This Volkswagen beetle convertible is causing a furor of sorts. Mostly favorable. Like winning the lottery. The big question is “Who?” Only four persons know. The giver, three others. The identity is something best not publizied.
Driving around yesterday, I was lucky I did not have an accident! Shouts of hi and hello from all over. Many with a thumbs up.
The car has unique coloring. It is two tone. For real. I appreciate it is small, but two tone it is. A light blue and white. Turns out someone else in Key West has the identical car.
I received two calls yesterday. Were your at the movies at Sears? No. Why? Your car was in the parking lot.
The other was much the same. This time Walgreens. Saw you! No, you did not. I was not at Walgreens at all yersterday.
I had a one o’clock appointment at Lee Nails for a manicure. The place was packed! Saturday is obviously not the time to go. Working women only have time on Saturday. On the other hand, I was busy all week and had no time to go either.
Maybe I am a working woman in disguise. Ho ho! I feel good this morning!
Erin was at Lee Nails. My bartender friend from La Trattoria. Yesterday was her anniversary and she was getting all dolled up. She looked terrific! Especially her long blonde hair.
Erin was there with her mother. Cheri Smith. Another lovely! It obviously runs in the family. Cheri is Key West City Clerk.
Greer was getting done up, also. I have not seen Greer in a while. She is one of Lisa’s long time Key West friends. Works at Casa Marina in management. She has been there 13 years. I have known Greer since before she went to work at the Casa.
Greer’s parents are Woody and Joan Cornell. A better couple you cannot find.
Woody and Joan met while Woody was stationed in England during World War II. Joan became a war bride. Love her accent!
Woody is unique unto himself. Wears saber type earrings. All the time! His shoes are Dutch in style. Wood. History’s croc.
Woody never wears a jacket. Rarely long pants. One night we ran into each other at the Symphony. Out of respect for the event, I was wearing long pants and a blazer. Woody went crazy!
I spent part of yesterday babysitting. Lisa and Corey wanted to go out. They did an early movie. Around 4 in the afternoon. Hangover II. Then dinner. They enjoyed the movie. Corey said he was laughing so much, he was actually crying. The movie takes place in Thailand. After dinner, Lisa and Corey had dinner on the Thai boat that sits in the water off the boulevard. Neither had been there before. They wanted to continue the movie experience. Both said the food was outstanding.
So it was me and the grandkids!
We started with a couple of hours in the pool. I am old! Too much for me. Really tired me out. But no rest for me. I was the babysitter.
We decided on Hogfish for dinner. We drove over in the new convertible. Robert and Ally had never ridden in one before. I put the top down, their car seats in, and off we went!
They loved it! Shouts of joy!
Hogfish had a guitar player singing. Robert and Ally were fixated upon him. Both have toyed around a bit with Cameron’s guitar.
Ally’s birthday was last week. One of her gifts from a young lady friend was a purse with contents. The contents included a driver’s license and a credit card. Ally proudly showed them to me before we left home.
When the bill came, I had Ally pay with her credit card. It is not for real, of course. A Barbie credit card. The waitress cooperated. I even had Ally print her name on the bill. An educational experience.
Then I took them home.
It was still early enough to be a bit of a Louis Saturday night.
I started at the Chart Room. Emily bartending. Where was Michael?
Emily is a loyal blog reader. Who gave you the car, she wanted to know.
Afterwards, I went to Don’s Place. Michelle was there. I like Michelle. A good person. Kurt was bartending. We chatted a bit. The proposed golf trip the topic.
The guys want to do a golf trip. Larry is putting it together. Not easy to do. He has his hands full.
First, it was going to be four of us. The four grew to eight. Now twelve. Some want to reduce it to eight. Fort Myers is the location. We were going to take the ferry. A four hour trip. Now some want to drive. Do we rent a house? Some prefer a motel. I am beginning to wonder whether this trip will hold together!
All of a sudden, I tired. Really tired. Kids are tiring. The pool knocked me out. Even more, when you babysit you have to be conscious of the little ones all the time. It is pleasure and work combined.
So I was off to home and an early bed.
Today. What? I don’t know. Whatever.
I hope to do the Gardens at cocktail time. It has been a while. I would like to follow the Gardens with dinner at the bar at La Trattoria. Charming Kathy will be bartending. I can use a little Becha, also.
The Miami/Dallas game is at 8. I want to watch the game.
Too many things in the same time frame.
We shall see how the day develops. I take it as it comes. That is how I live these days.
Enjoy your Sunday!
I am so glad to hear about your car, especially i always said you looked good in blue !!!
Perhaps having another car around just like yours is not so bad. You have someone else to blame if you get into trouble! I am dying to know who gave it to you thou…I think it is the MTV house guy from Switzerland.
Louis, if you have friends that can afford to buy you a new car just because you're a good guy, you are more than truely blessed! You are abundantly, beyond belief blessed. No one's life is perfect, but yours is about as close as it can get!