We did it! Made the bocce playoffs! First time ever for our team!
We ended the season in third place all alone.
Won 2 out of 3 games last night. It was a struggle. We played the last place team. It was supposed to be an easy night for us. The opposing team had only won 6 games all season.
They came to play! We almost got killed all three games!
Each game was close. Too close. Our opponents played extremely well.They did not look like last place finishers at all.
They were out to beat us! And almost did! Their motivation was to keep us out of the playoffs.
I only played the first game. Terrible does no adequately describe my play. I was a weight around the team’s neck. Played so poorly that Michelle at one point brought me a drink and said you need some boob inspirationn. She buried my fasce between her breasts.
It was good. Every one laughed. But…..no help!
I was benched after game one, which we lost. Never got to play again. The team won the next two games.
Playoffs Saturday and Sunday. At some time tomorrow, we the #3 Thursday night team will play th #2 Monday night team.
During the day, I worked on today’s internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. 10 am. http://www.konkbroadcasting.com/. Join me for the serious and light. Interesting topics galore.
Jenna came over at 3 to help me fine tune the show. She is my producer.
Barbara and Jenna came to watch bocce last night. Jenna’s first time.
Instead of going to Don’s Place after bocce, Barbara and I went to Town ‘n Tavern at the Marriott to get something to eat. We sat at the bar. Rob bartending again. A nice guy. Watched the second half of the Miami game. The result hurt!
Again, a crowd at the bar. Locals and tourists. The place was jumping!
Met some nice people. Roy and Peggy Hester from the New Smyrna area. They are in Key West for a long weekend. Roy is an attorney. He is with Planned Furniture Promotions. His company takes over the furniture and product of a business going under and sell it to benefit creditors in most instances. Wife Peggy is in property management.
Peggy’s first time in Key West. Roy has been here before. I suggested they hit the Chart Room tonight and then go across the street to Hot Tin Roof for dinner.
I plan an easy day after the show. Probably a quiet dinner tonight. Need to rest up for the bocce playoffs tomorrow!
As Porky Pig of old would say…..That’s all folks!
Enjoy your day!