I am sure you noticed that the blog the past three days has been one hugh papragraph. I don’t know what went wrong. What, if anything, I did wrong. Jenna fixed it yesterday, however. It took her two days off and on.
What would I do without Jenna! Too bad we are 50 years apart. If our ages were substantially closer, I would marry her! Assuming she would have me, of course.
The weather continues to be fantastic! The best Key West winter in years. While the north is experiencing its worst. A real bad winter up there!
Yesterday started with a business meeting at 11. Then to the Coffee House. Browsed through the New York Times and sipped. The place was packed. The tourist season is in full swing.
I did lunch at home. Me and my blender.
After lunch, I went to Lee Nails. Needed a manicure. Chatted with Tammy.
Tammy and her husband are hard working people. They seek the American dream. For some it may still be achievable. They are self rfeliant. They are proprietors of their own small business. I hope it works for them.
After the manicure, it was over to Lisa’s home. No one there. I had to pick up some paperwork she had left for me. I stayed a while. Read the Citizen. Watched TV. Lisa has a red easy chair. It is so comfortable! I enjoy sitting in it.
Spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at home. Writing the book. Getting ready for friday’s Key West Lou Legal Hour.
Golf this morning. Larry and Jenna Show tonight. A nap in between. A good day ahead!
A Facebook comment said Jean Thornton just got out of the hospital. Did not say what was wrong with her. She was supposed to return to Key West today or tomorrow. The comment suggested she might not. Whatever the problem Jean, get better soon and return to us. You are loved by all!
Marty! Come back! I miss you!
This morning’s TV and internet news report the Libyan rebels are moving…..backward. They are in retreat. I hope it is temporary. I continue to be of the opinion that we do not belong there!
Enjoy your day!