.They have their own church. She is always asking me to attend services. This weekend the church is sponsoring a three day revival. My sense it is one of those old fashioned hell burning fire and brimstone things.
I promised her I would try to attend. Just a part. A small part. The 7 o’clock tonight portion. It lasts 4-5 hours. If I arrive a bit late, it will make no difference.
It appears my night will be whooping it up followed by some church going. An interesting combination!
Cowboy Bill’s has a mechanical bull. It will be a first time for me watching it in operation. Worry not, Louis will not attempt to ride the bull. No way!
Enjoy your day!
Lou, we had a great time last night. The Chart Room confirmed our suspicion about Key West. There are no pretenses in Key West, Rich or Poor everyone parties together. Thanks for the great time!!!
We WILL be back!!!