Good news and bad news.
The good news first.
Donna and Terri telephoned me around 4 yesterday afternoon. All excited. One talking, one yelling in the background. I had to tell them to slow down. Finally, shut up!
Their message: Terri and Follies are going to Broadway! Rehearsals start in threee weeks. The show opens on the golden way in July.
Terri broke a leg!
What a wonderful continuation of Terri’s story. Three years ago she slept on a park bench in New York City for 3 months. Homeless. Now back on Broadway bigger than ever!
God is good!
Now for the bad news.
The pain came back big time around noon yesterday. Back to the pills. I had a horrible tooth ache where I have not had a real tooth in 50 years and no where near where the dentist worked on Monday.
I slept, but woke frequnetly and abruptly. Crazy dreams. crazy pills.
My computer broke. I spent last night and up until now having it worked on. I don’t know what is worse. Sleeping alone or having your computer die on you!
I am bleeding sporadically also.
When will this all end? Probably sometime over the weekend. The dentist said it would take a week.
In the meantime, I am a recluse. Stay in. Do not go out. Reading a lot. Watching some TV. Researching for tomorrow’s internet show which I will not be doing. There will be a rerun, however.
Enjoy your day!